XSF Discussion - 2018-04-22

  1. winfried

    pep.: that is OK, we need a bit more structure to get 1.1e done

  2. lovetox

    pep., what was the adress of the programming channel?

  3. pep.


  4. lovetox

    its useless to argue for or about xmpp with people

  5. lovetox

    lets say you win all arguments and suddenly all people say ok XMPP is the best, now show me the clients

  6. lovetox

    and then you have a bunch of half assed clients that can only do everything a little bit

  7. lovetox

    what i want to say is, dev great clients, then you dont have to argue with anyone about what standard is the best

  8. Zash

    Unless you enjoy arguing, why bother?

  9. Zash

    More fun to work on improving the things :)

  10. Ge0rG

    Damn, I love arguing. But not with potential users, developers of crappy and half assed xmpp software are a much better target.

  11. Zash

    Yeeees, steal time away from actually improving the things, eeeeexcellent.

  12. Ge0rG

    While we are at it... lovetox, when will gajim stop cutting JIDs in half everywhere?

  13. Maranda


  14. lovetox

    when i have time to rewrite the account creation wizard

  15. Ge0rG will start promoting xmpp again when there is at least one decent desktop or web client and when prosody stops forgetting about push registered iOS devices

  16. Maranda

    ... So between now and Ragnarok got it.

  17. Ge0rG

    And by decent I mean one that's not a nightmare to configure and that's not eating my messages

  18. Ge0rG

    But I know I have unrealistically high requirements

  19. Maranda

    Ge0rG's requirements ®️

  20. Zash

    s/between now and/after/

  21. Zash

    Vote Giant Comet 2018!

  22. Maranda


  23. Ge0rG

    lovetox: please consider that as opposed to you, for a new user the account creation dialog is literally the first impression of your client