XSF Discussion - 2018-06-23

  1. Link Mauve

    It’s weird how much more popular legacy OpenPGP is during the evening, and OMEMO during the morning, with plain text being preferred the rest of the time.

  2. Link Mauve

    I wonder if that’s because people pick their phone first thing in the morning, and thus are more likely to use Conversations at this time, while afterwards they are at work/at home and use a normal workstation.

  3. Link Mauve

    It still doesn’t explain the surge of legacy OpenPGP in the evening.

  4. Ge0rG

    uhm what?

  5. Link Mauve

    I’m looking at my new stats, about which e2ee method is used (or not).

  6. Link Mauve

    Also, I’m sad the only e2ee method where EME is used is OMEMO. :(

  7. Link Mauve

    Ge0rG, https://stats.jabberfr.org/d/000000002/node-exporter-stats?refresh=30s&panelId=36&fullscreen&orgId=1&from=now-24h&to=now

  8. Link Mauve

    You can Ctrl-click on “message” to disable it, it counts every single <message/>, not only those which are detected as having a payload.

  9. Link Mauve

    Also surprisingly, I haven’t seen a single OTR message, something must be wrong with how I detect them.

  10. vanitasvitae

    Link Mauve: OX-IM also uses EME.

  11. Link Mauve

    vanitasvitae, I know, but I’ve seen exactly no OX message going through JabberFR’s server yet.

  12. vanitasvitae
