XSF Discussion - 2021-12-07

  1. coolio

    Good afternoon

  2. coolio


  3. Guus

    To me, most pages on the website seem slightly off-center (to the left). Is that just me?

  4. wurstsalat

    Guus, now that you mention it.. the brand logo on my monitor does not align with the page (and that's centered)

  5. MattJ

    Guus: tried adjusting your horizontal sync on your CRT?

  6. Guus

    har har

  7. Guus

    I'm not a web developer, but if I highlight some sections, then each section seems to be "OK". The right-hand sidebar is not filled fully, which leaves a lot of whitespace, which makes thing appear as if they're out of center, I think.

  8. Guus


  9. Guus

    I'm unsure if this needs fixing, and if it does, how that is done. I thought I'd mention in the hopes that an actual capable webdeveloper (basically - anyone but me) has an idea. 🙂

  10. wurstsalat

    Guus, I found some things which could be improved. I'll have a look this evening :)

  11. Guus

    Most excellent 👍

  12. Zash

    Observation: In e.g. pubsub disco#items listings, the jid of the pubsub service gets repeated a lot. E.g. as in https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html#example-10 Feels ... redundant somehow. The 'jid' attr is MUST per '30 tho.

  13. flow

    compress it!

  14. Zash

    Compression + encryption bad, remember? 😕

  15. flow

    yes, I remember the discussion, I still think compression at least individual stanzas isn't harmful and would help in this case a lot

  16. flow

    yes, I remember the discussion, I still think compressiing at least individual stanzas isn't harmful and would help in this case a lot

  17. flow

    yes, I remember the discussion, I still think compressing at least individual stanzas isn't harmful and would help in this case a lot

  18. Zash

    and I think we either need to be sure *all* implementations switch to the safe way, or introduce a new compression mechanism that has very strong words about safety

  19. Zash

    also not all that excited about the additional memory usage compression needs

  20. flow

    I am sure those can be allowed to turn compression off

  21. flow

    It's not like you have to enforce compression on ppl :)

  22. Daniel

    exi to the rescue

  23. Zash

    to continue repeating points from the last time we did this, fixed dictionary compression!

  24. Zash

    Daniel, got implementation?

  25. Daniel

    no. i just wanted to make sure we brought up all the arguments from last time again

  26. flow

    Zash, got money?

  27. Zash

    Daniel, 👍️

  28. flow

    hmm how positive are we that we already brought up all the arguments? :)

  29. Daniel

    Zash, I actually looked into fixed dictionary compression for a few hours and it has been unclear to me what libraries/tools actually support this

  30. Daniel

    it looks like you can give zstd a starting dictionary. but emphasis on the starting

  31. Zash

    I thought zstd supported a fixed dictionary

  32. Daniel

    i don’t know. my google search and reading docs didn’t bring anything up.

  33. Ge0rG

    just have per JID dictionaries, and use some outer container format to distinguish by JID... maybe XML?

  34. Ge0rG

    Or what about HTTP/3, it has streams!

  35. Zash

    Stream per JID pair?

  36. Zash

    Dreams of SCTP?

  37. Zash

    You could also do something like FunXMPP... except also writing it down in a XEP.

  38. Zash

    \1 → <message, \2 → <presence etc

  39. Ge0rG

    Daniel already suggested EXI, so...

  40. Daniel

    ejabberd has something like this for database compression iirc

  41. Zash

    Yeah, I heard of that.

  42. theTedd

    concerning zstd: you can start with a fixed dictionary, and set a max size for the dictionary (and if that max size happens to be the size of your starting dictionary...)

  43. theTedd

    that said, I don't feel compression per stanza offers full protection from the types of inspection attacks which are weaknesses for compression+encryption, though I have no proof either way

  44. Zash

    so, trade-off?

  45. theTedd

    I have a half-finished compact xml representation scheme using a semi-fixed dictionary (only server can update) and forbids adding security related tokens to the dictionary; to be finished Someday™

  46. theTedd

    trade-off what?

  47. Zash

    compression ratio/efficiency vs security protection

  48. theTedd

    I think security is either yes or no

  49. Zash

    I think It Depends™

  50. Kev

    I'll choose 'yes', please.

  51. theTedd

    the problem with naively compressing streams is that you don't have the option of not including security tokens in the compressed data - which is how most of the attacks work

  52. theTedd

    but an immutable fixed dictionary should avoid that

  53. Daniel

    > concerning zstd: you can start with a fixed dictionary, and set a max size for the dictionary (and if that max size happens to be the size of your starting dictionary. is there a chance that this will still mutate the dict though? theTedd

  54. theTedd

    I honestly don't know, but I presume it wouldn't as that would almost certainly change the size

  55. theTedd

    but I see you mean substituting entries, so I'm not sure, but I think not

  56. Daniel

    right. yes I considered this 'hack' after reading the doc. but i wasn’t sure if anyone ever does this. or if it is somewhat supposed to work like this

  57. Daniel

    > but I see you mean substituting entries, so I'm not sure, but I think not yes that's what i meant

  58. Zash

    Given that the docs talk about both a dictionary method and a prefix method, I would think the prefix method would be what you might call a mutable dictionary

  59. lovetox

    hm can i revoke my last call feedback :D?

  60. Zash

    Email a XEP-0424 payload!

  61. lovetox


  62. edhelas

    Would it be interesting to hava a XEP to "list and count" the accesses of a Pubsub item to its author ?

  63. edhelas

    by basically saving each JID that requested it

  64. moparisthebest

    edhelas, are you working for google analytics now? :P

  65. edhelas


  66. Zash

    or do you want to implement addictive dopamine producing features?

  67. edhelas

    it's not for me, it's for my friend Mark

  68. moparisthebest

    Zash, I'd just like to say I have equal parts hate and respect for your U+0040 / U+002E jid encoding on your membership application

  69. emus

    Until when I have to vote again?

  70. moparisthebest

    emus, do you mean when does voting end? up to and including the meeting on Dec 14th @ 19:00 UTC

  71. emus

    👍️ thx

  72. moparisthebest

    stupid bylaw question because I'm interested, what happens if the 2 recently re-elected council members who are up for a membership vote now aren't voted back in as members? kicked off council ?

  73. Kev

    Nobody knows.

  74. moparisthebest

    ooh a mystery

  75. Menel

    > If a Council member resigns his or her membership in the Corporation, is removed from membership in the Corporation, or is terminated from membership in the Corporation, he or she shall thereby relinquish all rights and responsibilities as a member of the Council. In addition, a Council member may be involuntarily removed from the Council by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Council. The Council shall at its discretion determine whether to fill any vacancies on the Council caused by resignation or removal of an existing Council member. https://xmpp.org/about/xsf/bylaws/

  76. MattJ

    Now we know!

  77. Kev

    I have no idea how I missed that.

  78. Menel

    I'm not good enough in English and in the ways if xsf to know if thats sarcastic, but I think its clear one can't be in the council if not a member right?

  79. Zash

    Do the Bylaws by chance share authors with XEP-0045 or XEP-0060?

  80. Zash

    Or is their affliction contagious somehow and has now spread to the Bylaws?

  81. Menel

    I once read a fantasy, where the evil force has the ability to change every written text and memory of an incident, so over time everyone remembers it wrong.. Who is in charge of the website is slowly changing the text of the xeps and the bylaws 😄. Only very slowy over time..

  82. MattJ

    I'd believe it

  83. Zash

    Pfft, fantasy. I believe in Science! Therefore it must be a quantum wizard doing physics that causes the wave-function to collapse into additional sections when the XEPs are observed.

  84. moparisthebest

    nice! I propose we elect Menel to the position of XSF lawyer

  85. Kev

    It's my favourite fantasy, I think, assuming you're referring to Mistborn, although that's *slightly* offtopic :)