XSF Discussion - 2021-01-08

  1. marc

    The peertube guys will soon™ implement a chat system for their live streaming feature, xmpp and matrix were already mentioned https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/issues/151

  2. marc

    Maybe someone™ wants to advertise xmpp

  3. MattJ

    marc: https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/issues/3098#issuecomment-756668474 - thanks for the pointer

  4. MattJ

    Not committing to implementing it myself (unless it will only take a few hours), but I'm sure we can find someone who can

  5. marc

    MattJ: since matrix uses json which is a good buzzword for web devs, it will be hard to convince them I guess

  6. marc

    But yeah, maybe they have funding money to lay for an xmpp based chat

  7. marc

    But yeah, maybe they have funding money to pay for an xmpp based chat

  8. dwd

    Good evening.

  9. arc

    ralphm: you here?

  10. ralphm bangs gavel

  11. ralphm

    arc: not sure :-D

  12. ralphm

    0. Welcome + Agenda

  13. ralphm

    A warm welcome in 2021. We've missed a few meetings due to the holidays. New year, new chances.

  14. ralphm

    Who do we have?

  15. arc


  16. dwd


  17. MattJ


  18. ralphm

    Seve sent regrets, so we can start

  19. ralphm

    Any agenda items we should add?

  20. dwd

    Council was asking what's happening with the Summit.

  21. ralphm

    dwd: ok

  22. arc

    We officially sent that to SCAM last meeting

  23. ralphm

    Right, but we can still follow-up maybe.

  24. dwd

    Yes, have we heard back?

  25. ralphm

    If nothing else.

  26. ralphm

    1. Minute taker. I think MattJ was last, so that's me then.

  27. ralphm

    2. XMPP Summit 2021

  28. ralphm

    To be honest, I haven't followed along.

  29. MattJ

    Me neither

  30. dwd

    It might be useful to have SCAM give us an update each week if possible.

  31. MattJ


  32. dwd

    Someone (I forget who) at the Council meeting noted that there wasn't any particular reason to have the Summit happen in line with the FOSDEM timing, mind, and I'm fine with that if that's the plan.

  33. ralphm

    Right. For me the primary value for the Summit is to bring people (physically) together. The second is for the concentrated high(er) bandwidth discussions.

  34. dwd

    Who is the liaision between Board and SCAM?

  35. ralphm

    Probably me.

  36. ralphm

    I'll follow up on this.

  37. arc

    There won't be a physical meeting this year. It is just not possible given the slow vaccine rollout. Maybe next year.

  38. dwd

    Autumn/Fall, perhaps. Depends on vaccine rollout and new mutations.

  39. ralphm

    Right, I don't expect one, but am willing to check back in a few months. We used to do two summits a year, and who knows where we are in the fall.

  40. dwd

    But there's nothing stopping us from replacing a physical summit with one - or more - online events.

  41. ralphm

    Indeed. I'll ask if SCAM has/had anything in mind.

  42. ralphm

    Which reminds me of:

  43. ralphm

    2. GSOC

  44. ralphm


  45. arc

    GSoC is reduced in half this year

  46. ralphm

    If we want to participate, we need to start.

  47. ralphm

    arc: what does that mean?

  48. arc

    Students will be paid half as much as last year, and Google is expecting us to adjust our expectations accordingly

  49. dwd

    Half the time as well?

  50. ralphm

    ah, yes

  51. arc

    So if students were expected to put 30-40 hours last year, it's 15-20 this year, yes.

  52. dwd


  53. dwd

    We could, of course, top that up with our own funds.

  54. ralphm

    Anyway, seems we have a bit of time. Let's think about if we want to participate and discuss next week how to proceed?

  55. arc

    That just has a huge impact on the cost:benefit ratio. Mentors put in the same about of time as previous years but students contribute half an much? Many orgs are discussing whether they still want to participate

  56. ralphm

    Indeed. Point taken.

  57. dwd

    arc, That's why I am wondering about whether we replace the missing funds.

  58. ralphm


  59. dwd

    arc, I assume mentor/org funding from Google also halves?

  60. arc

    Not as I recall.

  61. ralphm

    400 USD per accepted student, says FAQ

  62. dwd

    Oh, OK. So how much is the student shortfall we'd have to make up, anyone know?

  63. arc

    That depends on which country they're from

  64. arc

    If they are living in the United States, $3000 IIRC

  65. arc

    A few years ago they changed the program to paying students based on country cost of living index, instead of one flat amount.

  66. ralphm

    I need to give this a bit more thought

  67. dwd

    Right, makes sense.

  68. arc

    I would recommend that we look at Outreachy

  69. dwd

    Oh, interesting. Yes, looks like something to look into.

  70. dwd

    Can we agree we all look into these options - Outreachy, and making up the shortfall on GSoC - and discuss next week?

  71. arc

    Sounds good

  72. dwd

    (And maybe exchange thoguhts on the mailing list between now and then)

  73. arc

    I would be happy to outreach to outreachy to discuss how we can join that

  74. ralphm


  75. ralphm

    Thanks arc

  76. ralphm

    3. AOB

  77. ralphm


  78. dwd

    Just a note that we have major incidents and "critcon4" and things being declared here, so I may get very busy with work. But hopefully that won't affect Board much.

  79. ralphm


  80. ralphm

    4. Date of Next

  81. ralphm


  82. ralphm

    5. Close

  83. ralphm

    Thanks all!

  84. ralphm bangs gavel

  85. arc

    24 minutes!

  86. ralphm


  87. arc


  88. emus

    Would be great if we could try to compensate GSoC, at least partly.

  89. flow

    emus, "compensate GSoC"?

  90. mdosch

    Top up with own money as mentioned earlier I guess.

  91. flow

    ahh, I see

  92. emus

    flow: Yes, was Martin said