XSF Discussion - 2021-02-06

  1. flow

    MattJ, congrats to your excellent talk

  2. flow

    As anecdotial side story: our oldest asked me if the person talking was my boss while I watched it at the breakfast table :)

  3. MattJ


  4. wurstsalat

    Thanks for the talk!

  5. lovetox

    where, i want to see MattJ talk !

  6. Daniel

    i'm wondering if they still believe that bridges are good

  7. Daniel

    or if this is just a giant marketing thing

  8. flow

    I am not sure if bridges are inherently a bad thing. I still remember me using PSI and being connected to all my friends on Yahoo, ICQ, and Co, which was very nice

  9. flow

    of course, back then e2ee wasn't a thing

  10. Zash

    OTR worked just fine over all those...

  11. lovetox

    is the Talk online somewhere?

  12. MattJ

    It will be published on https://video.fosdem.org/ at some point, not sure when

  13. Daniel

    MattJ, it was precorded anyway right? can you not just publish it yourself?

  14. MattJ

    That's true, if I can find somewhere suitable to host it

  15. Zash


  16. jonas’


  17. Zash

    I mean, Jingle p2p (for p>1) magic filesharing we haven't invented yet‽

  18. Dele Olajide

    > mdosch : Kev, prince of Nigeria… 😱

  19. emus

    Hi everyone, the Newsletter is online - happy reading! https://xmpp.org/2021/01/newsletter-01-january/ 🍹️

  20. emus

    Hi everyone, the Newsletter is online - happy reading! https://xmpp.org/2021/01/newsletter-01-january/ 🍹️ Fosstodon: https://fosstodon.org/web/statuses/105684260943396142

  21. Ge0rG

    > his year will be a great one you Missing a "for"

  22. emus


  23. Ge0rG

    The LE link is broken

  24. emus

    Im still looking for volunteer to post the recent tweets on Twitter

  25. emus

    Im still looking for volunteers to post the recent tweets on Twitter

  26. flow

    well that was a strange session with pocock

  27. flow

    it felt like the recorded video was terminated early, and wasn't there supposed to be a Q&A session?

  28. MattJ

    Yeah, I didn't see any questions asked, so I think they just chatted

  29. flow

    MattJ, do you think we say the whole video? because that was pretty short, wasn't it? only about 5-10 minutes

  30. MattJ

    I've no idea. The video was a bit hard to follow, so hard to say

  31. flow

    Ahh, and I assumed it was only for me as non-native speaker hard to follow

  32. Dele Olajide

    > mdosch : Kev, prince of Nigeria… This joke was in very bad taste. If nobody else can see that, then I am very disappointed that we, of African heritage still have to face ethnic or national stereotyping while everyone else gives a wink or pretends it was a harmless joke

  33. mdosch

    It was related to those 'I'm the prince of nigeria' email spam. I'm sorry if you think I meant something different.

  34. jjrh

    I don't know why they are hard cutting between questions and the next talk. We don't have to get out of a room at a certain time so why cut off q&a? If they want a scheduled time so tracks sync up they could have just alloted more time per talk.

  35. jjrh

    Or do they have like break off rooms where q&a is happening and the main stream is just cutting to keep to the schedule?

  36. Zash

    Does that part work now? Sounded like it gave out this morning.

  37. MattJ

    They are supposed to have break-out rooms for each talk, but it wasn't working this morning... in fact I *just* got a message to say the bot was opening up the room for questions, 5 hours after the talk :)

  38. jonas’

    hey, it tried

  39. jonas’


  40. MattJ

    Eventual consistency will always win in the end ;)

  41. jjrh

    Oh they do have q&a rooms? It's not just 15 seconds to not even answer one question before cutting to the next talk?

  42. MattJ

    jjrh, correct

  43. jjrh

    Ah okay I'll have to figure that out

  44. MattJ

    e.g. mine was #rtc-products_vs_protocols:fosdem.org

  45. MattJ

    But they are closed until after the live Q&A ends

  46. emus is getting drunk on numbers: We have 1000 followers on Fosstodon now! We got a lot new ones (~150) after the blog post and its translations

  47. MattJ

    Nice :)

  48. yushyin

    very nice!

  49. moparisthebest

    emus: great work on newsletter once again

  50. emus

    moparisthebest: Thanks!

  51. moparisthebest

    Tails is looking for some XMPP hosting if anyone has ideas https://fosstodon.org/@tails/105684244090696525

  52. MattJ


  53. MattJ

    No pandemic will stop tradition

  54. Kev


  55. Zash

    I had tomato soup yesterday, consider it an retroactive act of solidarity.

  56. deuill

    Ice cream is technically soup