XSF Discussion - 2019-02-03

  1. 404.city

    intosi, Kev, MattJ, ralphm Could replace the link on the page https://xmpp.org/getting-started/ Replace the link https://list.jabber.at/ to https://compliance.conversations.im/

  2. ralphm

    We're cleaning up at FOSDEM. Please file a PR.

  3. ralphm


  4. Ge0rG

    404.city: those lists are not the same. Also: why?

  5. 404.city

    Ge0rG, The new catalog is better than the old

  6. pep.

    The compliance tester is not a catalogue

  7. 404.city

    intosi, Kev MattJ ralphm the file https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/517

  8. pep.

    It's a compliance tester

  9. pep.

    Just like it says in the name

  10. 404.city

    pep., This is an independent directory. Anyone can add your server. Users can watch server features

  11. pep.

    Yes I know what the compliance tester is, thanks

  12. jonas’

    I don’t think we should promote a listing which ranks servers by arbitrary criteria

  13. pep.

    Well any criteria is not going to be good enough for the next person. I don't think xmpp.org should point to a list at all imho

  14. jonas’

    a listing which is sorted alphabetically as an entry point is probably okay

  15. 404.city

    jonas’ I agree with you. Criteria for adding a server to the list.jabber.at - the server is liked by admin jabber.at. The reasons for removing the server do not like admin jabber.at.

  16. pep.

    How is the compliance tester better. You're sorted by arbitrary criteria as well. As in, it's often not useful to check all the boxes, and those who do might actually not, even.

  17. 404.city

    pep., The fact that this list is independent. Anyone can add your server

  18. Zash

    Doesn't that apply to both?

  19. 404.city

    Zash, I was banned by the admin list.jabber.at

  20. pep.

    404.city: I don't think that's what you want for users anyway. I'd like an opinionated list with clear criteria (even if it's "the maintainer of the list has to know the server operator")

  21. 404.city

    Zash, He directly said who I want to add and add. Who I want and delete

  22. pep.

    That's why I don't think xmpp.org is a good venue

  23. Ge0rG

    404.city [18:49]: > Zash, I was banned by the admin list.jabber.at What was the reason?

  24. pep.

    404.city: tbh, judging by your latest actions I'm not really surprised, but heh

  25. 404.city

    pep., Personal conflicts should not affect the addition or removal from the list represented by XMPP.ORG

  26. Ge0rG

    404.city: was that before or after you blocked s2s with them?

  27. 404.city

    Ge0rG, I just want an independent server list

  28. Zash

    Make your own

  29. Ge0rG

    404.city: we all want one. But nobody so far invested the time to maintain an objective list.

  30. Zash

    Both those lists are independent. Both could ban you for any reason.

  31. 404.city

    Users go to the site xmpp.org

  32. Zash

    Neither are affiliated with xmpp.org

  33. mati

    *sigh* so what does this guy want here?

  34. Zash

    This kind of thing is why XSF people might be reluctant to host a list or even link to one at all.

  35. pep.

    I'm all for removing that from xmpp.org. That would also prevent horrors like listing pidgin in the client list. But then 404.city, you can only blame yourself for getting removed from that list.

  36. 404.city

    mati, I want an independent server list

  37. pep.

    Well that's what the jabber.at list is?

  38. mati

    pep., I guess he doesn't like the way it's independent

  39. pep.

    You mean you want a list officially promoted where you appear

  40. mati

    Disclaimer: I run that list.

  41. pep.

    404.city: why do you want users that bad, I guess you should answer that first

  42. Ge0rG

    There was a similar debacle about the get-started list some months ago

  43. Ge0rG

    404.city: you were told back then that you need to gain some trust with the community. This is not how to do it

  44. 404.city

    mati, I don’t like that XMPP.ORG offers a list of servers with a bad update and deletion of servers according to personal preferences of the admin jabber.at

  45. pep.

    404.city: please define independent then

  46. 404.city

    Ge0rG, I will not forgive add my server. I will forgive add freedom server list

  47. Ge0rG

    > 404.city: was that before or after you blocked s2s with them? Still interested in that

  48. Ge0rG


  49. mati

    Ge0rG, I removed the server, before he blocked s2s connections.

  50. moparisthebest

    Not knowing much about this, seems to me a list with clear, checkable criteria anyone can double check independently, that any server can be added to would ALWAYS be better than one where 1 person/group chose manually?

  51. mati

    it's a list of XMPP servers that are usable and that I (or you, or anyone) can tell others to use. It has been around for almost 10 years. It tests SRV records, etc, and homepages are actually visited manually be me to check if they contain meaningful information.

  52. moparisthebest

    I'd vote replace the link with such a list, or remove the link

  53. Ge0rG

    moparisthebest: would you assist your vote by creating and maintaining that list?

  54. mati

    All that is clearly documented when you add the server. If something isn't right, the site gives feedback.

  55. 404.city

    mati, You deleted the server 404 because you didn’t like my position

  56. moparisthebest

    Ge0rG: uh no, that's the whole point, no one should be in charge of maintaining it

  57. moparisthebest

    Sounds accept unlimited arbitrary submissions and check them against a defined criteria with code

  58. mati

    And I personally wouldn't tell anyone to use a server where your account could get banned just because the admin finds out that you have this or that opinion on XMPP.

  59. moparisthebest

    It's the only fair/impartial way

  60. 404.city

    mati, 404 is a technically good server and a good privacy policy.

  61. Ge0rG

    moparisthebest: somebody needs to write the code and run the site. We hardly have the resources to keep xmpp.net online

  62. moparisthebest

    Ge0rG: well isn't that just the compliance tester?

  63. Ge0rG

    moparisthebest: compliant to what?

  64. mati

    Ge0rG, moparisthebest, I should note that my list code is actually on github, but it's pretty old already and definetly needs some love.

  65. moparisthebest

    The criteria the code checks for

  66. 404.city

    mati, I blocked the your user for manual spam. You just blocked me

  67. moparisthebest

    I'm just saying if the xsf is supposed to be impartial it should link to an impartial list with exact criteria defined by code or no list at all

  68. Ge0rG

    404.city: you blocked the user or the whole domain?

  69. 404.city

    mati, Do you like or dislike the server is the criteria unworthy of XMPP.ORG!

  70. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, you can’t solve social problem with technical solutions.

  71. moparisthebest

    If anyone can remove a server from the list for non technical reasons it's not impartial, and shouldn't be supported by xsf

  72. moparisthebest

    The xsf explicitly doesn't solve social problems I thought

  73. Zash

    moparisthebest: an xmpp service is not a purely technical thing

  74. 404.city

    Ge0rG, I blocked only the user in the conference. I complained to the admin jabber.at about his user, but did not manage to describe the complaint.

  75. moparisthebest

    I think that's all you can grade impartially though

  76. moparisthebest

    Otherwise you get into endlessly hairy situations

  77. moparisthebest

    Like this one

  78. Guus

    The getting started page is there to help people get started. The jabber.at list has info on signing up with many of the listed domains. The compliance checker is great software, but does not really help novice users.

  79. 404.city

    moparisthebest, Better to let jabber.at remove you from list, if c jabber.at is spamming?

  80. 404.city


  81. Guus

    Emphasis on novice.

  82. moparisthebest

    Guus: either the xsf is impartial and needs to link to an entirely impartial list or no list at all, or it's partial and should maintain it's own partial list

  83. moparisthebest

    In my opinion of course

  84. 404.city

    moparisthebest, Now beginners prefer to use https://compliance.conversations.im/

  85. moparisthebest

    I don't actually care about particulars of this case, I don't care if a server was removed because it broke local laws, either way that means it's not impartial

  86. 404.city

    moparisthebest, I support your opinion

  87. moparisthebest

    Hell we list Pidgin when we all agree that's a terrible idea, but somehow it's ok to have an arbitrary King of servers... Pretty inconsistent...

  88. Link Mauve

    404.city, do you have a public list of bannable behaviours from users on your server?

  89. Ge0rG

    moparisthebest: except we should remove pidgin from the list

  90. Zash

    moparisthebest: Pidgin is a great example of what happens if you have technical criteria.

  91. Link Mauve

    MattJ, did you manage to get in touch with the Pidgin guys at FOSDEM?

  92. Zash

    Link Mauve: There were Pidgin people at FOSDEM?

  93. Guus

    moparisthebest: I hear you, but maintaining a list of our own would require more resources that we have available. The current list is the next best thing as far as I'm concerned. (Happy to add more lists btw). Not providing any list would defeat the purpose of having a getting started page.

  94. mati

    moparisthebest, so just so I get this straight: If an XMPP server illegally sells all private data and chats to an advertising company, it should not be removed from a list, because that wouldn't be impartial?

  95. Link Mauve

    Zash, apparently there was one person who wrote some patches at some point.

  96. Link Mauve

    Hmm, by that metric I would count too. :x

  97. moparisthebest

    Zash: right, but the choice is technical criteria (impartial) or being partial, I don't see a third option

  98. Zash

    moparisthebest: There's no choice, you can't be impartial

  99. moparisthebest

    I'm fine either way actually, I just dislike saying we are impartial if we are not

  100. mati

    I btw. also (like Guus) advocate that other lists are added there too. I'm happy that my list is there, but I see no reason why conversations.im shouldn't be there too

  101. Zash

    All you can do is pretend that you're impartial when you're defining the criteria

  102. mati

    and if 404.city makes a list, then add his list too, please.

  103. Zash

    How about everyone makes their own list, and then everyone makes lists of lists, and then the XSF lists those lists

  104. moparisthebest

    mati: right if an server also required users to overthrow the govt of France and worship the admin as a God you still can't remove it if you are impartial

  105. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, being neutral doesn’t mean being impartial.

  106. Guus

    The compliance checker is not suitable for a 'getting started' kind of user (it is way to technical), which is why it is not linked on that page. I love that checker though, but it serves another purpose.

  107. Link Mauve

    If some specific software or service is actively being harmful, there is no issue with removing it.

  108. Link Mauve

    Hmm, actually banning those is still being impartial, they did something you consider not fitting with your goals, and remove advertisement for them.

  109. Zash

    Guus: It's being used for that already. Everyone loves collecting all the green checkmarks

  110. moparisthebest

    Link Mauve: IF that's one of the criteria sure

  111. Guus

    Zash: sure, but not by people that don't really know what XMPP is and need to figure out how to register an account.

  112. Link Mauve

    I don’t see much contentious issue with that.

  113. moparisthebest

    Public criteria

  114. 404.city

    Terms of use 404.city Any illegal activity is prohibited. Illegal activities are not protected by a privacy policy - It is forbidden to send spam. Prohibited intrusive advertising other messengers (Telegram, Matrix, etc)

  115. moparisthebest


  116. Guus

    Zash: aka my mum.

  117. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, so better start documenting those.

  118. Zash

    Guus: Everyone knows that more green == more better

  119. moparisthebest

    Link Mauve: that's why I like compliance tester or similar, it's already documented with code

  120. wurstsalat


  121. Guus

    Zash: sure, but the compliance checker list does not link to pages that explain how to register at a particular service. The jabber.at list does.

  122. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, that doesn’t take any of the social issues into account.

  123. Link Mauve

    But please make a compliance tester for clients, so we can stop advertising Pidgin on this merit alone.

  124. Zash

    Guus: Indeed, but doesn't the compliance checker check for IBR? Then you just type the domain into your client and It Just Works. (Not saying this is good)

  125. mati

    I thought most servers have disabled IBR nowadays.

  126. Guus

    Zash: I don't think that the intended audience for the getting started page understand that.

  127. Zash

    Guus: Probably not. I don't think it stops them if they have a client that supports IBR.

  128. Link Mauve

    mati, IBR is kind of mandatory for novice users.

  129. Guus

    Zash: I assume IBR is mostly disabled?

  130. 404.city

    I would prefer that the lists of servers be created by the code, and not by the admin jabber.at. Admin jabber.at is biased and censored, not respecting the policies "term of use" of other servers

  131. Guus

    To cold to type on mobile phone further. Need to find next train.

  132. Guus


  133. MattJ

    Link Mauve [19:28]: > MattJ, did you manage to get in touch with the Pidgin guys at FOSDEM? Sadly not

  134. Link Mauve


  135. moparisthebest

    Social aspects are useless anyway... Like 404.city says he bans illegal activity, what does that even mean???

  136. moparisthebest

    Illegal where, for whom

  137. Ge0rG

    404.city: so you demand all other service admins to follow your own terms of service now?

  138. Ge0rG now could add "Do not be an asshole" to his ToS and block 404.city?

  139. moparisthebest

    Even something like "overthrowing govts" is something like France wouldn't like to happen there but would like to happen in Venezuela, useless

  140. moparisthebest

    Xsf should focus on the technical side only in my opinion

  141. Zash

    Guus: I wouldn't assume that everyone disables IBR. I think it allows for good UX. It might be common however for it to simply be a redirect to a website.

  142. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, we would like that to happen in France though. :p

  143. moparisthebest

    Lol well right

  144. moparisthebest

    That's basically my point

  145. Ge0rG

    Guus, Zash: I have IBR enabled on yax.im and there are almost zero spam bots

  146. Link Mauve

    When coming back from FOSDEM, I saw a sign saying “the old regime must fall — the people” written on the train. ^^

  147. Zash

    mati: ^ also

  148. Link Mauve

    I also have IBR enabled on jabber.fr and most spam bots are identified and dealt with.

  149. Zash

    IBR is fine if the service admin is being responsible

  150. pep.

    moparisthebest: it's all about social issues, I don't think there is such a thing as impartial. In the end somebody will make a (biased?) decision that others will disagree with.. Even if it's somewhat in line with published ToS

  151. moparisthebest

    pep.: Then IMHO xsf should remove the link or quit claiming to be impartial

  152. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, is the goal to make the website as useless as possible?

  153. Ge0rG

    Link Mauve: apparently ye.

  154. Ge0rG

    Link Mauve: apparently yes

  155. waqas

    Impartiality >> Usefulness, no? I thought that was in the bylaws somewhere

  156. moparisthebest

    Or say we are partial and elect a king of the list Link Mauve

  157. Link Mauve

    Can we then delegate handling of the xmpp.org domain to the XDF (provisional name)?

  158. Link Mauve

    I feel like having it being useful is way more useful than it being impartial.

  159. Link Mauve

    But I may be partial.

  160. moparisthebest

    Or maybe the board gets to vote on servers now

  161. moparisthebest

    I'm ok with basically anything but the current situation of saying "we are impartial, but the servers we recommend are curated by someone we don't know and have no control over" that seems wrong

  162. moparisthebest

    Stop saying we are impartial, stop linking to that list, or make an impartial list

  163. moparisthebest

    Or stop saying we are impartial and come up with a fair process to curate a list

  164. pep.

    Link Mauve: I'm sure it doesn't have to be impartial, it's of course biased. And yeah I'd remove that from xmpp.org and use another more adapted venue

  165. moparisthebest

    That's the hardest though

  166. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, a list of servers will always be incomplete, that prevents it from being fully impartial already so… Why?

  167. moparisthebest

    Not if anyone can submit to it

  168. Link Mauve

    You’re already heavily biaised towards servers which advertise themselves, which have admins speaking English, which know about xmpp.org, etc.

  169. Link Mauve

    You’re already heavily biaised towards servers which advertise themselves, which have admins speaking English, who know about xmpp.org, etc.

  170. Guus

    Found warm train. 😁

  171. Link Mauve

    Found warm home already. ^^

  172. waqas

    Link Mauve: There's also a bias towards XMPP servers

  173. Guus

    I think this is being pulled out of proportion, tbh.

  174. Link Mauve

    waqas, yes, and public ones at that!

  175. moparisthebest

    Pull requests accepted, translations accepted, problems solved

  176. Guus

    I don't see an issue with retaining the jabber.at list, and would add more. I'm not convinced that the compliance checker is a suitable list for that page.

  177. Guus

    > Found warm home already. ^^ Lucky bastard 😉

  178. Link Mauve

    Guus, +1.

  179. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, this is quite fallacious tbh.

  180. Ge0rG

    moparisthebest [19:50]: > Stop saying we are impartial, stop linking to that list, or make an impartial list Linking to an external list is different from maintaining a list

  181. Ge0rG

    We don't have a mandate to only link to impartial sites

  182. Ge0rG

    Otherwise we'd have to remove all external links

  183. moparisthebest

    Great can we remove Pidgin then

  184. Ge0rG

    moparisthebest: I wish we could

  185. moparisthebest

    Since we are partial and most of us want it removed

  186. Ge0rG

    moparisthebest: send a PR

  187. pep.

    You mean another one :)

  188. Ge0rG

    I hated the addition too, because it harms us all, in my opinion. But I'm not on board, so it's not my decision

  189. Ge0rG

    (and yes, I brought that up with Board)

  190. 404.city

    Ge0rG, No, I do not require other servers to follow the rules of 404. I will forgive an independent list of servers on xmpp.org. I don't want admin jabber.at to decide which servers XFS recommends!

  191. vanitasvitae

    Crazy idea: instead of pointing to a list of servers, where the top 10 grow untik they have to close registrations, why not invest energy into sites like yubohost which tell users how to setup and selfhost their own servers easily and *properly*?

  192. pep.

    We need both. Most users will never do that

  193. moparisthebest

    yunohost* presumably

  194. Link Mauve

    vanitasvitae, it’s a significantly higher barrier of entry.

  195. Link Mauve

    Also, most people who can do that already have a server running which can install an XMPP server in an easier way.

  196. vanitasvitae

    Surely, but having mlre servers is not a bad thing

  197. moparisthebest

    I agree though, my mom happily uses my xmpp server, she'd never in a million years set one up

  198. pep.

    "Guus> I don't see an issue with retaining the jabber.at list, and would add more.", then people are going to complain about the order in which your present these lists :p

  199. Zash

    vanitasvitae: 👍

  200. moparisthebest

    pep.: random order of course :)

  201. Ge0rG

    pep.: people are going to complain.

  202. pep.

    vanitasvitae: mlre?

  203. pep.

    Ge0rG: yes, that's my point

  204. vanitasvitae

    > vanitasvitae: mlre? What does that mean? :D

  205. Ge0rG

    404.city: the XSF recommends a list, not servers. There is currently one well maintained list out there.

  206. moparisthebest

    I think he's asking what mlre means

  207. moparisthebest

    I haven't heard that either

  208. Ge0rG

    I think it means "more"

  209. moparisthebest

    Lol too used to acronyms...

  210. vanitasvitae


  211. vanitasvitae

    Ah yeah sorry I meant more servers

  212. vanitasvitae

    I mean, thats the basis of federation.

  213. 404.city

    Ge0rG, List list.jabber.at closed list. Adding to this list depends on one person. This is a biased list

  214. 404.city

    Ge0rG, XFS should not be a place where one person decides which servers to recommend.

  215. moparisthebest

    I think we've beat the horse enough 404.city , put in a pr linking to another list in addition, and a note saying these lists are not impartial

  216. 404.city

    I hope to see a freedom community XFS.

  217. moparisthebest

    I prefer BTRFS

  218. vanitasvitae

    > I prefer BTRFS 😅

  219. Guus

    Guys, I loves the summit & our FOSDEM participation!

  220. Guus

    Thanks everyone, especially those brave enough the get up on the stage to spread the word! 😉

  221. ralphm


  222. 404.city

    mati Ge0rG Can I install the server of the matrix and go to your conferences, offering to abandon your servers? Then you will understand my thoughts... I’ll sign up for jabber.at server to have it delete you if you try to block me)

  223. 404.city

    mati This is a joke, but I expected an understanding of the problem

  224. moparisthebest

    To be clear that's his list, he can do what he wants with it, he can ban you because you like the color yellow, I have no problem with this

  225. moparisthebest

    Only the xsf claiming to be impartial yet linking only to that list :)

  226. moparisthebest

    Anyway, we have the solution, put in a pr 404.city

  227. 404.city

    moparisthebest, I even added both lists list.jabber.at + compliance.conversations.im, let users choose what is best for them, but this was rejected

  228. 404.city

    I think the XFS community is a closed community where new members do not respect. I am disappointed in XFS lobbying interests of old participants. I have bad english that express thoughts correctly.

  229. waqas

    I'm not sure if there's an "XFS community", but I personally find the XMPP community to be one of the nicest to be found online. That was the attraction for me roughly a decade ago.

  230. Guus

    404.city: It must be annoying that your service is not listed, I get that. I will happily add another list (that includes you), but do not think that the compliance checker list is a good list for the Getting Started page.

  231. moparisthebest

    404.city: if I understood the consensus in here a few minutes ago, it was we can add new lists, so put in a PR to do so

  232. mati

    Regardless of whether it's a good idea to add the compliance list there, I just want to point out again that my list is open source and anyone can host a copy.

  233. mati

    And anyone who wants to can file issues or PRs and I'm happy to improve any documentation that is surely missing

  234. mati

    And I like to have independent lists. I'll happily add links to any other list, just like jabber.at has links to the compliance list

  235. 404.city

    Guss If I create a list where there are no preconceived addition terms, will it be added as an alternative?

  236. 404.city

    mati, Add back to your list 404.city

  237. mati

    Guus: thanks for your kind comments on GitHub. That helped my mood.

  238. 404.city

    mati You ruined my mood. I did not quarrel with you, you just picked it up and deleted it

  239. 404.city

    What is the point of XFS if it does not protect the rights of administrators of XMPP servers, but advertises biased lists.

  240. Link Mauve

    Storing files, I guess.

  241. Link Mauve


  242. Link Mauve

    404.city, protecting your rights should be up to your country, tho.

  243. Link Mauve

    Or something similar.

  244. vanitasvitae

    Can we now stop reiterating points that have already been brought up please?

  245. j.r


  246. pep.

    404.city: why do you want users that bad? Seriously. I'd love to have an answer to that question

  247. pep.

    404.city: why do you want users that bad? Seriously. I'd love to have an answer to that question

  248. 404.city

    vanitasvitae, Yes. I see no point in participating in XFS. If I offer a new list of impartial, he will again be rejected

  249. 404.city

    pep., I can not translate your question. Rephrase

  250. j.r

    404.city: why do you trie so hard to gain useres, pep. asked

  251. j.r


  252. 404.city

    j.r, I wanted to open a non-profit organization supporting the development of XMPP, decentralization, etc

  253. vanitasvitae

    Also s/trie/try

  254. j.r

    That doesn't answer the question

  255. j.r

    > Also s/trie/try Typing on mobile xD

  256. 404.city

    j.r, We need more users to attract investment to the opening

  257. vanitasvitae

    You can do that without having a ton of users on yohr server

  258. vanitasvitae

    (Which actually hurts decentralization) :D

  259. 404.city

    vanitasvitae, This you can do. I cant. I am not from the country where it is easy to do

  260. Guus

    For what it's worth: I acted (rejected the PRs) primarily based on motivations that I know are not universally agreed upon by the XSF members. If desired, we can bring this before the board.

  261. Ge0rG

    404.city: so you have an undisclosed financial interest in the users? What do you offer your investors?

  262. Ge0rG

    Guus: I wish you had rejected the pidgin pr on such grounds

  263. Guus

    Ge0rG: let's handle one hot potato at a time 😁

  264. 404.city

    vanitasvitae, Developing modern XMPP clients on PCs requires large investments

  265. j.r

    Also just to say: 404.city provocatively registered @xmpp@mastodon.social as Mastodon ID... it looks a bit like an official account of the XFS or so if you see the handle first

  266. Guus

    j.r: I'm guessing you did not yet finish eating your popcorn? 😆

  267. j.r

    Guus: yeay

  268. j.r

    * yea

  269. vanitasvitae

    j.r: yeah it would be nice if that handle would be transfered over to the XSF / if the XSF would have acted earlier to be present on the fediverse.

  270. Zash

    Or self-host it

  271. j.r

    vanitasvitae: that's what I wanted to say...

  272. Zash

    Or pick another server

  273. 404.city

    j.r, We specifically did not use XMPP in the domain, although this is possible.

  274. j.r

    404.city: I think you didn't get me

  275. Link Mauve

    I’ve been discussing with a girl who’s writing an ActivityPub server at FOSDEM, it doesn’t sound as incompatible as I thought before, and I may try a few things with it.

  276. vanitasvitae

    Unfortunately they dont offer popcorn on the train, so I have to fall back to kinder choco bons

  277. vanitasvitae


  278. 404.city

    j.r, Mastodon does not allow to change the nickname. If XFS needs my account, can I give it away or delete account

  279. j.r

    404.city: why did you registed this id?

  280. 404.city

    j.r I did not think about it. It is simply short for XMPP server.

  281. j.r

    Hm ok

  282. Guus

    > j.r, Mastodon does not allow to change the nickname. If XFS needs my account, can I give it away or delete account That's a gracious offer, thank you. If the commteam thinks having access to that account has value, then I hope they will reach out to you. Cc nyco, jcbrand, seve

  283. Guus

    Phone battery dead! Goodnight everyone!

  284. flow

    g'night Guus

  285. jonas’


  286. Link Mauve

    404.city, interesting, which client(s?) are you planning to support with money raised by having users?

  287. Link Mauve

    Also, did you discuss with the authors of these clients as for whether that’s the best course of action?

  288. 404.city

    Link Mauve,I love talking about the present reality, not about dreams

  289. Seve

    j.r: What's is that account of yours? I'm missing context, sorry :)

  290. j.r

    Seve: you mean @xmpp@mastodon.social ?

  291. j.r

    Or what?

  292. wurstsalat

    Wow, I heard about laws for this but I didn't know this was actively enforced: https://monal.im/blog/omemo-and-french-laws/ Does anybody know since when this is the case? Any other countries? Is/was any other client's distribution affected? I'm curious!