XSF Discussion - 2022-02-08

  1. mathieui

    larma: the warning can be missed when linking to a specific part!! https://larma.de/xeps/xep-0353.html#intro

  2. larma

    mathieui, now you are overengineering things.

  3. kurisu

    > https://larma.de/xeps/xep-0353.html#intro Could you please make that "preview" label more flashy and distracting

  4. jonas’

    I could've sworn there was an RFC for the TLS verification strategy with SRV records in play

  5. jonas’

    i.e. iff DNSSEC, allow only the destination hostname in the certificate, otherwise require the service name in the certificate

  6. Zash


  7. Zash


  8. Zash


  9. jonas’


  10. jonas’

    that's XMPP specific?

  11. Zash

    Anyone else taking SRC records and security seriously?

  12. Zash

    Anyone else taking SRV records and security seriously?

  13. Neustradamus

    Zash: Thanks for the adding of RFC6331: https://hg.prosody.im/trunk/rev/2390837b8358 It is really important for SCRAM, to explain people, developers, server admins. I have been promoting this RFC for a very long time.

  14. emus

    MattJ, dwd, ralphm - can you confirm we don't have anything like an official Google XSF account already?

  15. guus.der.kinderen

    For what purpose would we have such an account emus ? They're typically bound to an individual, not an organisation, as far as I know.

  16. emus

    Yes, but for GSoC application it could make sense, right?

  17. guus.der.kinderen

    We might be talking about different things.

  18. emus

    No, I dont think so

  19. emus

    I was thinking to create somthing like: xsf@gmail.com - with that account I do the application

  20. emus

    not good?

  21. guus.der.kinderen

    From past experience, applying to participate is done by an individual. Google also facilitates distinct individuals to have roles in the process. This worked pretty well in the past.

  22. moparisthebest

    You can't do it with a @xmpp.org email?

  23. guus.der.kinderen

    Maybe a more global account would also work, but I am not immediately seeing a major benefit or need for it.

  24. flow

    what guus said

  25. guus.der.kinderen

    If anything, it's a other resource that we need to manage.

  26. guus.der.kinderen

    I'm not opposed to having such an account at all. I'm just not seeing much of a benefit. If you do see one, by all means, go for it.

  27. emus

    well, the only thing is for me to prevent to deal with a private account at Google 🙂 I think registrations requires a google account - let me check again

  28. Zash

    Interacting with Google requires a Google account. Is this news to you?

  29. emus

    Well, wait - maybe not. Yes of course, I expected it

  30. guus.der.kinderen

    If you are participating in GSoC then having a Google account requirement seems acceptable

  31. guus.der.kinderen

    But I am aware that opinions may vary on that. 😊

  32. emus


  33. emus


  34. emus

    "Google möchte aus Sicherheitsgründen Ihre Identität bestätigen. Google sendet Ihnen eine SMS mit einem 6-stelligen Bestätigungscode. Hierfür fallen Standardgebühren an." arrgggg 🤣️

  35. emus

    I'm gonna use my spam number, ok

  36. Kev

    Yes, Google admins need to use their personal Google accounts to sign up and manage everything. We shouldn't use an XSF account for this.

  37. moparisthebest

    Not just an email? Like I can log into Microsoft with my personal email

  38. moparisthebest

    Not just an email? Like I can log into Microsoft with my personal email on my own domain that I host myself

  39. Sam

    Yes, it's the same thing, you don't have to have a gmail address associated with it, but you do have to have a Google Account.

  40. Sam

    It's this way for all their services (except gmail, I assume, that one you probably have to have a gmail address for)

  41. moparisthebest

    That seems ok...

  42. emus

    Kev, Sam - they allow to use another email adress if you check the buttons carfully

  43. guus.der.kinderen

    Corporate-type subscriptions allow you to register any domain name.

  44. emus

    so I did and I am registered

  45. emus

    Do you want me to proceed. I assume this shouldn't be a problem right?

  46. emus

    @board, mattj, ralphm, arc, jcbrand: For your information: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/terms/org I am reading them and as long as I don't see any issues from my perspective I will accept.

  47. Kev

    Your own mail address, but you still need a Google account, no?

  48. emus

    Ah, yes

  49. emus

    I used the comm-team email

  50. emus

    but the account name is XMPP Standards Foundation - ok?

  51. Kev

    You're entering into personal agreements with Google, if it's the same as previous years.

  52. Sam

    Wasn't that one already a Google account? Pretty sure someone created one at one point to be on the youtube channel

  53. Kev

    At least in previous years, it needs to be a personal Google account entering into personal agreements with Google, as well as agreeing that you have the right to enter the organisation into agreement with Google.

  54. Kev

    I do know they replaced their systems this year, but it seems likely that's still true.

  55. emus

    4.7 Participants can access, update, and remove their personal information in their Program profile. I wonder if they are really so harsh

  56. emus

    Kev, do you see any issues with the terms? Should I proceed and do you think they will claim the name to be personal if they see it or is that a risk they do not accept us?

  57. emus

    So it should be fine to join with a generalized email. Once mattj reacts I will send him the credentials

  58. emus


  59. lskdjf

    If you don't want to have a personal google account, it might be best to instead have someone else submit the application. After all it's not important who exactly submits the application. And you can still help wording the application texts.

  60. emus

    We have an account now, it worked

  61. emus

    Board, see also: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/rules https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/terms/member

  62. emus

    Organization Administrators. Role. Each Organization must have at least two (2) Organization Administrators.

  63. Kev

    I'm the wrong person to ask about terms, I don't have any say here.

  64. emus

    ok, thanks