XSF Discussion - 2021-09-23

  1. arc

    Are we going to have a board meeting this morning?

  2. dwd

    Or indeed this evening. Yes, I'm about.

  3. MattJ


  4. ralphm


  5. arc

    Gorgsh, we're all here!

  6. ralphm bangs gavel

  7. ralphm

    0. Welcome

  8. ralphm

    Hi, all! What do you bring?

  9. MattJ

    Just myself

  10. MattJ

    and I posted to board@ about the fiscal host policy

  11. ralphm

    I've been busy with (traveling for) my new gig, so haven't been as involved as I wanted.

  12. ralphm

    Thanks MattJ

  13. ralphm

    also elections

  14. ralphm

    If nothing else, then...

  15. ralphm

    1. Minute taker

  16. ralphm

    I think that Matt is next

  17. ralphm

    2. Fiscal Host Policy

  18. ralphm

    MattJ: take it away

  19. MattJ

    I don't really have anything in particular to say, except that it's been dragging on and we should figure out if we're going to approve it or not

  20. dwd

    I'm happy to approve it in its current form.

  21. MattJ

    Me too

  22. arc


  23. ralphm

    Taking the implicit motion here, +1

  24. ralphm

    Motion to approve the Fiscal Host Policy as in PR #915 carries.

  25. MattJ


  26. ralphm


  27. ralphm

    3. Elections

  28. ralphm

    We're having them, please apply.

  29. MattJ


  30. ralphm

    Long version: Board and Council elections for 2021/2022 term is coming up, as Alex has announced. Please consider your own candidacy and/or coerce^Wask somebody to apply.

  31. ralphm

    4. AOB

  32. ralphm

    Haven't seen anything come up, but if you have something, please say so now.

  33. ralphm

    All right then.

  34. ralphm

    5. Date of Next

  35. ralphm


  36. ralphm

    6. Close

  37. ralphm

    Thanks all!

  38. ralphm bangs gavel

  39. dwd

    I need to update Memberbot to cover the stuff we discussed in our first meeting, BTW. I shall do this tomorrow (I think).

  40. ralphm

    Thanks Dave!

  41. emus

    Fiskal Host Policy 🎉

  42. emus


  43. wurstsalat

    here is the automagic RFC thing: https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/975 thanks dwd for the hint re RFC references !

  44. emus


  45. emus

    Lol, I bet with a friend that there is no XMPP service / server or what ever in Colombia (south america) 😀 I think she lost: https://www.seaq.co/counterpath.html

  46. me9

    There's e2e.ee

  47. emus

    but where does it state its origin?

  48. me9

    emus: The ToS talk about Columbian law. So I guess it's there.

  49. emus

    ah yes

  50. me9

    There's a support muc, you could ask there.

  51. emus


  52. me9

    You're welcome emus.