XSF Discussion - 2021-04-11

  1. Freddy

    Hello is there any kind of promotional video for Xmpp ? If not does anyone have interest to create it with

  2. MattJ

    Freddy, no official ones, no. It's possible (even likely) that some community members or others may have published short videos though

  3. Freddy

    Would be great

  4. Freddy

    Maybe a member will get in touch

  5. Freddy

    MattJ: thanks

  6. Ge0rG

    It would be great to have some promotional material, but I don't think there is a central entity that would take care of it.

  7. emus

    Well Ge0rG, let him go with a suggestion if there is no one else working on that. We dont need to take that as official content immediately, but if there turns out something really nice one day, why not?

  8. Zash

    Just Do It. Easier to ask for an official stamp of approval later (or forgiveness) than permission.

  9. Sam

    ^ that's why I put the XSF logo on all of my new products like "XMPPCoin" and "Definitely Legit Send 1 money and get 2 money back!" products

  10. Sam

    It adds an air of authority.

  11. Freddy

    emus, Zash: 👍

  12. Zash

    Sam, XSF stamp of approval 𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑰𝑬𝑫!

  13. Sam

    *sound of a door slaming and a car speeding off*

  14. emus


  15. Ge0rG

    > 𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑰𝑬𝑫! Oh Lord, what have I done?

  16. Sam

    arc: I seem to have lost your XMPP address (probably when I did a large purge of my XMPP group because it contained a ton of people I never talk to anymore and the presence flood was getting overwhelming and making things slow). Any chance you could ping me? xmpp:sam@samwhited.com?message

  17. deuill

    Hopefully that wasn't supposed to be a private message

  18. Ge0rG

    Sam: a large roster is a perfect tool to optimize your code base! 😁

  19. L29Ah

    xmpp takes about a megabyte worth of precious traffic to connect because of all the damned presences

  20. L29Ah

    clearly unsuitable for my garbage ocean yacht w/ insanely expensive internets

  21. Sam

    no, I always forget that's a thing because I have no idea how to do it on my desktop and am too lazy to figure it out

  22. Sam

    but yah, xmpp takes way too long to connect even now, presence made it way worse

  23. Ge0rG

    Long living 0198 sessions? Not sending presence available? Something something presence flood optimization?

  24. L29Ah

    > Long living 0198 sessions even worse as you get lots of presence diffs

  25. Ge0rG

    L29Ah: are you really getting a Megabyte of initial presence? Does that include all MUCs you join?

  26. L29Ah

    yes, yes

  27. L29Ah

    i'm joining a couple dozens of MUCs, some of them are busy IRC channels with lots of idlers

  28. L29Ah

    so i'm not sure if it's a megabyte or more, i don't have a convenient way to measure it now

  29. L29Ah

    but certainly PITA on GPRS-grade links

  30. flow

    L29Ah, is that with compression or without?

  31. L29Ah

    flow: idk really, in tkabber UI it seems like compression and encryption are mutually exclusive

  32. flow

    yeah, some probably believe that is must be that way

  33. Ge0rG

    I've disabled compression in yaxim when it caused xml stream corruption due to race conditions on SMP phones

  34. wgreenhouse

    given some MAM output (e.g. from https://link-mauve.fr/xmpp-account-manager/build/en ), is there a good example of some transformation to make .txt chat logs, by date, one message per line?