XSF Discussion - 2020-09-28

  1. jonas’

    I think what lovetox is describing is an issue of the xmlstream library

  2. jonas’

    not of the extension

  3. jonas’

    the library could offer a type where you simply get a DOM of the thing to work with

  4. jonas’

    for /vcard4?/ that’s not too bad

  5. jonas’


  6. Guus

    Although off topic, lotsa smart people in here: I've been asked to guide someone to juggle some certificates (x509) from one format to the other. I'd typically google to find the appropriate openssl commands, but this person is on Windows. I've found some third party precompiled openssl binaries, but it's that the way to go?

  7. jonas’

    can they use WSL?

  8. Guus

    I do not know

  9. jonas’

    if they can, that’d be a way forward

  10. jonas’

    otherwise, yes, using random binaries downloaded from the internet is how windows do. (or did, at least in when I was still using windows)

  11. Guus

    ok, thanks

  12. jonas’

    mind, the last windows version I touched was XP

  13. MattJ

    I can confirm this is how Windows worked. Last used Windows 2000.

  14. jonas’

    MattJ, 2000 was XP without the fancy themes, righ-?

  15. jonas’

    MattJ, 2000 was XP without the fancy themes, right?

  16. MattJ

    Exactly :)

  17. MattJ

    The minimum specs and the copy protection are what pushed me to Linux

  18. jonas’

    I’m not really on linux. In 2008 or so, I reinstalled my desktop machine, but this time I installed linux first to give it a chance. I decided to install windows on the second partition once I should need it. I’m still in that state.

  19. jonas’


  20. MattJ

    I really wanted one feature of XP that Windows 2000 didn't have - the ability to log in multiple desktop users simultaneously, and switch between them. Ubuntu had that out of the box (possibly Debian too, but the installer always froze when I tried it)

  21. MattJ

    Should probably reminisce in other channels :)

  22. jonas’


  23. Guus

    I feel that this year is going to be the year of Linux on the desktop.

  24. edhelas

    just a little message to tell that Movim 0.18 is out https://nl.movim.eu/?post/pubsub.movim.eu/Movim/11655111-e7ad-4e0c-975c-3c78755d22aa

  25. pep.


  26. edhelas

    i'll publish about it on the social networks soon

  27. wurstsalat

    edhelas, care to add it to the next newsletter, too? :)

  28. edhelas

    i'll try to find time to do that

  29. wurstsalat

    edhelas, just drop a small conclusion at commteam@, I’ll do the rest

  30. emus

    wurstsalat: 👍

  31. wurstsalat

    jonas’, any (planned) Editor news this month? I’m composing a list for this month’s newsletter issue

  32. eevvoor

    I could write a summary about the research propsal. It is not yet decided whether the German research foundation will fund it.

  33. eevvoor

    Is that a topic for the newsletter?

  34. eevvoor

    wurstsalat, in case yes, I would be a new Editor of the newsletter.

  35. wurstsalat

    eevvoor, can you elaborate? :)

  36. wurstsalat

    or: do you have a link?

  37. eevvoor

    I shared the whole research proposal here after submission, wurstsalat. I do not have a link since there is no funding yet.

  38. eevvoor

    Musst have been in Januar.

  39. eevvoor

    It is a proposal for a cross-platform program to access mulilingual content, like news from other countries with emoji-enriched translations.

  40. wurstsalat

    eevvoor, I think that would fit well!

  41. eevvoor

    use-cases are language learning and accessability to mulimedia-content in other languages.

  42. eevvoor

    ok wurstsalat, when is the deadline and could you guide me through the style the texts should have? length etc ...

  43. wurstsalat

    eevvoor, you could join commteam@muc.xmpp.org deadline for this month would be the 30th (but why not next month) ;) text is markdown formatted, text should not be too long (usually we aim for short conclusions + link)

  44. eevvoor


  45. jonas’

    wurstsalat, no

  46. jonas’

    I have other stuff in the pipeline, but that won’t make it until Oct 1st

  47. wurstsalat

    jonas’: ok thanks :)

  48. eevvoor

    hm, but I do not have a link.

  49. eevvoor

    I do not know whether I am allowed to publish a research proposal for download. Would have to ask that.

  50. eevvoor

    Otherwise the link to the pdf would be perfect.

  51. eevvoor

    wurstsalat, is it 30th 0:00h UTC?

  52. eevvoor

    Where do I find english information about why XMPP is preferable over whatsapp?

  53. eevvoor

    I know a lot of German websites but no English one.

  54. wurstsalat

    eevvoor: a link is not mandatory. You could also just summarize your plans :) deadlines or not that strict, but before october would be nice, otherwise it'll be in the next issue, which would als be nice

  55. wurstsalat

    *are not

  56. eevvoor

    ok, thx for the explanations wurstsalat

  57. lovetox

    jonas’, thats what im talking about, implementing the spec in a library

  58. jonas’

    lovetox, so? hand the user an XML DOM. that’s the smartest way to deal with vcard

  59. flow

    and maybe implement some convenience methods to retrieve the values of frequently used fields

  60. lovetox

    you hand the client the xml?

  61. lovetox

    thats indeed simple

  62. lovetox

    not sure this is of any help to implement the spec though

  63. Zash

    It's unclear to me how vcard4 is all that different from vcard-temp

  64. lovetox

    and as i see it the only convenience method you implemented for setting a photo, is not respecting that in a vcard multiple photos can be present

  65. jonas’

    lovetox, note that this is vcard-temp, not vcard4

  66. lovetox

    quick skimming the code, i think this overwrites the first one it encounters?

  67. lovetox

    jonas’, i know

  68. jonas’

    yes, it only interacts with the first photo

  69. jonas’

    though if you ask it to clear, it’ll kill them all

  70. Zash

    Personally I would prefer that we take this time to stop putting avatars into the vcard, and use the avatar pep method

  71. jonas’


  72. lovetox

    yeah .. so your implementation of the vcard spec is to hand the client the xml unaltered, and provide a convienience method thats only in some narrow cases is convenient

  73. lovetox

    Zash, you would need to read the spec in full

  74. lovetox

    it just provides vcard with alot more features

  75. lovetox

    for example, every key (Photo, Nickname etc) can have load of "parameteres" that give context to the key

  76. lovetox

    problem is if you dont understand all the parameteres, context is missing from the element, and if you accidently delete the parameter, because you dont support it or dont understand it, you actually change the meaning of the element

  77. lovetox

    further all elements can be arranged in "groups", so you better understand what groups are, otherwise the elements again missing the context

  78. lovetox

    on library side, to provide a nice object for the client, is not hard, but its probably a 1000 line module if im finished

  79. flow

    > lovetox> you hand the client the xml? well, not the raw XML as string, but an abstraction API that allows the user to query/discover the XML

  80. lovetox

    on client side to make a proper UI for it, is probably a very hard task

  81. lovetox

    if not impossible

  82. lovetox

    but i will take that impossible task on me

  83. lovetox

    and will tell you once its done

  84. jonas’

    lovetox, perfect is the enemy of good. Hence the solution from aioxmpp, which seems to work fine so far.

  85. pep.

    https://onezero.medium.com/how-to-destroy-surveillance-capitalism-8135e6744d59 in case some missed it. Still reading through it, it's long (really).

  86. moparisthebest

    > How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism > Step 1: Post your article on a "blog" covered in 15+ ads and trackers

  87. pep.

    Yeah.. medium :(

  88. pep.

    I'm sorry about that

  89. moparisthebest

    ha sorry couldn't resist :)

  90. pep.

    Fortunately I don't get the ads and trackers (or it's greatly reduced) but my addons are blinking red

  91. moparisthebest

    same, plus I just saved to my wallabag and it's got none of that

  92. wurstsalat

    I couldn’t even load that on mobile, but Cory Doctorow is always a good read

  93. moparisthebest

    wallabag estimates 109 minute read

  94. pep.

    Yes it's long, and I doubt that's accurate even, I'd give it way more

  95. Zash

    Why's the 'f' in the first 'of' in a <span>?

  96. pep.

    in 7 spans, for me

  97. pep.

    Maybe one wasn't enough

  98. mdosch is watching 🏒

    > Why's the 'f' in the first 'of' in a <span>? Wild clicking in fancy WYSIWYG editor?

  99. pep.

    I assume converting with pandoc :p

  100. edhelas

    just submitted the link on https://news.ycombinator.com/newest

  101. Guus

    Is the website at https://www.xmpp.org/ dreadfully slow for others too, or is it just me?

  102. pep.

    seems ok here

  103. jonas’

    just the usual overseas latency

  104. Zash

    Looks like there's some packetloss from up here to wherever that is

  105. jonas’

    is it in the bunker again?

  106. jonas’

    ah, no, it’s on DO

  107. Zash

    In The Cloud™

  108. Guus

    k, must be me then

  109. Guus
