XSF Discussion - 2022-02-11

  1. Kev

    Emus: Sure.

  2. emus


  3. moparisthebest

    Tigase on top of things, fixed their _xmppconnect usage already

  4. Wojtek

    well, not exactly - we ran into some obstacles that needs more polishing but yeah, _xmppconnect will be gone

  5. moparisthebest


  6. moparisthebest

    Prosody and ejabberd have updated their docs removing suggestions of _xmppconnect

  7. Link Mauve

    Would it make sense to extend MUC to advertise the last time it has seen a given participant?

  8. Link Mauve

    I was thinking about doing so for members-only MUCs, where clients are starting to display members instead of participants.

  9. Link Mauve

    But if someone hasn’t been seen in days/weeks/months, it might make sense to warn other participants, or something.

  10. moparisthebest

    mellium is fixed https://mellium.im/cve/cve-2022-24968/

  11. Sam

    Yup, big 🤦 on that one (since ours wasn't a default tls library thing, I explicitly set the server name and still set it to the wrong host), thanks for the report.

  12. moparisthebest

    so you're still using _xmppconnect, just in a secure but less-compatible way

  13. moparisthebest

    no problem there as long as your fallback-to-next-method code is solid :)

  14. moparisthebest

    hmm wait Sam don't you also get websocket endpoints with json+host-meta ? those you'd want to validate against the other hostname

  15. Sam

    Yah, this was just the quickest way to fix the issue and was what was intended originally I suspect anyways. Nobody is using this code, so now that the quick fix is out we can work on just stripping out the txt stuff

  16. moparisthebest

    (not a *security* problem, just a, likely to not successfully connect to valid websocket endpoints problem)

  17. moparisthebest


  18. Sam

    Hmm, could be, I thought I did this the right way (TXT record changes only) but this code isn't well tested

  19. Sam

    Oh I see, yah, this is probably still wrong, but "not working" == "secure" so whatever, still patched!

  20. Sam

    If we obsolete XEP-0156 is the bosh lookup web host metadata documented anywhere? I know you mentioned that the WebSocket one is duplicated in the RFC, but would we also be deprecating BOSH lookup entirely?

  21. Zash

    ProtoXEP-XXXX: XEP-0156: The Good Parts

  22. moparisthebest

    yea, both you and Sonny (in the PR) mentioned that, I think that's ok too

  23. moparisthebest

    slapping obsolete and some warnings on it was the quickest thing I could do so late in my evening :)

  24. Link Mauve

    Speaking of which, https://github.com/iNPUTmice/caas/pull/111 might help some server admins not being stupid.

  25. moparisthebest

    yes, even the RFC states https-only

  26. moparisthebest

    Daniel, merge plz ^ :D

  27. Zash

    Wait what

  28. Sam

    I'd be very curious how many of the servers being tested are actually doing that

  29. Link Mauve

    Let’s see how many drop afterwards.

  30. Link Mauve

    I’d be interested to know why this check fails on JabberFR, despite our web clients working properly.

  31. moparisthebest

    are they using _xmppconnect ? :/

  32. Link Mauve

    A web client can’t.

  33. moparisthebest

    https://github.com/xmppjs/xmpp.js/issues/933 begs to differ

  34. Link Mauve

    Wat, how?

  35. moparisthebest

    tigase's web client does too, and https://github.com/poVoq/converse_wp/issues/2

  36. Zash

    node.js ?

  37. Link Mauve

    Ah yeah, that’s for node.

  38. Zash

    or DoH?

  39. Link Mauve

    You had me worried for a minute.

  40. Link Mauve

    moparisthebest, that’s PHP, also irrelevant.

  41. moparisthebest

    well, my point is a web client can have a server-side component do DNS lookups for them, and that's a thing that happens

  42. moparisthebest

    don't know if *your* web client does, but...

  43. Link Mauve

    Why would you do such a thing? D:

  44. moparisthebest

    cross-domain problems ?

  45. moparisthebest

    though I guess those would usually forbid the websocket too so, idk

  46. Zash

    aaaaaaaactually, websockets are backwards so they work by default

  47. Zash

    because CORS wasn't complicated enough

  48. moparisthebest

    ah ok, makes sense

  49. moparisthebest crawls back in my non-web hole

  50. Sam

    huh, I don't know if this code was ever working. The URLs it checks for the host meta stuff don't appear to have a scheme.

  51. moparisthebest

    Sam, I still never figured out why I couldn't find the string "xmppconnect" in your mellium codebase, then I gave up :D

  52. Sam

    Yah, that too. I swear I'd tested this with the host-meta stuff at least though. Oh well, no idea, it all needs to be rewritten probably.

  53. Sam

    I did a big refactor of this a while back, maybe I broke it then.

  54. moparisthebest

    speaking of, I ended up writing those full integration tests we talked of a few weeks back https://github.com/moparisthebest/xmpp-proxy/tree/master/integration

  55. moparisthebest

    each folder has configs for bind9, a few prosody's, and a few xmpp-proxy's, and the bash script starts a podman network and all the containers and runs scansion through them, works surprisingly well

  56. Sam

    oh nice, I'll have to look through this. One of the problems with this websocket package is that, even though it has integration tests, I can't do anything with DNS so maybe this is something I should have looked into doing

  57. moparisthebest

    yep, when all your code relies on DNS and certificate validation it's really hard to write helpful unit tests, this gave me some confidence to change things :)

  58. moparisthebest

    guess I'll be adding a few nginx's now for serving host-meta....

  59. Link Mauve

    Andrzej, I just received a “401 - auth: You must authorize session first.” from your in-room JID, were you doing anything special?

  60. Sam

    moparisthebest: for spinning up something fast I'm a big fan of "python -m http.server", although I have no idea if you can do TLS with it.

  61. moparisthebest

    I'll probably still use nginx because of "the beast you know" thing :)

  62. Sam

    Actually, looking at my code I don't think I even need to do integration tests. It's not strictly a unit test, but I might as well just spin up the http server in process (ie. with Go's net/http) and then just do the lookup against localhost and see if it connects, then see if it tries to connect to the "xmpp server" that's just a tcp listener on a different port that I threw in the fake host meta file.