XSF Discussion - 2021-11-03

  1. phryk

    https://xmpp.net/result.php?domain=phryk.net&type=client Can somebody tell me why I get a certificate score of 0? the FAQ even directly mentions using letsencrypt…

  2. moparisthebest

    phryk, if I had to guess I'd say it's because xmpp.net is ancient and unmaintained and doesn't trust the new LE root

  3. phryk

    ah, dang.^^

  4. jonas’

    exactly that

  5. jonas’

    someone™ is working on a "fix"

  6. Sam

    Who normally applies for the realtime devroom at FOSDEM, or is that just a standing thing?

  7. Zash

    Sam: https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/jdev/2020-December/090436.html might have some clues

  8. dwd

    Is the code for the xmpp.net thing anywhere handy?

  9. Zash

    the old or the newq

  10. Zash

    the old or the new?

  11. dwd


  12. Zash

    then the answer is boolean

  13. dwd

    Either true or false?

  14. dwd

    I'll take the true answer, then.

  15. Zash


  16. dwd

    Oh... I hadn't even realised it was LUA. I thought it was Ruby for some reason.

  17. Zash

    LUA, the PowerDNS thing? Where?

  18. mdosch


  19. Zash

    The Python thing?

  20. jonas’

    not sure what the old/new refers to, but the thing I'm working on lives at https://github.com/horazont/testxmpp/

  21. jonas’

    *sneakily pushing*

  22. jonas’

    *done with sneakily pushing*

  23. jonas’

    *done with pushing sneakily*

  24. jonas’

    the main thing missing now is the scoring, then that could go into some kind of public beta

  25. jonas’

    I intended to work on that today but then I got sidetracked into writing a slightly angry blog post draft :)

  26. jonas’

    but if anyone wants to play, the docker-compose.yml there should work right away

  27. jonas’

    (if your user is UID 1000… otherwise you might need to adapt it :))

  28. jonas’

    mmm, might also be that you need to run `alembic upgrade head` first. but I need to tune out now, see you later