XSF Discussion - 2021-01-16

  1. lovetox

    Zash, MattJ is it somewhere written down what the avatar conversion module logic is

  2. lovetox

    regarding respecting access controls of pubsub

  3. lovetox

    when someone querys a vcard-temp

  4. MattJ

    It essentially translates the vcard request to PEP requests, so the access control is the same

  5. MattJ

    so if your PEP node(s) are contacts-only, only contacts will be able to query vcard-temp

  6. MattJ

    for example

  7. lovetox

    ok for requests this is probably easy

  8. lovetox

    what about publishing, what if i publish with vcard-temp an avatar

  9. lovetox

    would that change my pubsub access-model to open?

  10. lovetox

    i guess not

  11. MattJ


  12. MattJ

    If the node doesn't exist, it will be open by default (because that's the traditional behaviour of mod_vcard)

  13. MattJ

    But if it is configured, the existing settings will not be overwritten

  14. lovetox

    yeah sound sane

  15. lovetox

    I ask because i was talking about it with Holger, because ejabberd does not have that logic yet

  16. lovetox

    so its basically, if a node exists apply access control also to the vcard-temp module

  17. lovetox

    if not, just do as always

  18. MattJ

    Yep. It helps to consider that the vcard-temp module is now doing nothing except translating the request to a PEP request

  19. MattJ

    or a save to a PEP save

  20. lovetox

    Sounds also easier than maintaining 2 storages and trying to sync them

  21. MattJ


  22. edhelas

    So temp is going to not be temp soon

  23. Zash

    Except now it's used for MUCs as well.

  24. Zash

    And participant avatars in MUC are weird

  25. mathieui

    I have a PEP question, would it be possible to expose PEP nodes on a server’s JID, and would it be a protocol violation to allow multiple publishers there (e.g. server admins)?

  26. Zash

    mathieui, isn't that just plain ol' pubsub then?

  27. Zash

    or, how much of the automagic subscription stuff do you need from PEP?

  28. mathieui

    Zash, well, I guess that’s just pubsub, I’m only interested in the +notify

  29. mathieui

    (and discoverability)

  30. Zash

    Depending on how much PEP is just pubsub with some sensible defaults... tho a big thing is being attached to your account

  31. Zash

    Except for +notify, at least with Prosody, you pretty much get that by loading mod_pubsub on a normal host.

  32. mathieui

    The only thing is that this is something I would like to have easily implemented in clients as a receiver role, so it’s better if it does not require more features

  33. mathieui

    but I guess that canb be specified without too much of a hassle

  34. mathieui

    (publishing is another matter, but this could be an adhoc command too for all I care)

  35. Zash

    > would it be a protocol violation to allow multiple publishers there (e.g. server admins)? no, not a protocol violation, just a matter of how much of pubsub you support

  36. Zash

    Does PEP even mandate the affiliation management parts of pubsub?

  37. Zash


  38. Zash

    > A PEP service MUST: > - Support the "open", "roster", and "whitelist" access models.

  39. Zash

    I thought 'open' and 'whitelist' were optional.

  40. mathieui

    another question would be; is a pubsub node on the base server JID something that is possible at all in current implementions?

  41. mathieui

    another question would be; is a pubsub node on the base server JID something possible at all in current implementions?

  42. Zash

    Prosody can. Ejabberd docs doesn't seem to say you can't, but don't know.