XSF Discussion - 2022-04-18

  1. kurisu

    If namespaces were dropped, would there be any name collisions in practice? I mean <mechanisms> is unique even without the namespace being specified, isn't it. Are there currently any tags that would conflict were namespaces not there?

  2. moparisthebest

    kurisu: it's how XEPs are versioned

  3. mjk

    And also how uncoordinated extensibility is achieved

  4. mjk

    XSF isn't a central authority on what can go into the stream, so without long namespace names collisions will occur

  5. mjk

    (Or element names would need to be long and ugly themselves :))

  6. mjk

    (Or element names would need to be long and ugly themselves. :) Oh and attribute names too)

  7. mjk

    Also, I'm pretty sure any normal stanza fits into a network packet just fine, even without compression

  8. moparisthebest

    I'm not sure that's the case

  9. kurisu

    > XSF isn't a central authority on what can go into the stream, so without long namespace names collisions will occur Have they?

  10. moparisthebest

    kurisu: yes, for every xep that has multiple different versions

  11. Guus

    Child elements named 'x' or 'query' are pretty common.

  12. MattJ

    <enable> is used in various protocols

  13. MattJ

    There are certainly many examples of collisions to find

  14. kurisu

    Why was xhtml-im deprecated?

  15. MattJ

    Because clients, especially web clients, would just put the contents into the web page at worst, or incorrectly sanitize it at best

  16. MattJ

    So if someone was using a web client, you could, for example, send them a <script> which would get executed - and that script would have full access to their XMPP account, etc.

  17. MattJ

    Some people believe this the fault was of the developers, some of the libraries, and some believe it was the design of the protocol

  18. MattJ

    The rationale for deprecation was "let's replace it with something completely unlike HTML, so clients are forced to translate it... and therefore always emit safe HTML"

  19. jonas’

    kurisu, search for which XEPs use `<query/>` :)

  20. jonas’

    also, pubsub alone uses at least three differently namespaced `<pubsub/>` elements.

  21. mjk

    >> XSF isn't a central authority on what can go into the stream, so without long namespace names collisions will occur > Have they? Outside of XEPs, that's pretty much umknowable. People and companies use xmpp in all sorts of (weird) ways, and it's not unheard of that those things get to interop with xmpp software that follows _only_ the rfcs and xeps

  22. Zash

    Are those using namespaces tho?

  23. mjk

    They should, is my point

  24. Zash remembers the recent example of attributes stuffed with JSON and cries

  25. mjk

    At least it's not html

  26. mjk

    With <script>s

  27. mjk

    Although who knows if the implementation just does eval on these attrs

  28. lovetox

    flow: about openpgp xep, how would encrypting files and using http upload work?

  29. lovetox

    with omemo we send a aesgcm:// link to the contact, and then he knows this is encrypted, with openpgp we could probably do something nicer and build on some of the filetransfer metadata xeps

  30. lovetox

    because we have fullstanza encryption

  31. pep.

    lovetox, 454 isn't bound to OMEMO

  32. lovetox

    but im not aware that anything anywhere is specified

  33. pep.

    But yeah there's certainly better than that

  34. pep.


  35. lovetox

    of course it is pep.

  36. lovetox

    it says that in the name lol

  37. pep.

    No it's not? It's basically just aes encryption..

  38. pep.

    it's just that the transport should be encrypted to send the link

  39. pep.

    So you can use whatever

  40. pep.

    https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0447.html and https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0448.html otherwise

  41. lovetox

    hm true

  42. lovetox

    448 looks good

  43. pep.


  44. lovetox


  45. moparisthebest

    lovetox: when using pgp why not just use pgp file encryption

  46. lovetox

    moparisthebest, its not about how to encrypt, its about how to tell the other person that it is encrypted

  47. lovetox

    but 0448 seems to solve that

  48. moparisthebest

    lovetox: well when it ends with .pgp they know