XSF Discussion - 2017-03-25

  1. fippo

    so it seems xabber was only one of ~100 clients that got a note similar to https://twitter.com/Xabber_XMPP/status/844865634672435200

  2. fippo

    according to https://www.golem.de/news/meldepflicht-bundesnetzagentur-will-hundert-jabber-clients-regulieren-1703-126929.html

  3. Ge0rG

    fippo: that article is full of bullshit, I just don't know if that was created by the author or by BNetzA.

  4. dwd

    fippo, There was at least one reply to that tweet asserting it was a fake anyway.

  5. Guus

    SamWhited, I assume that you're sleeping now?

  6. Guus

    (some people surprise me)

  7. Guus

    I'm not sure how to proceed on https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/issues/224

  8. Guus

    psa's comment suggests that the content is now on the website, elsewhere?

  9. Guus

    as for the feeds: I don't know how to get started on those.

  10. Guus

    intosi / tobias / kev / mattJ : your help is likely required again, and at the very least muchly appreciated.

  11. Guus

    there are various issues open that depend on you, I think. I'd be happy to resolve issues myself, but that'd require more privileges than that I now have (access to the server, primarily)

  12. jonasw

    what is going in

  13. jonasw


  14. jonasw

    did anyone turn off MSN here?

  15. jonasw

    trying to send a message with poezio gets me "not-acceptable"

  16. jonasw


  17. jonasw

    hm, it’s fine after a re-join

  18. Zash
