XSF Discussion - 2018-08-15

  1. vanitasvitae

    Oh hey, now there is an XMPP Mastodon account :D

  2. vanitasvitae


  3. Link Mauve

    vanitasvitae, that’s 404.city’s personal account it seems.

  4. vanitasvitae

    Yes it is

  5. vanitasvitae

    Just want to point out that there is still no official XMPP mastodon account :(

  6. edhelas

    What will be the "official one", you can create an official account on several servers. Should we have to deploy our own instance?

  7. Link Mauve

    vanitasvitae, you mean an XSF account?

  8. Link Mauve

    You can suggest that to the comm team.

  9. Link Mauve

    See commteam@muc.xmpp.org (xmpp:commteam@muc.xmpp.org?join).

  10. Dave Cridland

    For your amusement, Laura told me I could share this with everyone: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TefnTzRMrZJ3QoYiqci222SHzgFDy_Yd

  11. Link Mauve

    Dave Cridland, we can’t access it (without a Google account maybe?).

  12. Dave Cridland

    Link Mauve, Ooops! Default sharing rules are silly. Fixed.

  13. Link Mauve

    D’aww !

  14. flow

    cute :)

  15. Seve

    Haha, lovely!

  16. edhelas

    cute :3

  17. vanitasvitae

    Link Mauve: strange, conversations added the muc as a contact :D manually joining the muc worked though

  18. Link Mauve

    vanitasvitae, you mean it doesn’t understand ?join as targetting a MUC? :/

  19. vanitasvitae

    Looks like it

  20. vanitasvitae

    Maybe becuase of tue parenthesis?

  21. Link Mauve

    Uh, there are no parentheses here.

  22. Link Mauve

    Not in my message anyway.

  23. Link Mauve

    Maybe the dot after the link?

  24. vanitasvitae

    > See commteam@muc.xmpp.org (xmpp:commteam@muc.xmpp.org?join). I mean the link is in parentheses

  25. Link Mauve

    Some clients (like poezio) display XHTML-IM links like that, when the content doesn’t match the URL.

  26. Link Mauve

    Other ones prefer to put the URL in a status bar on hover, like web browsers.

  27. Link Mauve

    I don’t know how Conversations does it.

  28. Ge0rG

    If you store a MUC PM for later transmission, and rejoin the MUC, is it a good idea to deliver the PM even if you have no way to check whether the participant is the same person as before?

  29. pep.

    I would question storing the PM in the first place if not (instead of returning an error). Also, I'd prefer not to tbh. Unless you see realjids, but that might not be the case anymore when you get back to the room

  30. MattJ

    Yeah, seems like you should just fail on that one

  31. Ge0rG

    But in 99.9% of cases it's the same person!

  32. Zash

    What if they leave and someone else enter with the same nickname just as you press Send?

  33. Ge0rG

    Yes, you can't be sure! There are always race conditions!

  34. Ge0rG

    So I can store and send out as well, for better usability.

  35. Ge0rG

    Make XMPP Not Lose Messages Again

  36. edhelas

    is it possible to mute a user in a MUC ?

  37. Zash

    Hm, perhaps the server could prevent direct reuse of nicknames too quickly after someone leaves

  38. MattJ

    Just in the Prosody MUC today someone joined via the webchat and then left and rejoined from their client using their actual account

  39. MattJ

    What would have happened in that case?

  40. Zash


  41. Zash

    wait, conflict, try a gain in a moment

  42. Zash

    MattJ: Hm, also if they reconnect with to the web chat...

  43. Zash

    Tho in cases where the MUC knows about anonymous auth, maybe it can be more lenient

  44. lovetox

    edhelas, yes with privacy lists

  45. lovetox

    Gajim allows blocking users in MUCs

  46. edhelas

    no I mean more admins that are allowing users to stay but cannot talk to anyone

  47. lovetox

    yes set channel to moderate

  48. lovetox

    and give people voice

  49. MattJ

    Yes, if the room is moderated and their role is set to visitor

  50. edhelas

    oh nice :)

  51. edhelas


  52. dos

    hmm... is there a way for transport to send something like an outgoing carbon? (so if you send a message natively on a foreign network, XMPP client shows it too?)

  53. Ge0rG

    dos: this was discussed recently. Sent carbons MUST come from your bare JID for security reasons. IIRC we had an idea for a workaround on standards@