XSF Discussion - 2022-04-02

  1. emus

    Hi all, we are looking for a support in this newsletter release to create the XEP section for the last month. Let me know if you are interested to support!

  2. emus

    And can anyone volunteer to write a summary in 1-2 sentence what the new update brings? https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/releases

  3. moparisthebest

    Guus wins the award for the only person curious enough to find+decode the easter egg in XEP-464

  4. Guus


  5. mjk

    I noticed the binary blob(s) too, will get to decoding later :))

  6. mjk

    > And can anyone volunteer to write a summary in 1-2 sentence what the new update brings? https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/releases The most important change: > New theme: snikket \o/ Seriously though, I'm not a user, so can't really judge how important a given change is

  7. emus

    moparisthebest - what is it?

  8. sebastian

    emus: > (...). as the German contact for the goverment evaluation (BKA). (...) Sorry i dont follow this MUC all the time, but is there any public Info about this issue/activity?

  9. emus

    sebastian: From our side? or what do you mean?

  10. sebastian


  11. sebastian


  12. sebastian

    Is the xsf talking to german authorities?

  13. sebastian

    Or did I misinterpret your earlier message 🤔

  14. emus

    They have asked for filling an evaluation. afterwards there were followup questions on funding services and what works best

  15. emus

    and MLS encryption

  16. sebastian

    Is BKA what I think it is 🤔😁 what's the context? Sorry, I'm curious 🙃

  17. emus


  18. sebastian


  19. emus


  20. sebastian

    I guess the correct abbreviation would have been BKartA 😁 😉

  21. emus

    Sorry, yes

  22. sebastian

    I thought it was the Bundeskriminalamt 😁

  23. emus

    the shortcut doesnt help many here too No it is not!

  24. sebastian

    No worries, we could solve it 🙃

  25. emus

    😊️ are you xsf member?

  26. sebastian


  27. emus


  28. sebastian

    Just an interested lurker in this MUC 😁

  29. emus

    That's totally alright. Would you like to support with this topic? For example reviewing text I write?

  30. sebastian

    I could review for general understandability and grammar (not a professional though), but I lack detailed understanding of encryption, especially I haven't heard of "MLS"

  31. emus

    that would be alright!

  32. emus

    can you PM your contact?

  33. sebastian

    I can, but I hope you don't have tight deadlines

  34. emus

    Haha, no worries

  35. moparisthebest

    emus: re: Easter egg, so the set cookie examples has the client run commands, then send back the results, one of those results in a base64 blob you can decode by reversing the instructions used to generate it

  36. emus


  37. moparisthebest

    PSA: if you are a dev of a client that supports http upload or POSH and haven't heard from me in the last few days, send me an XMPP message or email to travis@burtrum.org , it's important If your client dev isn't here maybe point them at me

  38. emus

    moparisthebest: wanna use the newsletter xep section?

  39. moparisthebest

    emus: idk maybe don't want to advertise ecosystem flaws...

  40. emus

    ok, or formulate it in general that devs should reach out to on regarding POSH

  41. moparisthebest

    It's *mainly* an http upload issue, POSH is far less important

  42. moparisthebest

    Anyway it'll be public enough soon, already is if you know where to look :'(

  43. emus
