XSF Discussion - 2021-10-07

  1. arc


  2. arc

    Are we having a board meeting this morning?

  3. ralphm

    This evening for sure :-D

  4. ralphm bangs gavel

  5. ralphm

    0. Welcome + Agenda

  6. ralphm

    Who do we have?

  7. ralphm

    What items do you bring?

  8. arc

    Oh I'm speaking from the time zone we're incorporated in 😋

  9. ralphm

    I'll just take the timezone of the majority of this board, and the membership (I think)

  10. ralphm


  11. ralphm

    MattJ, dwd?

  12. arc

    I will resolved what the quorum actually is with four members?

  13. arc

    Have we?

  14. ralphm

    Well, I think the answer is still 3

  15. ralphm

    As the bylaws speak of a majority

  16. arc


  17. ralphm

    But let's try to get back to 5 for next term.

  18. arc

    Well it sounds like we're not actually having a meeting this morning

  19. ralphm

    Yep, no meeting this evening. Next week, same bat time same bat place.

  20. ralphm unbangs gavel

  21. MattJ

    Here, sorry