XSF Discussion - 2020-06-09

  1. Alex

    I created the application page for Q3-2020 here: https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Membership_Applications_Q3_2020

  2. Alex

    Holger: 👆

  3. Kev

    Thanks Alex.

  4. jonas’

    Holger: 👆

  5. Guus

    Holger ☝

  6. Holger


  7. Holger

    Thanks guys.

  8. jonas’

    you can clearly see who put the least effort into this

  9. jonas’

    vanitasvitae, are you around right now?

  10. vanitasvitae

    jonas’: I am

  11. jonas’

    a few minutes too late

  12. vanitasvitae

    Whats the matter?

  13. jonas’

    not important either way, I was hoping you could give a better summary of what https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/958 did than I could :)

  14. jonas’

    I now made this up: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/commit/2b33ec4e783a1badcf5743d819531e4f291e4af2

  15. jonas’

    which is good I hope

  16. vanitasvitae

    I like it

  17. jonas’


  18. jonas’

    It’d be good, next time, if I get something I can work with right in the PR :)

  19. vanitasvitae

    I'd probably proposed something similar :P

  20. vanitasvitae

    Alright, will remember that :)

  21. jonas’

    guessing what’s going on from the diff is tedious, especially with github turning off word-diff for long lines

  22. vanitasvitae

    I understand

  23. jonas’

    is the Editor Team a XSF Work Team? or, the real question: Do you need to be an XSF member to be an Editor?

  24. Zash

    https://xmpp.org/about/xsf/editor-team.html says it that it is a Work Team

  25. jonas’

    right, the place where I didn’t look (in the huge blockquote) :)

  26. jonas’


  27. Zash

    > Members of the work team shall be selected by the XMPP Council after a call for volunteers from among the XSF membership, and shall be approved by the XSF Board of Directors.

  28. pep.

    I thought the Editor WT was actually defined in 0001, but it seems it's only defining its role

  29. pep.

    Not its statutes

  30. pep.

    It's referencing the page Zash linked yeah

  31. vasuta


  32. vasuta

    Who online

  33. wurstsalat

    ^ spammer (already banned fron gajim)

  34. vasuta


  35. vasuta

    What i spam

  36. vasuta

    wurstsalat: i talked with you about South Park

  37. vasuta

    wurstsalat: and now you're complaining about me like a little child

  38. rion

    vasuta: all 6 your last messages are spam :)

  39. vasuta

    Sergei it's you ?

  40. vasuta

    rion: Sergey