XSF Discussion - 2018-09-24

  1. dos

    what would be the best approach to implement "carbons", but for the transport contacts? 🤔 (so the message sent directly through the legacy network can show up in the xmpp conversation)

  2. Ge0rG

    dos: write a new XEP where the transport is allowed to send carbons to a user

  3. Ge0rG

    dos: there was a thread at https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2018-January/034224.html

  4. Ge0rG

    f'up at https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2018-February/034267.html

  5. moparisthebest

    I implemented a, uh, client side transport that way

  6. moparisthebest

    Kind of, it's a dumb echo component so carbons and mam and such just work for free

  7. jonas’

    dos, https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0356.html might be interesting in that regard

  8. goffi

    dos: what kind of transport are you implementing? Will it be publicly available/libre ?

  9. Maranda

    hm any client doing scram-sha256?

  10. SamWhited

    Maranda: Conversations does, also my dummy test client https://github.com/mellium/communique-tui

  11. Maranda

    SamWhited, ok giving it a go then, the code *should* already work with it, I just need to change the hash algorithm.

  12. Maranda

    SamWhited, ok giving it a go then, the code *should* already work with it, I just need to change the hash algorithm function.

  13. Maranda

    (and store sha256 keys)

  14. Maranda

    SamWhited, what Conversations does if one mechanism fails?

  15. Maranda

    does it try another?

  16. SamWhited

    Maranda: sort of; it falls back but it's also more complicated than that. If it manages to connect successfully the first time it "pins" the auth mechanism used and will only use one with that or a higher level of security in the future to prevent downgrade attacks

  17. SamWhited

    So if it uses SCRAM-SHA-1 once it will use SCRAM-SHA-256 if support is added, but if that works and it logs in it won't use SCRAM-SHA-1 anymore.

  18. Zash

    Problem: How do you upgrade the hashes?

  19. Maranda

    SamWhited, because obviously users will have to change their password to add SHA256 keys

  20. Maranda

    Zash, you don't

  21. Maranda

    Zash, I just save keys for both hashing algorithm figured it was much easier that way

  22. SamWhited

    Zash: do a rolling upgrade when users change passwords?

  23. Maranda


  24. SamWhited

    I don't know what's conventional for servers

  25. Maranda

    SamWhited, but you'll have to save keys for both SHA1 and SHA256

  26. SamWhited

    Maranda: if you want to support both, yes. Otherwise you can just advertise whichever you have keys for for that particular user.

  27. Zash

    You don't know which user it is until they try to auth

  28. SamWhited

    But yah, given that sha-256 isn't wide spread I'd probably keep both

  29. Maranda

    SamWhited, huhu I'd not try with the "not supporting both"

  30. Zash

    They have to pick a mechanism first

  31. SamWhited

    Zash: oh yah, good point, setting "from" isn't required on streams.

  32. SamWhited

    Storing both for now is probably easy enough though

  33. Maranda

    For now code just checks if there're keys for one algorithm if not it'll throw a temporary-auth-failure error.

  34. Maranda

    that's why I asked what Conversations does :P

  35. Maranda

    SamWhited, what's that tester code you mentioned again?

  36. Maranda

    (for SCRAM)

  37. SamWhited

    Maranda: https://github.com/mellium/sasl/blob/master/client_test.go

  38. SamWhited

    That reminds me, I still really need to implement the server side of scram in that sasl library

  39. Maranda

    SamWhited, I'm getting some shenanigan with BinaryXOR being performed on ClientSignature and Proof in final message.

  40. Maranda

    le sigh.

  41. moparisthebest

    So uh, isn't storing sha1 hash of password server side just as bad as plaintext?

  42. moparisthebest

    And basically same deal with sha256 ?

  43. moparisthebest

    Seems likely plain auth would be better so you could store it with scrypt or bcrypt?

  44. SamWhited

    moparisthebest: it's not a sha1 hash, sha1 is just used for data integrity in an hmac

  45. moparisthebest

    So what's the talk about how it's stored?

  46. Zash


  47. SamWhited

    A lot of servers store an intermediate step in the SCRAM process or some other hash.

  48. pep.

    moparisthebest, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4938906/is-sha1-still-secure-for-use-as-hash-function-in-pbkdf2

  49. Zash

    To verify bcrypt or scrypt as is, you need the plain text password. SCRAM doesn't require that

  50. moparisthebest

    I have to read up on SCRAM

  51. Zash

    You do

  52. Zash

    It's not comparable with bcrypt. It uses PBKDF2 which does that kind of job, but then there is XOR magic.

  53. SamWhited

    moparisthebest: TL;DR when you want to upgrade, for example, a web apps password from bcrypt and salted to something else, say PBKDF2 or argon2, you wait for the user to log in, then you hash the password with bcrypt, compare to make sure it's the right one, then hash it with the new thing and save the new hash. However, with SCRAM you never actually send the password, you send a verifiable proof that you possess the password, but there's no way to upgrade that proof to a proof for a different scheme.

  54. jonas’

    SCRAM is a pretty amazing thing

  55. jonas’

    SamWhited, unless you force the user to change passwords

  56. jonas’

    or downgrade to PLAIN only, which is what I did. (and which Conversations didn’t let me do painlessly)

  57. jonas’

    (which is a good thing imo)

  58. SamWhited

    Right, we don't currently have a good way to force upgrades.

  59. SamWhited

    It could be done because SCRAM performs mutual authentication, so once the server is authenticated to the client it could send a "please send your password in plain and upgrade to SCRAM-SHA-256" message, but we don't have a way to do that currently.

  60. pep.

    IBR doesn't even do SCRAM, which is something I wanted to tackle, but I'll pass the baton to whomever says a word about it :P

  61. SamWhited

    pep. feel free to provide feedback or implementations of https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0389.html

  62. pep.


  63. SamWhited

    It needs a lot more work, but part of the idea was to let IBR use regular SASL mechanisms

  64. pep.

    Thanks, I completely missed it

  65. jonas’

    SamWhited, seems like a thing which SASL2 could do

  66. jonas’

    (the upgrade thing)

  67. SamWhited

    yah, it's probably something we should think about.

  68. SamWhited

    Although, it could probably be backwards compatible by just defining a message the server can send to the client at any time that tells it "clear any pinned auth mechanisms" then the server could force a reconnect and only offer PLAIN the next time.

  69. pep.

    That kind of defeats the point of doing SCRAM no?

  70. SamWhited

    pep. no, because it would only happen after you've authed the server

  71. pep.

    What do you mean

  72. SamWhited

    You know you're talking to the correct server, so starting over and using something it can generate hashes from is fine

  73. pep.

    But the point of SCRAM for me is that the server doesn't know about your plaintext password. So if you do PLAIN ~

  74. dos

    jonas’: thanks, haven't though about 356 for that :)

  75. SamWhited

    pep. I suppose that's fair

  76. SamWhited

    It seems much better to have a way to flexibly and rapidly upgrade auth mechanisms when an attack is discovered than to worry about a server secretly storing your password when it probably got it at some point when you registered anyways

  77. SamWhited

    It could also just be a "clear your SCRAM-bits cache and don't start from the intermediate step" message too though, I suppose.

  78. pep.

    You still need to use some protocol to set your password right with SCRAM, does that exist in 389? I haven't read through. TBH I don't mind doing PLAIN with clients that don't support, they should update, that's not my fault. But if possible I want to keep the assumptions the user has with me

  79. dos

    goffi: so far I'm just looking at improving spectrum2; my goal is to have proper facebook, hangouts, discord and maybe matrix bridging for use by me and my friends

  80. SamWhited

    pep. no, 0398 just provides a way for you to define challenges. It was my intention to define a SASL one.

  81. pep.


  82. SamWhited

    But it does add the ability for us to do that

  83. SamWhited

    Actually, that one should probably just be one of the mandatory ones that's included in 0398 itself. Right now there's just one for submitting a form like in regular IBR

  84. Maranda growls

  85. Maranda


  86. moparisthebest

    meh pep. I mean you use a different password with each service anyway, why does it matter if your server has it?

  87. moparisthebest

    also lets me support same password for xmpp, email, and http auth easily, and with a strong hash on the server

  88. pep.

    moparisthebest, you do, yes

  89. pep.

    I am sure 90% of a public service like jabberfr.org doesn't

  90. moparisthebest

    my question is, is whatever 'part of scram whatever' that your server stores hard to reverse or not?

  91. pep.

    I also do fwiw. It's not me I'm worried about

  92. SamWhited

    You have to trust the server for the most part anyways, that's part of XMPP's security model and you almost certainly had to send the server your password somehow when you first signed up, so it could have saved it then if it really wanted to

  93. SamWhited

    So if you're going to worry about other people reusing passwords and the server saving a plain copy of it, you have a lot more work to do.

  94. pep.

    SamWhited, yeah, which is why I also want SCRAM/IBR

  95. pep.

    step by step

  96. SamWhited

    Doesn't seem worth bothering with to me; just send the server your password on occasion. It's not significantly worse from a security standpoint, and might even be significantly better since it allows for more agile password hashing schemes in the event that the one you're using is discovered to be flawed.

  97. SamWhited

    But I dunno, I'm just thinking out loud. Maybe there's an easy way to make SCRAM upgrade-able too.

  98. pep.

    I wouldn't mind a force password reset fwiw

  99. pep.

    I guess we do all that to protect against offline attacks. So when for some reason we want to change hashes, we also don't want to keep $old_hash around, otherwise that defeats the point of why we keep hashes in the first place, which makes us lose the ability to authenticate users at all and certainly require another channel :/

  100. Zash

    moparisthebest: The stuff that SCRAM lets you store is hard to reverse, yes.

  101. moparisthebest

    but compared to bcrypt/scrypt/?

  102. moparisthebest

    like have cryptographers agreed it is *as* hard to reverse as those

  103. Zash

    moparisthebest: It uses a password stretching function called Password Based Key Derivation Function no 2

  104. Zash

    I'd put it in the same class of things as bcrypt and scrypt

  105. Zash

    I wouldn't consider that part all that important, I'm pretty sure you could switch it out for bcrypt/script/whatever and have the overall SCRAM construct still work

  106. Zash

    Thing is, those password stretching functions take a password and some salt and give you a key. SCRAM magic consists of adding two-three layers of hashes on that and some XOR in a way that lets you store the password *everywhere*

  107. Zash

    Ie Client can store hashed stuff. Server can store hashed stuff.

  108. Zash

    Hashed stuff on the wire.

  109. Maranda

    SamWhited, I'm not sure what's wrong here... apparently bxor is broken by some additional x byte in the proof.

  110. moparisthebest

    it just sounds very complicated, normally you don't want very complicated in your security proofs

  111. Zash

    moparisthebest: It's not all that complicated

  112. Maranda

    it's 21 iterations instead of 20, the 21th is truncated and breaks XOR

  113. Zash

    moparisthebest: Not sure if you need to understand how it works to understand this description: https://prosody.im/pastebin/6f7b2c8b-8952-458b-a1d2-36d29bacd345

  114. SamWhited

    moparisthebest: PBKDF2 is still considered secure, yes. I beleive OWASP recommends it over scrypt and it's usable if you're looking for FIPS compliance

  115. moparisthebest

    yea just wasn't sure if PBKDF2 was what was stored or not

  116. SamWhited

    Its weakness is that it can be implemented with very little RAM, scrypt does a better job there

  117. SamWhited

    Yah, you can store the salted password after passing it through PBKDF2 or you can take an hmac of the salted password and a server or client KEY and store that (the "scram bits"). This is what I always store (for no particular reason other than it's one less thing to do later)

  118. Zash

    "StoredKey" is H(HMAC(PBKDF2(password, salt, i), "Client Key"))

  119. SamWhited

    ah yah, forgot you re-hash it too

  120. Zash

    moparisthebest: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5802#section-3

  121. SamWhited

    OWASP recommendations, FWIW: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Password_Storage_Cheat_Sheet

  122. SamWhited

    Hmm, I haven't looked at my SASL implementation in a while, this reminds me that I also need to add some mechanism for caching keys or resuming a calculation so that the user can build a mechanism for caching keys

  123. SamWhited

    That's going to be a pain to come up with a good API for

  124. pep.

    SamWhited, moparisthebest, fwiw I'd prefer to avoid passwords at all and use client certs I generate. That can leak I don't actually care.

  125. moparisthebest

    how do you sign in with a new client then?

  126. moparisthebest

    if you say password I'm going to ask what the point is :)

  127. SamWhited

    I'd like something like that where when you sign in with a new client it shows a pop-up on your old client and if you hit yes, you're signed in.

  128. pep.

    yeah, I was going to say something similar

  129. pep.

    Not that I have really researched on the subject

  130. SamWhited

    It's hard to get a good UX that way (see OMEMO which is a pain in the ass to use), but I do think it can be done with a lot of work.

  131. pep.

    Also you still need another channel for recovery

  132. SamWhited

    We should probably get a basic password flow working reasonably well first though.

  133. SamWhited

    Yah, recovery is more or less the same no matter what you have. If you want to be able to recover, you need some other channel. Email or what have you.

  134. Zash

    What if you have some kind of shared secret that you can remember in your brain?

  135. pep.

    Somebody said passwords?

  136. SamWhited

    (IBR2 also supports recovery specifically, FWIW)

  137. pep.

    This I really like in 389: A client SHOULD be able to register an account without requiring the user to leave the client. A client MUST be able to use the same mechanism to register an account and to recover a forgotten password (subject to server policy).

  138. pep.

    Is there a ordering of XEPs that is not by number btw?

  139. pep.

    By category, by..

  140. pep.

    Ah there's the page on xmpp.org to filter a bit

  141. SamWhited

    That SHOULD should probably be relaxed actually; that really heavily depends on the type of service and probably shouldn't be 2119 language.

  142. pep.

    meh, I think that's the most important part for easy-onboarding

  143. SamWhited

    Yah, but only if you're doing a purely-XMPP personal server. Specs shouldn't be tailored to those.

  144. pep.


  145. SamWhited

    purely-XMPP-public-Jabber-network, that is.

  146. pep.

    But then you have to make everything optional in specifications if you want to support every use case

  147. SamWhited

    I don't want to support every use case, I just don't want to put stupid hard limits in that serve no purpose that everyone will just ignore anyways

  148. SamWhited

    The recommendation is good, but RFC 2119 language isn't really suitable here

  149. SamWhited

    In other words: we can have a design considerations section, but it shouldn't be normative.

  150. pep.

    I was saying that more as a general rule, as in, "it's indentally what happens the more use-case you want to support"

  151. SamWhited

    I agree with that, but that's not what's happening here

  152. pep.


  153. SamWhited

    Even if the spec were deliberately an XMPP-only/public jabber spec for some reason, design considerations that are only tangentially related to the spec probably shouldn't be normative 2119 language

  154. SamWhited

    (I'm not suggesting that entire line should be removed, in case I'm not being clear: just that it should say "should" instead of "SHOULD")

  155. pep.

    I don't think 2119 mandates CAPS does it

  156. SamWhited

    pep. it does (or at least, an update does, I forget exactly where it says that)

  157. pep.

    "These words are often capitalized"

  158. pep.

    So, no

  159. SamWhited


  160. pep.


  161. SamWhited

    I'm saying 2119 out of habit

  162. pep.

    hah, I see

  163. pep.

    Just for this exact use case :P

  164. SamWhited

    But yah, however it's done I just mean that the language in that sentence should not be normative. I assume lowercase does that, but maybe it would just need to be rephrased.

  165. peter

    My preference as a spec author is to use MUST, SHOULD, MAY etc. only in caps, and to use other words (ought, might, can, etc.) if the normative force is not intended.

  166. SamWhited

    Agreed; that's probably a good thing to do to reduce confusion.

  167. peter


  168. Maranda

    Signature 32 bytes, Proof 20 bytes

  169. Maranda


  170. Maranda

    SamWhited, that doesn't look right

  171. Maranda

    (what Conversations does)

  172. SamWhited

    I'm not at my desk right now but I did test it against a server impl, it's quite possible something is still wrong though (I'm assuming that's in the scram-sha256 code somewhere?)