XSF Discussion - 2020-02-25

  1. MattJ

    How do client devs feel about implementing references of type=mention?

  2. Kev

    Feel in what sense?

  3. MattJ

    Why does (afaict) only a single client support it right now?

  4. Kev

    I think it's particularly useful for servers too, when generating notifications.

  5. MattJ

    Right, I'm involved in such a project

  6. Kev

    But I'm intending Swift does them when we get to it.

  7. MattJ

    But if you use most XMPP clients with this server, no notifications are generated

  8. jonas’

    MattJ, I don’t feel particularly enthusiastic about implementing anything References until my comments from three years ago are at least addressed

  9. jonas’

    and by addressed, in this context, I mean "replied to", because not even that happende (beyond "someone will rewrite the XEP soon so no point in dealing with this right now")

  10. jonas’

    oh, just two years: https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2018-March/034559.html

  11. MattJ

    Is it related to character counting? or something else?

  12. MattJ

    I thought the character counting stuff reached some kind of consensus

  13. MattJ

    and that was the primary blocker in my mind

  14. Kev

    MattJ: I mean when the server is generating push notifications, it can do so based on the presence of a mention reference. As well.

  15. Kev

    MattJ: Jonas also (sensibly) wanted extensible reference types (mentions etc.).

  16. MattJ

    Kev, you mean "as well as text scanning"?

  17. Kev

    MattJ: I mean as well as the receiving client generating notifications based on something having put mentions in.

  18. MattJ

    It's a tough sell for me to add a feature that emails someone with the nick "max" every time someone asks "what's the max number of items this can handle?"

  19. MattJ

    Their current stance is "Why don't XMPP clients support mentions? The ecosystem seems terrible"

  20. Kev

    I don't think I'm suggesting that, am I?

  21. Kev

    I'm not intentionally doing so, at least!

  22. Zash

    What's this then MattJ ?

  23. MattJ

    Zash, only works if I'm online and connected, and their primary client is a web app

  24. MattJ

    and I don't want to use it, but I can't notify people when I send them a message :)

  25. MattJ

    (and this isn't just about me - they /want/ to say they support arbitrary XMPP clients)

  26. MattJ

    But if they advertise that as a feature, people will wonder why nobody answers them when they mention them

  27. Zash

    Cry and implement some server-side heuristics? Like only looking for nicknames at the start of lines

  28. Alex

    I have started memberbot for collection votes on our current Q1-2020 application period

  29. Jeybe

    Hey all. What XEP does a Client / Server need to support for sending and receiving if a message was read?

  30. Jeybe

    Is this done within XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications or is there something seperate / additional?

  31. jonas’

    Jeybe, XEP-0184 (Message Receipts)

  32. Jeybe

    Isn't that just a delivery receipt and no info about whether a message was read or not?

  33. Jeybe

    Or do I get that wrong

  34. pep.

    Alex, thanks

  35. Kev

    Jeybe: You're correct. People typically use 333 for that.

  36. Kev


  37. Jeybe

    Kev: Ah, thank you. Many clients seem to support this, although it's a deferred spec. Just no one who is able or willing to finish it correctly?

  38. pep.

    Deferred doesn't especially mean unfinished

  39. pep.

    When do we kill this state again :x

  40. Kev

    Jeybe: That's a reasonable approximation of a description, yes :)

  41. Jeybe

    Kev: Ok, thanks

  42. jonas’

    Jeybe: sorry, I misread your message and thought you wrote "received" instead of read

  43. Guus

    memberbot is online for member applications for Q1. If you read this, you might as well cast your votes now. 🙂

  44. jonas’

    emus: re https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Edward_Maurer_Application_2020

  45. jonas’

    you say you work in the wind power industry, yet you claim no company affiliation

  46. jonas’

    I don't think that's right

  47. emus

    The company uses.....Skype f B. 😃🎉🎊

  48. jonas’

    I'm not sure that matters

  49. emus

    I`m saying I apply as a private person.

  50. jonas’

    my understanding is that we have limits on the share of members per company

  51. Kev


  52. emus

    What do expect from me?

  53. jonas’

    I think you can only apply as individual in general

  54. emus

    Ehm, so I did?

  55. jonas’

    what I'm saying is that you're still affiliated with your employer and need to say so

  56. jonas’

    I *think*

  57. jonas’

    that's at least how I understand the rules and how I wrote my own application

  58. Guus

    emus: basically, to avoid companies trying to take over the world, starting with the XSF, we'd like to make sure that the number of members do not all affiliate to the same company. Just mention the name of your company, and all is good.

  59. Guus

    Bylaws have the details, if you're interested.

  60. Ge0rG

    https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0345.html#mandatory > Any affiliations, as described within the final clause of the XSF Bylaws, Section 2.1. Note that this is not limited to employment, but must include it.

  61. pep.

    "Note that this is not limited to employment" interesting

  62. jonas’

    I also disclosed my university when I was still a student

  63. jonas’

    (for that reason)

  64. Ge0rG

    and the bylaws: > An applicant for membership may not be admitted if, at the time of application or consideration, fifteen percent (15%) of the Members of the Corporation are employed by or represent the same corporation or organization as that corporation or organization which employs the applicant or is represented by the applicant.

  65. fippo

    there goes the evil plan to hire a lot of contractors and take over the xsf...

  66. pep.

    fippo, yeah, the bylaws saw you coming!!

  67. Kev

    I'm sure you have backup evil plans.

  68. emus

    Its just saying what I do as giving some information about myself. Guys, that what I voluntarily has absolutely nothing to with where I work. I'm confused....

  69. jonas’

    > memberbot is online for member applications for Q1. If you read this, you might as well cast your votes now. 🙂 I set out to prove that I can read this message on my mobile, yet voting would be impractical. Instead, I completed the voting process, so, well played.

  70. emus

    Its just saying what I do as giving some information about myself. Guys, that what I voluntarily do in XMPP has absolutely nothing to with where I work. I'm confused....

  71. Ge0rG

    emus: humans are often influenced by their employers in more or less sublte ways, therefore it's required to tell the XSF who your employer is

  72. jonas’

    > Its just saying what I do as giving some information about myself. > Guys, that what I voluntarily has absolutely nothing to with where I work. I'm confused.... same for me. doesn't change the bylaws rules tho.

  73. Guus

    > I set out to prove that I can read this message on my mobile, yet voting would be impractical. Instead, I completed the voting process, so, well played. Muwhahahaa

  74. emus

    Im a working student...

  75. emus

    No, then I refuse my application.

  76. jonas’

    emus: I'm not particularly fond of those rules either. But I understand that they are useful to keep the XSF independent.

  77. pep.

    I understand the XSF has to know about it, I still don't understand why this has to be made public

  78. jonas’

    emus: on the bright side, nothing of what you stated in your application strictly requires membership

  79. jonas’

    pep.: maybe because nobody asked for it to be private yet? sounds like a board topic to fix that.

  80. emus

    I got asked to apply, because some appeciated what I did 🤷‍♂️ So I said, yes is fine

  81. Zash

    I think we've mentioned that it's probably doable to have only the Secretary know

  82. pep.

    jonas’, yeah I encouraged him, and I did completely forget this "detail". Nothing requires him to be a member indeed, it's mostly to show interest

  83. pep.

    jonas’, I don't think enough people care yet, so proposing this to board would be a waste of time and maybe even harmful. I'm happy to lead this if I'm proven wrong

  84. emus

    I can tell privately where work to someone responsible, but I would not like to put it online.

  85. jonas’

    pep.: to be honest, I don't like this requirement either. It did put me off back then for a moment.

  86. pep.

    Note that this topic has come up every last membership vote I think

  87. jonas’

    so I'd support a motion for defining a way to declare affiliations privately

  88. lskdjf

    > pep.: maybe because nobody asked for it to be private yet? sounds like a board topic to fix that. actually there have been multiple people asking for private information like full name and employer not to be in a public wiki anymore. So yeah if that could be brought up with board, that would be nice.

  89. jonas’

    did it? I only recall the anonymity thing

  90. pep.

    Well this kind of mitigates the anonymity issue

  91. pep.

    Anonymity is not an on/off switch as you know :)

  92. jonas’

    does it?

  93. Ge0rG

    I still think that for a public standards organizations, it's important to have public information about the members and their affiliations

  94. emus

    Actually I dropped, saying in which industry I work, to even more say that this has no relation 😅

  95. pep.

    emus, I'm sorry but that doesn't help :/

  96. Guus

    I'm with Ge0rG

  97. pep.

    I'm not

  98. lskdjf

    > I still think that for a public standards organizations, it's important to have public information about the members and their affiliations I think you can argue that for people that have been voted into council, board and the secretary. however, not for normal members.

  99. emus

    But does everyone here dropped exactly where their work or study?

  100. Ge0rG

    lskdjf: there is no requirement to be a member for contributing to XEPs

  101. jonas’

    emus: check the applications

  102. emus

    > I think you can argue that for people that have been voted into council, board and the secretary. however, not for normal members. Yes, I wonder as well

  103. pep.

    Ge0rG, that's diverting

  104. lskdjf

    Ge0rG, I'm aware of that. What's your point?

  105. emus

    > emus: check the applications What exactly?

  106. jonas’

    > lskdjf: there is no requirement to be a member for contributing to XEPs though I *do* wonder how one would submit a XEP pseudonomously

  107. Ge0rG

    lskdjf: membership is responsible for voting people into public positions, so I think the transparency requirements extend here

  108. jonas’

    > lskdjf: there is no requirement to be a member for contributing to XEPs though I *do* wonder how one would submit a XEP pseudonymously

  109. pep.

    members don't have to submit XEPs either

  110. lskdjf

    > though I *do* wonder how one would submit a XEP pseudonomously jonas’ it's not allowed according to ... xep 001 or so

  111. jonas’

    > What exactly? emus, just open them and you'll see that people disclose their employer

  112. jonas’

    it's on my user page for example

  113. emus

    Will check again, but havent recognised that as a mandatory point

  114. emus

    also not that everyone was telling

  115. lskdjf

    > lskdjf: membership is responsible for voting people into public positions, so I think the transparency requirements extend here Ge0rG Legislations require a presitent of a country to make all sorts of information public. That doesn't mean that the voting directory should be online.

  116. Guus

    It is mandatory. Check the bylaws. If not everyone included the information, that was an omission in their application.

  117. jonas’

    reading the bylaws of the organization you're trying to join seems like a good idea either way

  118. emus

    Okay guys, lets making simple: I refuse. Is fine and not important any way.

  119. pep.

    jonas’, so yeah I can bring that to board, but it's likely to get shot down :)

  120. Ge0rG

    lskdjf: I'm aware of that. What's your point?

  121. emus

    Okay guys, lets make itsimple: I refuse. Is fine and not important any way.

  122. emus

    Okay guys, lets make it simple: I refuse. Is fine and not important any way.

  123. jonas’

    Alex, cc, see emus message above

  124. lskdjf

    Ge0rG, 😛 well, I was drawing an analogy.

  125. pep.

    emus, sorry, and thanks :)

  126. emus

    > emus, sorry, and thanks :) No problem

  127. pep.

    Also why I think the XSF won't change as long as we don't let new people like this in.

  128. emus

    XMPP wondering why no one gives a shit about it.... 🤔

  129. lskdjf

    yeah xsf tends to be a bunch of people that "have been doing things this way forever and want it to stay that way" at times.

  130. emus


  131. emus

    That meant to be in the wrong chat

  132. Guus


  133. Guus

    we didn't even start to debate this.

  134. Guus

    but, sure. We're not open to change, apparently.

  135. Ge0rG

    lskdjf: I'm only part of the XSF for five years now, and I think that the current requirements for becoming a member are adequate.

  136. emus

    Didn`t meant to bother you procedures, but if I would have known before, I wouldnt have applied anyway

  137. emus

    Didn`t meant to bother your procedures, but if I would have known before, I wouldnt have applied anyway

  138. Ge0rG

    I'm pretty sure that it's possible to ask Board for a change to these rules without being a member, though.

  139. pep.

    But it's not possible to vote

  140. Guus

    emus: that's on you. We have very public records and bylaws.

  141. Guus

    don't blame us for not doing your homework.

  142. emus

    > emus: that's on you. We have very public records and bylaws. > don't blame us for not doing your homework. I don't blame and I read it of course, still missed that spot

  143. Guus

    I'm going to drop out of this conversation. It is ticking a nerve, which doesn't help me being a useful participant.

  144. pep.

    Guus, I think that's on us. That could be made a bit more obvious. https://xmpp.org/community/membership.html this doesn't mention anything about the requirements, it just links to thing

  145. pep.

    (yes yes we can all PR)

  146. Daniel

    Why is this suddenly coming up?

  147. Ge0rG

    There is obviously a trade-off between allowing people who need their private information protected, but also anonymous trolls, vs. the transparency of a public and open standards organization.

  148. Ge0rG

    Daniel: because it's election time

  149. emus

    > Why is this suddenly coming up? Because I havent named my company, as I missed that requirement, but also doesnt want to put the information online

  150. Daniel

    Yes. But it was never a big topic before

  151. pep.

    it has

  152. pep.

    multiple times

  153. Ge0rG

    Daniel: anonymous participation has been a topic before, some times.

  154. Daniel

    Yeah. I was more referring to the affiliations part

  155. emus

    But its not anonymous anymore actually

  156. pep.

    This is not full anonymity towards the XSF mind

  157. emus

    once I put my name

  158. jonas’


  159. pep.


  160. Daniel

    Tbh I'm not really sure what affiliation means in the context of my being self employed

  161. pep.

    You have to disclose every single one of your clients!

  162. pep.


  163. emus


  164. pep.

    But hmm, tbh, I think that's what "Note that this is not limited to employment" means

  165. Daniel

    I'm sure that at least 50 percent of my customers aren't happy with me doing that

  166. pep.

    I'm sure of that :)

  167. Kev

    The "not company" thing is because e.g. most OSS projects aren't company-based within XMPP.

  168. Kev

    But if 30 people working for different companies, all of whom were working on Swift were to apply, the XSF should care.

  169. larma

    > It is mandatory. Check the bylaws. If not everyone included the information, that was an omission in their application. I think it's funny how everyone has assumptions what is in the bylaws, but nobody ever actually seems to verify them...

  170. larma

    > to be eligible for membership, a person, corporation, organization, or other entity must complete a written membership application in such form as shall be adopted by the Board of Directors from time to time. The substance of such membership application must be included in a notice to the Members of the meeting at which such membership application is considered. > The Secretary shall have general charge of the membership records of the Corporation and shall keep, at the principal office of the Corporation, a record of the Members showing the name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and electronic mail address of each Member.

  171. emus

    > The "not company" thing is because e.g. most OSS projects aren't company-based within XMPP. > But if 30 people working for different companies, all of whom were working on Swift were to apply, the XSF should care. I intended to tell the branch where I work, but also that it has (unfortunatly) nothing to do with XMPP. But yes, till then I didnt knew about that requirement

  172. larma

    Nowhere in the bylaws it says that things go public at all (beside board members). Members receive the "substance" of the application (that doesn't need to include company if that's not substantial), the membership records are with the secretary. Of course board can decide to only accept public membership applications in the wiki that include company details, but it's *not* in the bylaws, don't claim that.

  173. MattJ

    I haven't read the entire discussion, but yeah, I'm in the category or "Self-employed and not going to dump a list of my clients in the wiki"

  174. MattJ

    I haven't read the entire discussion, but yeah, I'm in the category of "Self-employed and not going to dump a list of my clients in the wiki"

  175. Alex

    We had many similar applications in the past where people were just saying that they are self employed or apply as an individual. Because he is saying that his work is not realted to XMPP at all I did not pay further attention. If this is a problem and you think it violates the bylaws (which everyone reads difefrent ;-) ) I can ask him to disclose with employer directly to me only

  176. jonas’

    Alex, emus retracted the application

  177. Alex

    it is still on the Wiki, don't think we defined somewhere on how to retract an application ;-)

  178. emus

    jonas’: I retraced, as understood that was mandatory. I am fine to tell Alex privately where I work, if that is within the process

  179. moparisthebest

    I don't think I've ever listed my employer either and no one said anything, my employer has nothing to do with xmpp or even chat

  180. emus

    as said

  181. emus

    I am.okay with other option

  182. moparisthebest

    I wouldn't want to list it on the wiki either, my employer is kind of odd about "don't mention us on social media or anything that might be construed as you representing us" but I wouldn't mind telling Alex , just no one has ever asked

  183. larma

    MattJ, there is no reason by the bylaws to disclose clients of a self-employed person. You'd only need to disclose to board/secretary when you are employed by or represent a company so they can apply the maximum 15% rule.

  184. ralphm

    The whole idea behind it is just that we want to prevent companies to be overrepresented in our membership.

  185. ralphm


  186. MattJ

    I totally get the idea behind it

  187. MattJ

    But from the day it was first proposed I said I didn't see how it would actually work

  188. MattJ

    I've never listed anything and nobody has ever complained :)

  189. pep.

    It doesn't seem to be applied very much anyway

  190. ralphm

    I don't there is a problem to solve right now. If someone finds that the 15% rule can be argued to be broken, we can go back and fix it.

  191. moparisthebest

    Nothing stops anyone from just lying, or simply not putting anything, apparently :)

  192. larma

    The assumption seems to be that everyone would be so kind to mention company info if it was relevant

  193. pep.

    moparisthebest, yeah that's true of every info you give anyway :)

  194. ralphm

    I think self-employed is totally fine.

  195. MattJ

    If I (hypothetically) did a 3-month contract for Isode (picking one well-represented company in the XSF community) in the middle of my membership period, what should happen?

  196. ralphm

    Lies will be caught up with, I don't see a problem.

  197. ralphm

    MattJ, we'd talk about it

  198. MattJ

    and it would be my fault if I forgot to mention it?

  199. larma

    MattJ, are you representing their interest when making use of your XSF membership rights? If no, then it doesn't matter

  200. MattJ

    Does it specify anywhere that I have to update the XSF if my status with a company changes between applications?

  201. jonas’

    if my employer enters a three month contract to build infrastructure for, say, NATO messaging, would I have to disclose that?

  202. MattJ

    and how do I know which companies I need to notify the XSF about, and which I don't?

  203. MattJ

    Obviously I've been around a while and could guess a few, but it seems pretty arbitrary

  204. jonas’

    if my employer enters a three month contract to build infrastructure for, say, NATO messaging, would I have to disclose that (assuming that I’m assigned to work on that)?

  205. MattJ

    If the honest answer is "it's fine, you'll know if you're (close to) breaking the rules and we trust everyone to be honest" then I'm fine with the status quo

  206. pep.

    Of some putting their affiliations and some not? And asking every new member to? :p

  207. moparisthebest

    assuming it was actually enforced, I'm not sure I see any advantage anyway, if one company wanted to hijack messaging standards they could just start their own standards organization and do it anyway, maybe call themselves Matrix or something?

  208. ralphm

    MattJ: your last statement is my vantage point

  209. pep.

    I'm curious what you think is the status quo though

  210. MattJ

    pep., you just summed it up :)

  211. pep.

    I don't like this

  212. pep.

    Why would we force it on new members while not on others

  213. MattJ

    We historically haven't forced it

  214. pep.

    Seems pretty random to me

  215. Kev

    For my point of view, I think having some protection against representation/flooding is worthwhile. I'm fine with that protection not being public (although I think it's useful to default to public where people are willing). I think some guidance on what to disclose would be useful.

  216. MattJ

    We request it, I've never seen anyone flag an application that didn't have it

  217. ralphm

    The status quo is that every few days other parts of our bylaws are scrutinized to see if there's an issue. I think it would be better to focus on things when there's an actual problem in need dire need for solving.

  218. Ge0rG

    If we don't strictly enforce this rule, how are we supposed to prevent being hijacked?

  219. MattJ

    Ge0rG, it beats not having a rule and then not being able to enforce it when you need to

  220. emus

    > If we don't strictly enforce this rule, how are we supposed to prevent being hijacked? I mean, one could also lie... you would have to proof it anyway or?

  221. pep.

    emus, what MattJ said.

  222. Ge0rG

    MattJ: okay, I can see that.

  223. emus

    If you agree, I can tell Alex, or anyone else privately, as long that kept privately

  224. pep.

    I also think it's a worthwile rule to have. I'm happy to rework the implementation

  225. Ge0rG

    So maybe somebody should change XEP-0345 into "affiliations can be made public, and must be communicated to the Secretary otherwise"

  226. emus

    (I also understand that XSF fears to get hijacked of course)

  227. pep.

    Ge0rG, 345 doesn't actually say this information has to be public does it?

  228. pep.

    ah it does

  229. pep.

    Only in one place, Security Considerations. It just seems to be assume in the document

  230. pep.

    Only in one place, Security Considerations. It just seems to be assumed in the document

  231. Ge0rG

    pep.: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0345.html#mandatory

  232. larma

    Ge0rG, it says applicants must provide, not to whom

  233. pep.

    That doesn't say public. It talks about giving info to the Secretary and allowing members to vote

  234. Ge0rG

    > As a secondary purpose, it also allows the XSF members to make an informed decision when voting to accept applications

  235. pep.


  236. Ge0rG

    that implies that members will see this.

  237. pep.


  238. pep.

    That's already better than "On a public wiki"

  239. Ge0rG

    and §3 says it has to be in the wiki

  240. Ge0rG

    pep.: I'm sure you can provide a better wording as a PR :D

  241. pep.

    I'm working on it

  242. ralphm

    emus, there is no fear. This rule exists so we can take action in case a company is overrepresented based on that rule, instead of some vague notion of 'too much'.

  243. jonas’

    15:51:07 MattJ> We request it, I've never seen anyone flag an application that didn't have it I did, today.

  244. MattJ

    I didn't scroll back that far, I guess :)

  245. MattJ

    I'm definitely against picking on random people

  246. emus

    > emus, there is no fear. This rule exists so we can take action in case a company is overrepresented based on that rule, instead of some vague notion of 'too much'. Ok, I understand

  247. jonas’

    I wasn’t aware I was picking on anyone in particular. I admit that I probably don’t scan applications of "famous" people like Dave as thoroughly as I do for others, though

  248. jonas’

    I simply assumed it was an oversight

  249. jonas’

    (and, to be frank, I also assumed that Alex would screen the applications, as he said he also keeps tab on the 15% rule at some point)

  250. larma

    jonas’, he can keep tab on the 15% even without getting company names 😉

  251. larma

    like, we currrently have one applicant that works in a company in the wind power industry and no other member that does, so that implies his company is not overrepresented ;)

  252. ralphm

    Yes, until we only have 8 members, which is yet another problem.

  253. ralphm

    I'm happy for Alex to continue doing what he's been doing and if someone at some point feels a company is overrepresented we can look into it.

  254. Alex

    as @ralphm said. The ruile is there to take action if we thing a componany is overpresented or someone is raising concerns with that. I am not compiling and verifiying the stats after every election.

  255. larma

    ralphm, +1 - as long as we make sure that applicants that obviously are not overrepresenting a company don't feel any repression to apply I see no issue. It just feels very absurd to not accept an active community member like emus purely based on the fact that we don't know the company even if we do know that it is not overrepresented.

  256. pep.

    Where is a good venue that's not standards because it's about the membership, but also not members@ because that's not opened to non-members (right?)

  257. Zash

    Organizational meta-discussions?

  258. Alex

    @emus exposed his employer to me. So I have it in my records

  259. pep.

    Zash, I'd like a place where interested people can also join the discussion. A place where they can say things like "yeah if you do that I'd be interested to join"

  260. emus

    > @emus exposed his employer to me. So I have it in my records Ok, and if someone really really needs to know, I can tell him or her as well

  261. vanitasvitae never disclosed their job either :P

  262. vanitasvitae

    Am I even real? 😱

  263. Zash

    Are birds real?

  264. pep.

    I only see pixels

  265. jonas’

    I see fragged people

  266. Ge0rG

    I don't even see the pixels. All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead.

  267. jonas’

    damn, that was the better reference

  268. jonas’

    just proves that it’s been too long since I saw The Matrix

  269. Ge0rG

    marc: I've initiated a standards@ thread on the 0401 change, but there was less activity than I anticipated. How can we move it forward now?

  270. jonas’

    "just do it"

  271. Ge0rG

    said the person who just did it.

  272. jonas’


  273. jonas’

    switching hats all the time sure does get confusing

  274. Ge0rG

    * jonas’ puts on his wizard hat and robe.

  275. jonas’

    that’s only on friday nights.

  276. jonas’

    and also not a wizard, actually

  277. Ge0rG

    a lizard, then?

  278. vanitasvitae

    Level 7 Valor Bard

  279. emus

    > vantiasvitae never disclosed their job either :P Omg... tbh I read a few application but also yours to get some inspiration... 🐵

  280. emus

    > vantiasvitae never disclosed their job either :P Omg... tbh I read a few applications but also yours to get some inspiration... 🐵

  281. Zash

    > The namespace governing this protocol is "http://jabber.org/protocol/commands" (hereafter referred to as x-commands). What the x-?

  282. jonas’

    legacy, probably

  283. Zash

    Hm, can't well-known commands take the dataform in the first step?

  284. vanitasvitae

    > Omg... tbh I read a few applications but also yours to get some inspiration... 🐵 Don't blame me for this now :P

  285. marc

    Ge0rG: what are our options?

  286. emus

    > Don't blame me for this now :P Everything is your fault!!!1! 😉

  287. Ge0rG

    marc: you read https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2020-January/036848.html and the reply and decide whether you want to accept the change or not

  288. jonas’

    does anyone know how a Last Call email for a Procedural XEP should look like?

  289. jonas’

    otherwise I’m going to cook something up

  290. jonas’

    (the old tooling did not support this case, neither does the new)

  291. marc

    Looks like shit on mobile, I'll read it later

  292. Ge0rG

    marc: yeah :/

  293. jonas’


  294. jonas’

    man, I should step back from writing emails for today

  295. Zash

    Oof, my inbox

  296. jonas’

    > URL: http://localhost:8080/extensions/xep-0429.html

  297. jonas’

    spot the error ;)

  298. Ge0rG

    ouch ;)

  299. Zash


  300. Zash

    jonas’, wait what, vcard4 isn't PEP-backed already?

  301. jonas’

    Zash, I checked it, and it didn’t look as if it was

  302. jonas’

    <iq from='samizzi@cisco.com/foo' id='bx81v356' to='stpeter@jabber.org' type='get'> <vcard xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0'/> </iq>

  303. jonas’

    ``` <iq from='samizzi@cisco.com/foo' id='bx81v356' to='stpeter@jabber.org' type='get'> <vcard xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0'/> </iq> ```

  304. jonas’

    that’s not PEP to me

  305. jonas’

    it optionally uses PEP events for update notifications

  306. Zash

    It was PEP-only before, then that was added so that it would work in MUC ... IIRC

  307. jonas’

    but it isn’t strictly a PEP node

  308. Zash

    mod_vcard4 in Prosody is just a thin layer over the corresponding PEP node.

  309. Zash

    and mod_vcard_legacy which implements 0398 is also a (not so thin) layer over a bunch of PEP nodes

  310. Zash

    And as I'm trying to figure out how to write, it does respect the individual permission settings of those nodes.

  311. jonas’

    you may want to add that to the thread then.

  312. jonas’

    because that’s not what the spec says currently ;)

  313. jonas’

    (and I generally prefer your behaviour)

  314. jonas’

    (and I generally prefer your implementation’s behaviour)

  315. Zash

    That reply is exactly what I'm trying to compose

  316. jonas’


  317. Zash

    I especially enjoy being able to set (or, keep?) the full vcard to access=presence while having the avatar nodes public, which makes it spit out a vcard-temp with only the avatar

  318. jonas’

    yeah, that’s the kind of stuff I was thinking about

  319. Zash

    There's a thread on 0292 somewhere btw

  320. Zash

    That simpler iq syntax doesn't actually help with the MUC thing, since that's afaik an explicit exception for vcard-temp, so you could just as well do the same for a PEP / PubSub query as for a vcard4 iq-get

  321. jonas’

    sounds to me as if The Editor™ should re-issue the (expired) LC for '292

  322. marc

    Ge0rG, I agree with Daniel and I would prefer to use SASL2 even though I'm not familar with SASL2 at all atm

  323. Ge0rG

    marc: SASL2 was introduced in March 2017, and then... nothing happened

  324. Daniel

    With me?

  325. Daniel

    Thank you.

  326. Daniel

    On what?

  327. Ge0rG

    Daniel: re XEP-0401

  328. Ge0rG

    marc: my reasons to change 0401 were not to make it perfect but to make it easy to integrate today

  329. marc

    Ge0rG, I know but "we" have lots of problem today because "we" did ugly hacks in the past, no?

  330. marc


  331. Zash

    It's a hack but there's an Actual Product that uses it, so there's that

  332. Ge0rG

    marc: yes, but this is a minor hack on top of an existing hack

  333. marc

    I used data forms in the first place because i though it's the best solution

  334. marc

    now it seems SASL2 is the "best" solution

  335. Zash

    SASL2 for the future! :)

  336. marc

    Ge0rG, you argued about complexity during 401 spec development, a hacky solution now and SASL2 later would introduce a shitload of additional and unnecessary complexity on the client and server

  337. Zash

    too late

  338. marc

    tbh, I don't know how far away we are from SASL2 :)

  339. marc

    Zash, hm?

  340. Ge0rG

    marc: not so much, because SASL2 will be a nice and clean solution to many problems, including token authentication

  341. Zash

    marc: I mean there are implementations already (of 0401 etc)

  342. marc

    Ge0rG, yep, but you need backwards compability

  343. marc


  344. Ge0rG

    marc: yes, but you'll also need backward compat between SASL2 and IBR, between SASL2 and normal login, etc

  345. marc

    Zash, yep, a spec cannot step people from implementing something else ;)

  346. marc

    Ge0rG, token if SASL2, no token otherwise? :)

  347. Zash

    I do have some SASL2 code stewing fwiw

  348. Ge0rG

    marc: no - token via SALS2 or token via IQ if no SASL22

  349. Zash

    Need ... a client to test with

  350. Ge0rG

    Zash: I'd offer help, but... yaxim is not doing SASL directly and instead using Smack, and the current Smack development tree won't work with yaxim

  351. Zash


  352. marc

    Zash, SASL2 code for prosody?

  353. Zash


  354. marc

    Daniel, how much effort is it to implement SASL2 in Conversations?

  355. Zash

    IIRC the two things I got stuck on was 1) client or something to test with and 2) internal architecture to make it easy to do the things that SASL2 allows

  356. marc

    Ge0rG, 401 is not important enough for ugly hacks IMO

  357. Daniel

    marc: I don't know a lot about sasl 2 to say. Probably not a lot

  358. Ge0rG

    marc: if it's not important, you can accept the ugly hack

  359. marc

    432 sounds like a joke from fefe's blog ^^

  360. Zash

    I'd imagine SASL2 itself to be easy to implement, but as I said, it might take architectural changes to do fancy parallell things

  361. Ge0rG

    marc: however, I'm convinced that we need easy user onboarding and that 0401 is an important step in that direction

  362. marc

    Zash, can you give me the link to your SASL2 branch?

  363. Ge0rG

    marc: ask MattJ about the experience with 0401 at last FOSDEM

  364. marc

    Ge0rG, I already had a working implementation with ejabberd and Conversations, I know that it is nice

  365. marc

    But I don't want to pollute the protocol with more ugly hacks

  366. jonas’

    Zash, I could probably look into implementing SASL2 in aioxmpp if you hand me a server to test with

  367. Ge0rG

    marc: you had an implementation of 0401 before my change?

  368. marc

    jonas’, +1

  369. marc

    Ge0rG, yes?

  370. Ge0rG

    marc: you need to be more public about your achievements.

  371. marc

    Ge0rG, IIRC I posted a screencast ;)

  372. Ge0rG

    marc: ...to where?

  373. marc

    Ge0rG, even a Gajim implementation!!1!

  374. marc

    here or in the Conversations group chat

  375. Ge0rG

    marc: that's not adequate.

  376. Ge0rG

    People are not reading chat-logs

  377. marc

    Ge0rG, I'm pretty sure you read it Ôo

  378. Ge0rG

    Also I'm Very Sad Now, because I changed the spec and got the changed spec implemented in yaxim, prosody and I've heard about it being part of recent Conversations

  379. Ge0rG

    marc: maybe I'm just getting old

  380. marc

    Ge0rG, If not I'm very sorry

  381. Ge0rG

    marc: what's the URL?

  382. Ge0rG

    Maybe I'll remember when I see it?

  383. Ge0rG

    Or maybe I should just go offline and become a potato farmer

  384. jonas’

    s/potato/tomato/ #louiz

  385. marc

    It's not online anymore because I reinstalled my infrastructure but let me see if I can find it

  386. Ge0rG

    either way, I was totally unaware of all of that when I made https://yaxim.org/blog/2020/01/31/yaxim-0-dot-9-9-fosdem-edition/

  387. marc

    Ge0rG, found it

  388. marc

    Ge0rG, https://blog.zapb.de/assets/xmpp-invite.webm

  389. marc

    Ge0rG, 1142496 Nov 16 2017 xmpp-invite.webm

  390. Ge0rG

    marc: okay, I've seen that video back in 2017. Where's the code?

  391. marc

    Ge0rG, somewhere on my notebook / server

  392. Ge0rG

    marc: so it never got published?

  393. marc

    ejabberd implementation got stuck because of an xml element with the same synatx whatever but two different meanings

  394. marc

    this was not possible in ejabberd I was told by zinid

  395. Ge0rG


  396. marc

    Ge0rG, I don't remember the details but some element used in 401 and PARS had the same name but different meaning

  397. Ge0rG

    the token element?

  398. marc

    and this couldn't be implemented in ejabberd

  399. marc

    maybe, yes

  400. Ge0rG

    marc: did you submit anything to Conversations or Gajim?

  401. Ge0rG

    ..or even tell the developers?

  402. Ge0rG

    Sorry, I'm not trying to offend you, I'm just sad.

  403. marc

    Daniel was aware of it

  404. marc

    The Gajim dudes I don't know

  405. marc

    Ge0rG, sorry

  406. marc

    Zash, what about your SASL2 code?

  407. Zash

    Food takes priority

  408. Zash

    marc, jonas’: https://modules.prosody.im/mod_sasl2.html

  409. marc

    Zash, wow, not very complex

  410. Zash

    SASL itself isn't that complicated

  411. Zash

    And the logic is mostly handled elsewhere by the same stuff that handles SASL1

  412. Zash

    That code is just mapping it to the new wire protocol

  413. Zash

    And notably doesn't do any of the fancy stuff SASL2 is meant to allow

  414. Zash

    jonas’, sent that vcard compat reply. I hope I finished it.

  415. marc

    Like tasks?

  416. jonas’

    Zash, I know that feel

  417. jonas’

    Zash, does vcard4 not contain an avatar?

  418. Zash

    It can, but why would we when we have '84?

  419. Zash

    Or what do you mean?

  420. Zash

    Avatars are separated out and not included stored in the vcard4 PEP node by the Prosody module.

  421. Zash

    minus one word

  422. Zash

    the post-food slowness

  423. jonas’

    Zash, so when a client wants the "full" vcard4, it has to query vcard4 + avatar?

  424. jonas’

    Zash, so when a client wants the "full" vcard4, it has to query vcard4 + avatar, separately?

  425. Zash


  426. Zash


  427. jonas’

    just for my understanding

  428. Zash

    You probably had the avatar already to show in the contact list or somesuch.

  429. jonas’

    Zash, I was asking from a permission perspective mainly

  430. jonas’

    i.e. whether the granularity is consistent between vcard4 and vcard-temp

  431. marc

    Ge0rG, Zash: how is sasl2 and ibr related? do we always have an authentication (anonymous?) step and then ibr?

  432. Zash

    jonas’, It should be consistent, yes.

  433. Zash

    marc, they would be related somehow in some way such that everything is nicer

  434. marc


  435. Zash

    Oh there's https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0389.html too

  436. Zash

    Wait have we been talking about SASL2 when we should have been talking about IBR2?

  437. Zash

    Such confuse

  438. marc


  439. Zash

    IBR2 is what you want for 0401

  440. Zash

    I think?

  441. marc

    Probably, who came up with SASL2?

  442. Zash

    Dunno, was it me or Ge0rG ?

  443. Zash

    Early connection something 2 that reduces the hackyness of 0401

  444. Ge0rG

    Maybe it was Daniel?

  445. Ge0rG

    XMPP 2!

  446. marc

    No bullshit please

  447. Zash

    SASL2, IBR2, Routing2, ... MAM2

  448. Zash

    marc, so, IBR2 is for improved registration flows (ask for random profile details, invite tokens, CAPTCHA etc) and SASL2 is for improved login flow (2FA, required password change, stuff) and reducing roundtrips (auth + bind or 198 resumption in one step)

  449. marc

    Zash, yep, that's what I thought

  450. marc

    Zash, is there a IBR2 XEPs?

  451. marc


  452. Zash

    Linked to it above, https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0389.html

  453. marc

    I see

  454. marc

    But atm I don't see the advantage over regular IBR

  455. vanitasvitae

    Suprise Blog Post! https://blog.jabberhead.tk/2020/02/25/how-to-implement-a-xep-for-smack/

  456. vanitasvitae

    Fallback Indication was a defenseless victim MWAHAHAHA!!!

  457. emus

    I read in the Application Wiki again. And I saw the list there and got reminded that I read that point about the company of course for the application, but didn't felt related to it. So I didn't actually thought about nameing it (and of course for privacy reasons). Further, I thought it would be mandatory only if you work in a company that has any interest or relation to XMPP topics. So, maybe that should be cleared out in the future, that, where ever you work as individual (StarBucks or Microsoft) you have to put it to the application.

  458. emus

    > Suprise Blog Post! > https://blog.jabberhead.tk/2020/02/25/how-to-implement-a-xep-for-smack/ Can you drop it to the march newsletter:

  459. emus


  460. pep.

    ugh I hadn't realized Fallback Indication had been accepted..

  461. pep.

    vanitasvitae, I know it's "just an example" but this is a bad use of 428, considering there's already EME (0380) :/

  462. pep.

    And we all know people just look at examples

  463. vanitasvitae

    yeah thats true

  464. vanitasvitae

    actually that example made me think that the XEP itself is useless 😀

  465. vanitasvitae

    But I can imagine some use case for it server side.

  466. jonas’

    vanitasvitae, neat blog post

  467. vanitasvitae

    thanks 😉

  468. pep.

    Yeah I also like the blog post otherwise :)

  469. pep.

    Maybe add some kind of syntax highlighting? If it's not too much a hassle

  470. vanitasvitae

    My WP theme doesn't support it unfortunately 🙁

  471. vanitasvitae

    Maybe there is a plugin for that..

  472. pep.


  473. jonas’

    I bet there is. and I wouldn’t be surprised if it came with a free remote shell!

  474. vanitasvitae

    exactly 😛

  475. marc

    Ge0rG, did you explain the disadvantage(s) of IBR dataforms somewhere?

  476. jonas’

    no need to, it contains XEP-0004

  477. Zash

    jonas’, did you explain the disadvantage(s) of XEP-0004 somewhere? :P

  478. jonas’

    from a different docmuent, but I think it also applies to IBR: > Sturctured data, beyond lists of text and JIDs, can not be represented with Data Forms (XEP-0004) [9] at all. Machine-readable data would also have to be human-readable at the same time to provide a fallback view for human users. Interationalization of such human-readable data in field values is not possible with Data Forms (XEP-0004) [9].

  479. jonas’

    Zash, as a matter of fact, I did, in a recent ProtoXEP

  480. Ge0rG

    marc: yes, but I don't remember where. Might have been on list on the initial 0401 submission

  481. marc

    Ge0rG, hm, okay

  482. Ge0rG

    My biggest issue was that a client now has to check whether a data form is fully equivalent to plain IBR plus the token

  483. Ge0rG

    And then display the regular IBR dialog instead of a full data form dialog

  484. Ge0rG

    For which I don't have support anyway

  485. Ge0rG

    I'm lost now. https://www.google.com/search?hl=de&q=site%3Amail.jabber.org+%22XEP-0401%22&oq=site%3Amail.jabber.org+%22XEP-0401%22&aqs=heirloom-srp..

  486. jonas’


  487. jonas’

    from searching for "council", I get the impression that google doesn’t have anything newer than 2017 in its indices

  488. jonas’

    ah, 2019-march, too

  489. vanitasvitae

    > Maybe add some kind of syntax highlighting? Done 😉

  490. pep.

    woo :)

  491. pep.

    Now it's even more obvious for people to just copy the code!!

  492. pep.

    Alex, https://github.com/xsf/memberbot/pull/1

  493. pep.

    An idea of why memberbot is so slow btw? Or is it my server again being too far?

  494. jonas’

    it introduces an intentional delay I think to make it feel more realistic?

  495. pep.


  496. pep.

    It's even setting "composing"

  497. jonas’

    it also sends typing notifications in case you haven’t ... yeah :)

  498. jonas’

    I quite like that actually

  499. pep.

    Not too uncanny yet, we're good

  500. Ge0rG

    Say what? It's adding latency to feel more human like?

  501. Ge0rG

    I haven't tested yet but I hate it already...

  502. Zash

    Should fix the thing where messages end up before the responses due to sorting by timestamps with insufficient precision :)

  503. pep.

    Real life hacks(tm)

  504. pep.

    btw ad-hoc voting is not enabled on memberbot?

  505. pep.

    Ah, fulljid.

  506. Zash


  507. Ge0rG

    Zash: that should only be an issue if the bot adds timestamp to everything

  508. pep.

    returns empty nonetheless..

  509. pep.

    But I see code for it

  510. Ge0rG

    So it will artificially delay its responses to be more human like, but it won't accept a "Yes" for a yes?

  511. Ge0rG

    And yes, I hate it indeed

  512. vanitasvitae

    > but it won't accept a "Yes" for a yes? This is especially annoying if you are on mobile

  513. pep.

    Well I just fixed it. Let's awit for Alex to merge it :)

  514. Ge0rG

    vanitasvitae: Yes

  515. vanitasvitae

    Ge0rG, what?

  516. Zash

    Revive https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/buttons.html ?

  517. pep.

    Well I just fixed it. Let's wait for Alex to merge it :)

  518. vanitasvitae

    You mean yes?

  519. Ge0rG

    Speaking of mobile, the wiki is also unreadable

  520. Zash

    Yaks, unshaven yaks everywere1

  521. Zash
