XSF Discussion - 2019-11-05

  1. flow

    na, time is relative

  2. Guus

    You're not moving _that_ fast

  3. jonas’

    Guus, in which frame of reference?

  4. Guus


  5. Zash

    Wait what https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0122.html#impl-ns

  6. Zash

    > The use of namespace prefixes is RECOMMENDED for large forms, to reduce the data size.

  7. pep.

    SCAM is having their first regular meeting (in some time) in xmpp:scam@muc.xmpp.org?join at 4 CET (3 UTC) every first tuesday of the month (today). Don't hesitate to join.

  8. pep.

    I don't guarantee anything fancy

  9. jonas’

    do you guarantee scamming?

  10. pep.


  11. Ge0rG

    luckily there is no SPAM WG

  12. Link Mauve

    debxwoody, gloox is pre-C++11 C++, I’m not sure I’ll be able to survive that.

  13. Link Mauve

    I just tried upstreaming the SXE module I already wrote.

  14. Link Mauve

    But it requires changing almost all of it.

  15. Kev

    Swiften's only C++11 at the moment, although it'll be 14 'soon', and hopefully can move to 17 after that.

  16. Kev

    But 03->11 is the biggest jump that's hard to cope without, I think.

  17. Link Mauve

    Ok, I’m sold, I’ll try with Swiften instead. ^^

  18. Link Mauve

    Here I was complaining about the lack of pattern matching in C++, but if I have to go back to C++03 nothanks.

  19. Kev

    Then you can just swear at us for being the only people on Earth to use scons.

  20. Link Mauve


  21. rion

    And Boost is a nightmare ;) the worst documentation ever. Extremely slow to compile any project based on it. Totally unreadable heavily-templated code. Honestly I don't know how Swiften devs live with it =)

  22. Kev

    I think the documentation is far from the worst ever. But it's often not quick to compile, yeah. And the code is pretty much unreadable, but thankfull you don't need to.

  23. Kev

    I think the documentation is far from the worst ever. But it's often not quick to compile, yeah. And the code is pretty much unreadable, but thankfully you don't need to.

  24. Kev

    And C++11 got rid of most of the boost templates from Swiften.

  25. rion

    Switching from regular c++ to c++Boost is like switching to erlang with zero knowledge of functional programming.

  26. rion

    I often have to read these crappy boost templates because asio docs never have information I need

  27. Ge0rG

    Damn, it's Tuesday and I haven't managed to incorporate Last Call feedback into CS-2020

  28. Kev

    Isn't there another week on the LC?

  29. Kev

    Please don't say I've lost a week.

  30. Ge0rG

    Kev: you've lost a week.

  31. Kev


  32. rion

    Link Mauve: use any Qt-based xmpp lib. 7Mb of shared libraries and you will be the happiest developer ever :)

  33. Link Mauve

    I’m not sure upstream will be very happy with Qt. :/

  34. Link Mauve

    They use GLFW for windowing currently.

  35. moparisthebest

    I'm not sure I could ever write C++ again after Rust

  36. jonas’

    moparisthebest, it was easy to go back for me

  37. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, it is extremely hard. :x

  38. rion

    Qt Core+Network do not depend on anything GUI-related

  39. rion

    so why not

  40. moparisthebest

    uh without wanting to injure myself*

  41. jonas’

    moparisthebest, having done rust and golang and C++, I’m currently most happy at C++

  42. moparisthebest

    ew have you been mentally evaluated? haha

  43. Ge0rG

    the maps.me android app seems to depend on Qt. It's also huuuuge. But it's also fast, the only alternative map rendering app that can compete with Google Maps

  44. Link Mauve

    I’ve never tried Go, but for the other two I have a very strong preference towards Rust.

  45. moparisthebest

    Ge0rG, what about OsmAnd+ ?

  46. jonas’

    it’s slow

  47. Link Mauve

    Everything is just so much more comfy there.

  48. Ge0rG

    moparisthebest: what jonas’ said. It's faster than mapsforge, and better rendered, but it's still slow

  49. Ge0rG

    I urgently need a maps library that I can plug into my Android app and that supports offline maps

  50. moparisthebest

    I haven't had problems with OsmAnd+ but I haven't tried maps.me either, guess I will now though thanks!

  51. Ge0rG

    moparisthebest: there is a no-hotel-ads version on f-droid

  52. moparisthebest

    I only use F-droid, don't even have google play services

  53. pep.

    To trello gurus, is there a way to reference an item in another?

  54. jonas’

    just paste a link into it maybe?

  55. pep.

    I don't know where to get that link

  56. jonas’

    open an item, copy URL?

  57. jonas’

    like, from your browser

  58. pep.

    ah, just have to open the thing yeah..

  59. rion

    Does any client implement stanza content encryption?

  60. pep.

    Stanza Content Encryption by itself is useless

  61. pep.

    There's no XEP that use it yet

  62. Link Mauve

    Shouldn’t OX be changed to use that?

  63. pep.

    It should

  64. pep.

    OMEMO2 should also be started at some point to use that

  65. Ge0rG

    Before or after OMEMO1 is finished?

  66. pep.

    will it ever

  67. Zash

    Finished as in gone?

  68. pep.

    with omemo2 I mean whatever namespace bump is required to fix things

  69. pep.

    So if there is namespace bump, might as well add SCE

  70. flow

    Did the voting mechanism of memberbot change? Wasn't it previously yes/no questions? Is the order of any relevance?

  71. flow

    Uh, and where's the source? :)

  72. Daniel

    I think the yes/no style is only for members

  73. Daniel

    I don't think the order matters. It would be fun to switch to ranked voting or how ever that is called

  74. pep.

    flow, https://github.com/legastero/memberbot I believe that's the source

  75. pep.

    And the order of applicants is supposed to be random