XSF Discussion - 2020-04-06

  1. bantumi

    good morning to everyone

  2. bantumi

    i try to install a module

  3. bantumi


  4. bantumi

    seems installed because it's on the list of module installed

  5. bantumi

    when i add this module in yml of ejabberd

  6. bantumi

    and i try to go live with ejabberd

  7. bantumi

    return this error

  8. bantumi

    Invalid value of option modules: unknow ejabberd module: mod_http_offline. Did you mean mod_http_offline?

  9. flow

    bantumi, you may want to ask in the ejabberd MUC instead

  10. bantumi

    seems that the name suggested and the name of the module insert is the same

  11. Zash


  12. flow

    bantumi, ejabberd@conference.process-one.net :)

  13. bantumi

    sorry disconnected

  14. Holger

    tl;dr known bug, upgrade.

  15. bantumi

    sorry for very stupid question

  16. bantumi

    but how i can join this group ?

  17. bantumi

    from web

  18. jonas’


  19. Guus

    bantumi did you get that Holger's reply was ment for you? The problem that you're experiencing is a known issue. Upgrading seems to help.

  20. bantumi

    Guus HI

  21. Guus


  22. bantumi

    you say

  23. bantumi

    that i need to upgrade

  24. bantumi

    what ?

  25. bantumi

    the module or ejabberd ?

  26. bantumi

    because for ejabberd i m just at 20.03

  27. bantumi

    last versione available

  28. Zash

    I would have guessed ejabberd

  29. bantumi

    i can't join to https://search.jabber.network/search?q=ejabberd

  30. bantumi

    can anyone guide me ?

  31. bantumi

    how i can join to this group ?

  32. Zash

    Do you not have an account on a federated server instance?

  33. flow

    bantumi, those are standard MUCs. Create a jabber account and join them with a jabber client of your choice

  34. bantumi

    o i try

  35. bantumi


  36. Guus

    I'm sorry bantumi - I know nothing of ejabberd. I'm just relaying the message. Asking this question in the ejabberd chatroom, as others here suggested, is your best bet. If that does not work, then the ejabberd community probably has other options for you to ask them for help too.

  37. bantumi

    i create an ejabbered user

  38. bantumi

    and try to enter in room

  39. bantumi

    but i can't

  40. bantumi


  41. Guus

    bantumi, which client are you using?

  42. bantumi

    a lot

  43. Guus

    and on what network / xmpp domain did you create the user?

  44. bantumi

    the chat i want to join is this

  45. bantumi


  46. Guus

    do you have an xmpp account?

  47. bantumi


  48. bantumi

    and it's connected

  49. Guus

    to what server?

  50. Guus

    what client are you using for that xmpp account?

  51. bantumi


  52. bantumi

    that it's not on right server

  53. Guus

    xmpp.jp is often associated with spam. It is possible that the administrators of process-one.net are blocking it.

  54. Guus

    let me get you another account

  55. Guus

    can you send me a quick email at guus.der.kinderen@gmail.com ? I'll give you your username/password privately.

  56. bantumi


  57. Guus


  58. bantumi


  59. bantumi

    now im inside

  60. bantumi

    the issue is that i create my account in a spam server

  61. bantumi

    thanks a lot Guus

  62. Guus

    no problem

  63. MattJ

    Can anyone remind me what the policy is (if any) for being a member of the iteam mailing list?

  64. MattJ

    iteam members + ?

  65. MattJ

    Oh, Kev isn't here

  66. MattJ

    Well, I'm going to remove some folk who have been absent from the community for years

  67. pep.

    MattJ, should council also wait for feedback on the list to vote on pubsub-mam and mam-prefs? Or can I tag them

  68. MattJ

    pep.: up to council I'd say. I'd appreciate more time I think.

  69. jonas’

    MattJ, good to know, I’d appreciate not to have things in the xeps repo which aren’t ready-to-merge from the PR author’s perspective

  70. jonas’

    please make it unambiguous in the PR title that you don’t want them merged yet

  71. pep.

    Github also has a "WIP" thing?

  72. jonas’

    it’s just five codepoints of text

  73. jonas’

    I’m sure github has that

  74. Guus

    You can create a PR that is in draft.

  75. MattJ

    jonas’: sorry, I put it in the text and we had discussed getting feedback on the list before merging

  76. MattJ

    I didn't see the draft option, I don't think I've ever used it

  77. pep.

    Maybe same as gitlab you can also just prefix the title with it?

  78. pep.

    "draft: " or sth

  79. waqas

    Hmm, I didn't know about draft PRs, good to know — https://github.blog/2019-02-14-introducing-draft-pull-requests/

  80. pep.

    https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2016/01/08/feature-highlight-wip/ Gitlab has had that for quite some time. It was bound to arrive to github as well :)

  81. pep.

    https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2016/01/08/feature-highlight-wip/ Gitlab has had that for quite some time. It was bound to arrive on github as well :)

  82. waqas

    I do kind of prefera "[WIP]" prefix or suffix in the title, that's what I've historically used.

  83. Zash

    For something completely different, why is it that a HTTP URL passes nameprep?

  84. waqas

    It's host/port, isn't it?

  85. Zash

    > =util.encodings.stringprep.nameprep"http://example.com:80/" http://example.com:80/

  86. Zash

    I'm mostly scared by how ':' and '/' pass

  87. waqas

    `http:` passes nameprep, and `/example.com:80/` passes resourceprep?

  88. Zash

    This is only nameprep, no JID splitting

  89. waqas


  90. Zash

    But yeah, that too

  91. Zash

    ':' and '/' don't pass IDNA tho