XSF Discussion - 2021-11-05

  1. alex11

    are there any MUCs in which to talk about xmpp in general?

  2. alex11

    in a more informal way

  3. moparisthebest

    alex11: https://search.jabber.network/

  4. alex11

    yes i saw that but i couldn't immediately find anything

  5. alex11

    there may be one or two but they're in german

  6. moparisthebest

    What specifically are you looking for, like XMPP development or general chat or

  7. alex11

    just general chat about xmpp

  8. alex11

    there's a channel on irc of course, i just wondered if there was a common one on xmpp

  9. moparisthebest

    You can talk about that for example xmpp:conversations-offtopic-reloaded@conference.trashserver.net?join

  10. MattJ

    Okay, I submitted my application for Board

  11. MattJ

    That means I'm allowed to nag anyone else who is considering (re)applying

  12. Kev

    Thank goodness I'm not considering applying and am therefore nag-proof :)

  13. flow

    MattJ, thanks for running for board MattJ :)

  14. flow

    MattJ, thanks for running for board :)

  15. mjk

    Yay for MattJ

  16. emus


  17. Holger

    Seems that InfoSec article emus is looking into now says "PUBLISHED: NOV 1, 2021" despite being years old: https://infosec-handbook.eu/articles/xmpp-aitm/

  18. Holger

    Down at the bottom: "We republished this article in November 2021."

  19. Holger

    Does anybody know what they mean when they say "republished"?

  20. emus

    yep - anyway I think discussing and collecting the points as many did in the pad could still be valuable for us

  21. wurstsalat

    Why not republish that in half a year ;)

  22. emus


  23. mathieui

    Holger: "gathering more social media attention for fun and profit"

  24. Holger


  25. Holger

    I republished ejabberd 21.07 today.

  26. emus

    Is it in the newsletter? ;)

  27. Kev

    I don't believe any of what that article says is untrue, and if you are a person who wants metadataless comms over untrusted hops, XMPP is not right for you (nor is it ever likely to be). Of course, all of those properties have corresponding plus points if you have different priorities than being untraceable, like usability, etc.

  28. MattJ

    Kev, that's why the article is so problematic - precisely because it's not untrue, but it's framed such as to be a very misleading picture

  29. Holger


  30. MattJ

    They deny bias against XMPP, but there's no other reason to publish an article that says "an XMPP server can see your IP address", when every other communication platform can also see your IP address

  31. MattJ

    I'm totally up for factual discussion and educating users about the strengths and weaknesses of XMPP, but this is not that

  32. Holger

    Did you see my new article "DOGS: THEY BARK! If you get a dog, you want it to be quiet. I tell you: IT'S NOT!"

  33. Holger


  34. MattJ


  35. Daniel

    But moxie would never do anything bad with your IP address

  36. Daniel

    He promised

  37. emus

    > I'm totally up for factual discussion and educating users about the strengths and weaknesses of XMPP, but this is not that Yes, that was my intention

  38. MattJ

    Daniel, speaking of promises, I can't believe https://blog.whatsapp.com/why-we-don-t-sell-ads is still up

  39. MattJ

    Google recently (finally) took down their "open communications" page

  40. MattJ

    Just in the past couple of months

  41. mathieui

    Daniel: don't worry, the metadata goes through several servers (all in the same AWS tenant with the same owner) so the one processing your request does not have your IP !

  42. emus


  43. emus

    Dear XMPP folks, the XMPP Newsletter October 2021: https://xmpp.org/2021/11/the-xmpp-newsletter-october-2021/ Enjoy reading!

  44. mjk

    Hmmm, I'm still seeing "Status: Draft" on stable XEP pages. Is this working as expected for now?

  45. Zash

    It's still Draft internally as I understand, so if it shows trough then the translation is incomplete somewhere in the XSLT probably

  46. mjk

    It's just that I remember it already showing 'Stable'. Probably just me though :)

  47. jonasโ€™

    mjk, where are you looking?

  48. Zash


  49. mjk

    jonasโ€™: e.g. https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0280.html (at the top)

  50. mjk

    Zash: yes, that

  51. Zash

    /html/body/div/dl/dt=Status /html/body/div/dl/dd/p=Draft

  52. mjk gotta go offline for now

  53. Zash


  54. Zash


  55. theTedd

    wurstsalat, that looks great ๐Ÿ‘ (I translated the diagrams from xep-0001, so there is the possibility that some links are missing or I made a mistake)