XSF Discussion - 2020-08-20

  1. MattJ

    Anyone else around?

  2. MattJ

    ralphm, Guus, Seve?

  3. Guus

    oh, sorry

  4. Guus


  5. Guus

    it's one of those days

  6. MattJ

    If everyone's on holiday I'm going to feel like I'm missing out

  7. Seve


  8. Guus


  9. MattJ

    Ok, I'll assume unicode boxes mean let's go

  10. MattJ

    0) Roll call

  11. Guus

    it was a cricket ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Guus

    but yeah

  13. MattJ


  14. Guus


  15. Seve


  16. Seve is here

  17. Guus


  18. MattJ


  19. MattJ pulls up the actual agend^WTrello

  20. MattJ

    Oh yeah, I added something

  21. MattJ

    1) Topics for decisions

  22. MattJ

    1.1) Sponsor Secure Messaging Summit?

  23. MattJ

    Context: https://claucece.github.io/Secure-Messaging-Summit/ (I think you've both seen already, since it was shared in commteam)

  24. Guus

    I've briefly glanced over it, not expecting it to pop up for discussion here

  25. Guus

    (dind't review trello before the meeting - a pre-sent agenda would be nice indeed)

  26. MattJ

    One day :)

  27. Guus

    I in principle have no objections to sponsoring the event - it seems to align nicely with our objectives.

  28. Guus

    this all from a cursory look

  29. Seve

    "You can be another sponsor if you like! ;)" I can't find how or what it takes to become a sponsor

  30. MattJ

    But yeah, the summit is not XMPP-specific, but obviously within our domain

  31. Guus

    (eg, the headlines make sense)

  32. MattJ

    and yes, the sponsorship part is vague, but I saw it and thought it would be worth bringing up for discussion

  33. MattJ

    so if we're not opposed, then I propose someone reaches out to them for more details

  34. MattJ

    and ff someone wants to volunteer for that, great, and I can otherwise

  35. MattJ

    and if someone wants to volunteer for that, great, and I can otherwise

  36. Guus

    I'd happily push this to anyone but me - neck-deep in post holiday madness

  37. Seve

    I think it would be nice to have XMPP/XSF around there, since it looks like there's nobody from the community participating there, so it is a way to have XMPP around

  38. Guus

    Do we need to bring up them using Zulip for chat?

  39. MattJ

    I don't think so?

  40. Guus

    Might come across as weird for us to sponsor an event that's using different technologies than ours.

  41. Guus

    I don't particularly mind, as I'm primarily interested in the topic of the event, rather than technology used.

  42. MattJ

    Zulip isn't federated (afaik) but it is open-source

  43. Guus

    I'm merely trying to anticipate raised brows from our own community.

  44. MattJ

    Yeah, I don't see an issue but if someone has an objection then I'm happy to continue on that point

  45. Guus

    fair enough

  46. MattJ

    Ok, so... I'll take that as no objections to reaching out. Any volunteers? If not I can.

  47. Seve

    That's a chance for some XMPP awareness, that's why I think it is good to see if it is doable for us to become sponsors

  48. Seve

    I would be happy if you can handle it MattJ, but I can help too if needed

  49. MattJ

    Ok, great

  50. MattJ

    Looking over the other items on the board...

  51. MattJ

    Looks like we have a few stale items

  52. MattJ

    2) Items for discussion

  53. MattJ

    2.1) What to do with open PRs in xsf/xmpp.org

  54. MattJ

    This was added by pep. but apparently raised by emus: > PRs are "pilling up" in the repository and there is nobody to look into them. Istr board and commteam have commit access (probably iteam as well). Should we put something in place to review things on a regular basis. Any other idea?

  55. MattJ

    As I understand it, commteam are in charge of the website (content, anyway)

  56. Guus

    Does board _need_ to do anything here?

  57. MattJ

    I was just about to say, I don't see why this is a board matter. Though commteam failing to do what we need does become a board matter

  58. Guus

    People that have permission to work on issues get email notifications of changes - I don't think it's a matter of people be unaware.

  59. Seve

    I do not get those if I'm not mentioned, maybe something I can look at

  60. Seve

    I'll try to handle take care of that item

  61. MattJ

    Ok, thanks!

  62. MattJ

    There are 12 PRs, I don't consider that a mountain, I've seen worse

  63. Guus

    if any team wants to put in some kind of mechanism for periodic reviewing things, by all means, go for it. I'm slightly worried that more procedure doesn't necessarily help, but we can always try.

  64. Guus

    to be fair, I think a bunch of them were worked on recently.

  65. MattJ

    Yeah, nothing looks ancient

  66. MattJ

    Ok, so Seve will look into it, but no other action required from Board here

  67. Guus

    and if it was ancient, then it was probably not important enough to have been resolved with any kind of priority.

  68. Seve

    Yes, don't worry, I'll make sure we handle what we need to handle here ๐Ÿ‘

  69. Guus


  70. MattJ

    Of the other cards on the board, I don't see any that I'm 1) comfortable with discussion without ralphm/pep. participating 2) aren't blocked on someone

  71. MattJ


  72. MattJ

    3) AOB

  73. Guus

    none from me

  74. Guus


  75. Seve

    None here

  76. Guus

    when does our term end?

  77. Guus

    (do we need to start thinking about elections yet?

  78. Guus

    something to look into later, maybe. Just something that popped to mind

  79. MattJ

    The last election date was 2019-11-21

  80. MattJ

    so a while yet, but yes, something to start thinking about soon

  81. MattJ

    4) Next meeting

  82. MattJ

    Same time next week wfm

  83. Guus


  84. Guus


  85. Seve


  86. MattJ

    5) EOF

  87. MattJ

    Thanks all

  88. Guus


  89. Seve

    Thank you! Also thanks for chairing MattJ, very appreciated :)

  90. MattJ

    I'll send out minutes shortly

  91. MattJ


  92. emus

    Seve, MattJ: I mentioned the situation, which seem to be the case on the other repositories, too (no matter who is reponsible) we have issues open for years already. I furthermore didnt know that CommTeam is responsible for the website alone. Therefore I intended to start a discussion how to treat open issues/PRs and who can review those (meaning with background knowledge). Often people claim for example the client lists for example are not up-to-date, however there were 10 not merged update PRs. I think this is frustrating for contributors in general and it also does not help if noone feels responsible.

  93. emus

    > if any team wants to put in some kind of mechanism for periodic reviewing things, by all means, go for it. I'm slightly worried that more procedure doesn't necessarily help, but we can always try. > to be fair, I think a bunch of them were worked on recently. I think that would be good in general

  94. emus

    Of course one can subcribe to repository notficiations

  95. emus

    Of course one can subcribe to repository notficiations (Watch repo)

  96. jonasโ€™

    FTR, I was subscribed to xmpp.org before I got my write access revoked when we cleaned up permissions and people figured out that I wasnโ€™t in commteam :)

  97. emus

    Of course one can subcribe to repository notficiations (Watch repo)

  98. emus

    ๐Ÿค”๏ธ when was that?

  99. lovetox

    was there any movement regarding message styling?

  100. lovetox

    i think there was some issue with 394 because it does not specify how to count the characters?

  101. Zash

    lovetox, https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0426.html discusses that

  102. lovetox

    ok was there any other drawback with 394 i should know about?

  103. lovetox

    can we replace xhtml with it?

  104. larma

    lovetox, at summit we discussed that it would be great if one can specify in 394 that a char/string is actually meant as a formatting char for clients not supporting 394 (i.e. clients doing only 393) and should not be displayed to users if the client supports the corresponding 394 markup tag. This would be useful so that e.g. lists don't end up with double bullet point as in the example https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0394.html#usecases-itemized but instead just une bullet point as one would expect