XSF Discussion - 2019-07-26

  1. Ge0rG

    Just put html forms into XHTML-IM?

  2. waqas

    Can I haz <iframe/> XEP?

  3. Ge0rG

    do I want to know how stream-level xml:lang is supposed to work over BOSH?

  4. Guus

    do _we_ want you to know?

  5. Zash

    Do you want a massive headache?

  6. Ge0rG

    Zash: no

  7. Ge0rG

    Also prosody will just ignore invalid xml:lang and ejabberd will throw an invalid-xml

  8. MattJ

    Define "invalid"?

  9. Ge0rG

    one that violates NMTOKEN

  10. Ge0rG

    i was using something like `something!`

  11. Holger


  12. Ge0rG

    Holger: if I connect to c.im with xml:lang="de", is it supposed to return error texts in german?

  13. Holger

    Yes (if there's a translation for the error in question, obviously).

  14. Ge0rG

    Holger: I'm testing https://github.com/igniterealtime/Smack/pull/325 right now, and I'm looking for a test to perform

  15. Ge0rG

    I can't test the "add yourself to roster" problem because ejabberd will actually add you to your own roster

  16. Ge0rG

    and it looks like the typical s2s errors (DNS resolution failed, timeout) aren't i18ned

  17. Holger

    Ge0rG: Hmmm, those should have translations. I'll have a look a bit later.

  18. Ge0rG

    Holger: thanks

  19. Yagiza


  20. Yagiza

    Can anyone help me with testing my OMEMO implementation.

  21. Holger

    Ge0rG: Ah DNS lookup is now done in a library which has no access to the translation foo. Modularity sucks.

  22. Holger

    Ge0rG: Just send `<message to='conversations.im'><body>Test</body></message>` for example.

  23. Ge0rG

    Holger: 👍 worked

  24. Holger


  25. Ge0rG

    "Keine verfügbare Ressource gefunden" is rather unexpected for a message to the domain, but 🤷

  26. Holger

    Yeah, I *knew* you would complain and already checked the code to see whether the fix would be easy :-)

  27. Ge0rG

    Holger: I complain about everything!

  28. Holger

    Hrm, service-unavailable or item-not-found ... and what text ... see it's not easy at all.

  29. Zash

    Prosody says service-unavailable

  30. Ge0rG

    service-unavailable is the usual one

  31. Holger

    But the text is the important part :-)

  32. Holger

    For users responding to admin messages ...

  33. Ge0rG

    Holger: you should make it customizable for the server admin, or maybe link to the contact info.

  34. Zash

    ... Prosody says service-unavailable

  35. Holger

    Ge0rG: Sigh :-)

  36. Ge0rG

    Holger: but yaxim won't linkify URLs in the error message.

  37. Holger

    Ge0rG: This was about translations in the first place!

  38. Holger

    Also who wants to receive messages from users.

  39. Ge0rG

    "Kein Weltraum links vom Gerät!"

  40. Holger

    Zash: Sigh :-)

  41. Holger

    Ge0rG: I meant "admin configurable" would imply "no translations".

  42. Holger

    Ge0rG: But once I have a proper English message I could certainly commit that translation since nobody at p1 understands German.

  43. Ge0rG

    is there a useful process for re-sending messages that got bounced?

  44. Ge0rG

    I've now implemented a workaround for MUCs where if a message is bounced with cancel/service-unavailable, I assume that the user isn't joined, mark the message as "to be sent after join" and trigger a rejoin

  45. Zash

    I think (recent?) prosody uses a different error

  46. Ge0rG

    Zash: how recent, which error

  47. Zash

    Ge0rG: Hm, it seems it has used cancel, not-acceptable since forever

  48. Zash

    The text message has been tweaked a bit recently tho

  49. Ge0rG

    There's a text message?

  50. Ge0rG

    I wish that https://issues.prosody.im/383 would be fixed instead.

  51. Zash


  52. Zash

    I was probably thinking of that

  53. Ge0rG

    Ah! thanks

  54. Zash

    Looks fairly consistent with not-acceptable when you're not in the room

  55. Zash

    Btw, is consensus going towards a generic "in reply to" thingy now?

  56. Ge0rG

    Zash: council consensus seemed to be, yeah

  57. jjrh

    is there not a 'group' concept for bookmarks?

  58. Zash

    What do you mean?

  59. pep.


  60. pep.

    No tags, no category for bookmarks no

  61. jjrh

    With standard jids you have a 'group'

  62. pep.

    With the roster you have tags yes

  63. pep.

    (They're called groups indeed)

  64. jjrh

    pep., okay was just about to ask if that was something separate to <group>

  65. Zash

    Nope, no such thing for bookmarks

  66. Zash

    Not even Bookmarks 2

  67. jjrh

    Is there a reason why that wasn't included?

  68. Zash

    Nobody thought about it in 2002?

  69. Zash

    Bookmarks 3 go go go!

  70. jjrh

    Ah okay fair - was mostly wondering if there was some technical reason it wasn't done.

  71. jjrh

    It could be added to xep0402 as a optional thing.

  72. pep.

    They're not bookmark xeps anyway, they're sync mechanisms

  73. pep.

    Naming is hard

  74. pep.

    There isn't much adoption for 402 apparently

  75. Zash

    Bookmarks 3 !!!

  76. pep.

    Zash: I'd like that, without autojoin :p

  77. Zash

    Actually, you can probably add tags in a custom namespace if you want

  78. jjrh

    402 looks fine to me I would probably say you add something like <meta> (or some other name) which is a place one can put whatever you might want group, tags, notes, etc.

  79. Zash

    It's the same data model as 48

  80. Zash

    dwd, https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0402.html#example-4 is missing xmlns

  81. jjrh

    Good point. I guess that makes things a little more tricky.

  82. Zash

    But as I said, you can probably insert custom data in your custom namespace if you want.

  83. Zash

    Dunno about other servers but Prosody generally treats bookmarks as opacue XML

  84. jjrh


  85. Zash

    I think Gajim might even be storing some gajim-specific stuff already

  86. jjrh

    looking at how prosody was storing stuff was the first place I looked :)

  87. Lance

    safest (but not the nicest, of course) approach would be storing the metadata in a second privatexml storage location. extra data added into bookmarks is at risk if you edit with a different client which might not preserve existing, unknown xml

  88. Lance

    similar to how roster metadata can be added: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0145.html

  89. jjrh

    That might be a easy solution and simplify implementation

  90. Zash

    Do we want to make some generic privatexml ←→ PEP stuff?

  91. Lance

    didnt we? or was it just for bookmarks?

  92. Zash

    Just bookmarks

  93. Zash

    Then there's vcards which are also special

  94. Lance

    a disco feature saying pep<->privatexml in general works would be amazing

  95. Lance

    and xep-402 is missing a disco feature to indicate server conversion support

  96. Zash

    There's a whole XEP about bookmarks conversion, or am I confused?

  97. Lance

    411 leaves out 402

  98. Zash

    I guess because 402 is still pretty new

  99. wurstsalat

    Zash: gajim was saving custom bookmark stuff, but isn't anymore

  100. Zash


  101. wurstsalat

    News from Dino's GSoC project (sorry if this isn't new) https://hrxi.github.io/gsoc/blog/standards

  102. Lance

    If size is missing at the start, so would any checksum hash. The checksum info sent by the sender once it is done sending would ideally carry the final size information, but that detail is missing from oversight (covered ranged requests, but forgot missing initial size case)