XSF Discussion - 2020-08-06

  1. jumplkuter


  2. emus

    Hot from the press: The XMPP Newsletter on July 2020! https://xmpp.org/2020/08/newsletter-06-august/ 📬️

  3. marc


  4. vanitasvitae


  5. emus

    I got a hint that the Newsletter goes into some peoples spam folders. Does anyone have similar experience?

  6. !XSF_Martin

    Not here.

  7. !XSF_Martin

    But I'm using my own Mailserver and no silo.

  8. emus


  9. moparisthebest

    emus: nice newsletter! But are you gonna post it on https://fosstodon.org/@xmpp ?

  10. emus

    moparisthebest: yes, if one finally give me access to the accounts 🤷‍♂️

  11. emus

    moparisthebest: yes, if one finally gives me access to the accounts 🤷‍♂️

  12. moparisthebest

    who can we bug for that :)