XSF Discussion - 2021-06-17

  1. Chan Shen


  2. Chan Shen

    Did XSF members try to fix these issues ???

  3. jonas’

    Chan Shen, you can use end-to-end encryption (e.g. OMEMO) to avoid the admin reading your messages.

  4. jonas’

    many servers support the SCRAM authentication, which avoids cleartext passwords (ejabberd disables it by default for reasons™ I think)

  5. jonas’

    test 1/2 show just data which exists in all server-based communication systems

  6. Chan Shen

    > jonas’ wrote: > Chan Shen, you can use end-to-end encryption (e.g. OMEMO) to avoid the admin reading your messages. It doesn't fix all of these issues

  7. jonas’

    (established connections alongside with state and public data)

  8. jonas’

    all over all, this article documents a lot of things which are kind of obvious when you look at the design decisions of XMPP (and many other protocols). it is a server-based federated chat protocol, which means that things like "injecting (unauthenticated) messages on the server side" is just how things work; if authentication of messages is needed, E2EE (such as OMEMO) needs to be employed to thwart that.

  9. jonas’

    likewise, the server is used to share data between clients on the same account (such as the roster), which implicitly gives the server some power over the roster…

  10. jonas’

    (and other such data)

  11. Chan Shen

    > jonas’ wrote: > all over all, this article documents a lot of things which are kind of obvious when you look at the design decisions of XMPP (and many other protocols). it is a server-based federated chat protocol, which means that things like "injecting (unauthenticated) messages on the server side" is just how things work; if authentication of messages is needed, E2EE (such as OMEMO) needs to be employed to thwart that. > likewise, the server is used to share data between clients on the same account (such as the roster), which implicitly gives the server some power over the roster… > (and other such data) How about matrix ???

  12. jonas’

    I am no Matrix expert.

  13. jonas’

    but I am sure if you ask their marketing, they’ll tell you it’s all fine there.

  14. jonas’

    I am certain that you can see for instance client connections with public IPs on a matrix server though, that’s just how it works.

  15. jonas’

    no idea how their contact list stuff works, so I can’t comment on that. I’d be surprised if it was considerably different from what XMPP has in that regard though.

  16. Chan Shen

    > jonas’ wrote: > I am certain that you can see for instance client connections with public IPs on a matrix server though, that’s just how it works. https://serpentsec.1337.cx/matrix

  17. xutaxkamay

    on a privacy side i think we could get rid off metadata by suppressing the servers and using peer to peer which i believe is possible in xmpp (correct me if i'm wrong) but i guess all parties must be connected in order to talk to each others and need their ip addresses, routers could still theorically get infos but if the communication is encrypted it should be fine

  18. jonas’

    server-less messaging is only specified for LAN use cases

  19. jonas’

    not for WAN

  20. jonas’

    (it relies on mdns, which is not routed)

  21. jonas’

    (it relies on mdns, which is not generally routed)

  22. xutaxkamay

    wouldn't it work with something like i2p?

  23. jonas’

    and you cannot have multi-user chats in the specs as written

  24. xutaxkamay

    i see

  25. jonas’

    I have no idea how i2p works and how XMPP plays into that

  26. jonas’

    (and I don’t know of any spec)

  27. jonas’

    (when I say "it doesn’t work" or "does not exist", I talk about specs as written)

  28. xutaxkamay

    yeah right

  29. jonas’

    but if you drop the servers from the scheme, it’s not really XMPP anymore. you can go with briar or tox or whatever then :)

  30. jonas’

    XMPP is a federated, not a peer-to-peer system, by design and choice

  31. Zash

    s2s is p2p, after a fashion

  32. jonas’

    if every individual runs a server, yes

  33. Zash

    that's what p2p is. everyone running servers. have fun with those trade-offs on mobile

  34. xutaxkamay

    i see, it is possible somehow to prove that we don't collect any meta data except hashed password and email on a server?

  35. jonas’

    xutaxkamay, no, because that’s not true

  36. xutaxkamay

    well i guess giving ssh access

  37. Zash

    ... and email?

  38. xutaxkamay

    but probably not a good idea

  39. xutaxkamay


  40. jonas’

    how would you prove that the ssh access is really accessing the server, and not a chroot/jail which just *looks* like the server with all the important data stripped out? :)

  41. xutaxkamay

    i meant address

  42. Zash

    what the federated client-server model gives you is choice. choice in who you trust to run your server and who has access to your metadata.

  43. xutaxkamay

    there is things, i guess but yep technically you could do anything

  44. xutaxkamay

    i see, well i guess the best is to run your own server in that case then

  45. jonas’

    xutaxkamay, well, a server will generally also store an archive of messages, the roster, things published via PEP, ..., so "hash of password + address" does not quite cover it, at all.

  46. Zash

    it can also remain online while you're out of range of wifi or cell networks, which simplifies things.

  47. xutaxkamay

    > jonas’ wrote: > xutaxkamay, well, a server will generally also store an archive of messages, the roster, things published via PEP, ..., so "hash of password + address" does not quite cover it, at all. if the config is done correctly it should be okay, but yeah i was just saying self-host at home only for your only user and join others servers with it and theorically customize the server so it leaks less as possible informations but it does take indeed time

  48. ralphm

    I may be (too) late yoday

  49. ralphm

    Today, too

  50. dwd

    You can minimize collectable metadata by never talking to anyone. Doesn't seem ideal to me, though.

  51. Zash

    Arrange a face-to-face meeting in the woods. Leave your phones at home.

  52. dwd

    What if someone is watching?

  53. Zash

    Deeper into the woods!

  54. Zash

    Make sure the foliage gives enough coverage to hide you from the satellites!

  55. dwd

    But how do we arrange the meeting securely without someone else hearing?

  56. dwd

    I mean, obviously we arrange a meeting in the woods to arrange a meeting in the woods, but that has some obvious flaws.

  57. Zash

    It's meetings in the woods all the way back!

  58. moparisthebest

    DWRoX - Deep Woods Rendezvous over XMPP is the clear solution here

  59. dwd

    Do we have Board members here? arc / MattJ / ralphm ?

  60. MattJ


  61. dwd

    Two member does not a Board make.

  62. ralphm

    Sorry guys. Also arc has connection issues with his server. I think it is a DNS server not responding.

  63. şişio

    Are messages deleted from the server after a certain day

  64. Zash

    şişio, up to each server

  65. Zash

    şişio, up to each server admin to decide

  66. şişio

    > Zash wrote: > şişio, up to each server admin to decide How?

  67. şişio

    Does it change from server to server

  68. ralphm

    Yes, local policy

  69. MattJ

    I want it to be user policy, but I (and nobody else) has written the XEP yet...

  70. mdosch

    That would be great.

  71. şişio

    > ralphm wrote: > Yes, local policy 👍

  72. Menel

    Instead of mam"=yes/no/contacts that would be good indeed.

  73. MattJ

    Yes, I want to deprecate that configuration in favour of retention configuration

  74. MattJ

    (within bounds set by the server operator)

  75. Zash

    I also want this instead of persistent=yes|no for MUC

  76. MattJ

    That one I think can just go entirely, to be replaced by operator config. If the owner wants a MUC destroyed sooner, they can do so. Likely there is an upper bound that an operator would want for an empty room, might as well just use that as the TTL

  77. Zash

    Even simpler!