XSF Discussion - 2021-09-24

  1. emus

    Two questions: - Do we want to organsise and have a talk at this years CCC congress light ing talks for example? - Where do I start best when it come to GSoC?

  2. Daniel

    emus: what do you mean wrt gsoc?

  3. flow

    emus, there used to be relatively good wiki pages which help with answering the questions google usually ask's for orgs

  4. flow

    like, "in which previous years did your org participate? how many students?"

  5. flow

    hmm, but maybe you are asking about something different

  6. emus

    ah yes I forgot

  7. emus

    Daniel: wrt? I mean Google Summer o C.

  8. Daniel

    What's your question? Start what? As an org admin? As a mentor?

  9. emus

    Daniel: Organising for XSF as a host to offer participation for XMPP projects. Sorry, I raised that topic recentlt and implied it

  10. Daniel

    in general wait until it is announced and org applications are open. early next year :-) there are a bunch of fact-based questions they ask every year. it doesn’t hurt to start compiling that information (find the old wiki page. ask former org admins) * Which years did your org participate in GSoC? * For each year your organization has participated, counts of successful and total students:

  11. Daniel

    the other questions require less research

  12. Daniel

    i can copy you the other questions from 2018 (dunno if they change much over the years) but there are along the lines of "why do you want to participate" or "how will you keep mentors angaged with their studdents"

  13. Daniel

    also "when was your project started" which is probably either to answer than the other questions

  14. Daniel

    And maybe to start to engage with potential mentors

  15. Daniel

    (it's not worth having a gsoc if nobody really wants to mentor)

  16. emus

    Daniel: Yes agreed. And yes, I wanted to start early so we dont fail on this or need to rush. I think I will look at the wiki page and then setup one for 2022

  17. emus

    Thanks for the input Daniel