XSF Discussion - 2017-12-24

  1. @Alacer

    Wish You all a Blessed Christmas and a Great Year Ahead.

  2. vanitasvitae

    Happy holidays everyone!

  3. vanitasvitae

    Looks like we really need an XMPP blockchain feature: https://youtu.be/OHQnyfS-a3U

  4. edhelas

    Happy Holidays to everyone :) ! Which you many XEPs for the new years!

  5. daniel

    > Looks like we really need an XMPP blockchain feature: You think you are joking...

  6. Zash

    Was that their marketing department blowing the rest of this years budget or what?

  7. daniel

    apparently there wasn't much left…

  8. Ge0rG

    Is there a non video version of it?

  9. vanitasvitae

    Ge0rG: https://cointelegraph.com/news/exclusive-telegram-to-release-blockchain-platform-native-cryptocurrency

  10. pep.

    I think both telegram and signal are confused, April 1st is in a few months

  11. Ge0rG

    vanitasvitae: that looks like they are cooperating with moxie indeed.