XSF Discussion - 2020-11-30

  1. larma

    Also related to Jingle: XEP-0320 is based on XEP-0176 and thus clients implementing XEP-0320 tend to announce support for XEP-0176 via disco. However, WebRTC clients can't create a transport using XEP-0176 without XEP-0320. A client only implementing XEP-0176 will consider WebRTC clients compatible because that's what they announce, but they won't be able to create a connection.

  2. larma

    Should we change things such that XEP-0320 support does not imply full support of XEP-0176 and thus clients only implementing WebRTC should only announce `urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:dtls:0` but not `urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1`? Or any better idea?

  3. Link Mauve

    larma, a better idea might be to make WebRTC-only clients advertise only XEP-0371 and keep 0176 for legacy unencrypted clients, but every WebRTC client currently uses 0176 and migrating them all in an incompatible manner would take years too probably.

  4. Link Mauve

    You had the same issue with ZRTP encryption too.

  5. larma

    Link Mauve, I bet there was no client only supporting ZRTP encrypted Jingle

  6. Link Mauve

    Can WebRTC even use TCP ICE btw?

  7. Link Mauve

    larma, Jitsi IIRC does.

  8. larma

    Yes, but Jitsi can perfectly handle when the other client does not

  9. larma

    also even xep-0371 has the same issue as XEP-0176 in that it only is the ICE layer, not the DTLS on top

  10. Link Mauve

    That’s possible, I haven’t tested it.

  11. larma

    So when the client announce 371, how do I know it means "I use WebRTC"

  12. larma

    technicaly speaking WebRTC-only clients only implement a subset of 176/371 when requiring dtls to be used

  13. Link Mauve

    You don’t, you have to check for DTLS-SRTP support too, and RTP, and the various (mandatory?) extensions.

  14. Link Mauve

    The solution might be to fix all still-maintained clients with no support for DTLS-SRTP to stop advertising calls there.

  15. Link Mauve

    But at this point, it might even be easier to add support for DTLS-SRTP.

  16. larma

    DTLS-SRTP is not always an option

  17. larma

    Jingle can be used with SIP gateways, which might end at hardware SIP devices which tend to not support DTLS-SRTP (some do ZRTP though)

  18. Link Mauve


  19. larma

    Point is: it is a totally valid decision for a client to support unencrypted ICE but not ICE+DTLS-SRTP. There is however no way to discover if the other end *requires* DTLS-SRTP. ICE+DTLS-SRTP clients announce what was unencrypted ICE before without actually supporting it.

  20. larma

    Point is: it is a totally valid decision for a client to support unencrypted ICE but not ICE+DTLS-SRTP. There is however no way to discover if the other end *requires* DTLS-SRTP. WebRTC-only clients announce what was unencrypted ICE before without actually supporting it.

  21. Link Mauve

    Maybe adding a “negative” feature, to say “I don’t support DTLS-SRTP”?

  22. Link Mauve

    Err, “I require it”?

  23. Link Mauve

    (It’s still morning.)

  24. larma

    And how should a client that only implements ICE know to check that this feature does not exist? That's weird

  25. larma

    Maybe ICE+DTLS-SRTP should just be a different transport than ICE

  26. larma

    it's already weird enough that DTLS-SRTP is something inside the ICE-UDP transport when it could have been a security precondition.

  27. Link Mauve


  28. Link Mauve

    I think I once reported that to Philipp, but I don’t remember his answer.

  29. larma

    IIRC he argued that DTLS is more like part of the transport layer, which isn't that wrong considering that we now have the problem that some clients implement only the transport layer that includes DTLS. However if it is part of the transport layer, it shouldn't reuse the ICE-UDP and instead make a ice-dtls transport layer - or just make one that is called webrtc-datagram which is way easier to understand for the average dude than "use ICE-UDP with DTLS-SRTP"

  30. larma

    Also we now have XEP-0343 which is broken because it provides a streaming transport but uses the ICE-UDP transport element which according to its registrar entry is a datagram transport.

  31. Zash

    Deferred and inactive since a bit after the time of its initial publication.

  32. Link Mauve

    Speaking of WebRTC, I didn’t quite understand what msid is, and whether it’s useful outside of the web platform. I noticed Conversations gets it completely wrong, but I’m not sure how to do it properly.

  33. Zash

    larma, wanna reach out to the author and see if they are still interested?

  34. larma

    Zash: which author?

  35. Zash

    larma: of 343

  36. larma

    Does it help to contact them pointing out a problem without there being a solution in place?

  37. Zash

    I'm not sure I follow what the problem is. Sounds to me like the XEP might need some attention from an author, as it seems to have been inactive with only minor editorial work for years.

  38. larma

    The problem of 343 is similar to the one of 320 though: both were like "OK, webrtc is something in dtls in ice-udp, so let's reuse XEP 176 which provides us with ice-udp and then add dtls", 343 just continues the story " and then add sctp". IMO these two should get their own transports in jingle layer: "webrtc-srtp" (datagram), "webrtc-datachannel" (streaming) - and not reuse "ice-udp" (datagram). It's just more visible that something is wrong with 343 because it's a different transport type

  39. larma

    However, 320 was moved to draft recently, so it's probably impossible to fix that.

  40. Alex

    Memberbot is online for the Q4-2020 membership applications

  41. Zash


  42. mathieui

    whoops I forgot to look at pending PRs before submitting my MIX patches, but it looks like there’s no overlap at least