XSF Discussion - 2022-06-07

  1. jcbrand

    > Christian indoctrination is everywhere. If you take this stance, then basically every national holiday is some form of indoctrination.

  2. Ge0rG

    yeah, so it would be great to have holidays in a location not dominated by a single doctrine but to have a good mix. But this is getting really off topic now

  3. thndrbvr


  4. pep.

    In the UK, dunno if it was just my company or a general trend (somebody can confirm), I had to take a day off for public holidays (the amount was added to the pool of holidays I could take). Not entirely sure what the rationale was but I didn't have to take christian holidays as a side-effect.

  5. Ge0rG

    pep.: so you were able to reschedule public holidays on your own terms?

  6. pep.


  7. Ge0rG


  8. pep.

    And in general I'd stay in the office when nobody was in, because of course it's better :x

  9. pep.

    (also.. holy-day. just for the ethymology check)

  10. Ge0rG

    I was thinking just that, and accidentally landed at the FSM Independence Day

  11. Alex

    When you are a XSF member and have not voted in the current voting period then please take some time and do so. When you have any problems with memberbot then please contact me directly.

  12. Guus

    When a client is interested in _many_ MUC rooms, is there a recommended way to identify what rooms have (new) messages other than querying each of their mam archives and joining them?

  13. Ge0rG

    Guus: there was https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0430.html but it looks like it never was fully completed

  14. Zash

    What was the thing where a MUC sends out notices to offline members?

  15. Zash

    Or, is that an un-XEP'd Tigase and Snikket thing?

  16. Zash

    Might not be it, but also https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0437.html

  17. Ge0rG

    Zash: wasn't it https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0357.html but to register on a MUC instead of on your account?

  18. Guus

    hmm, all good suggestions, thanks.

  19. Zash

    3 XEPs enter the ring, one XEP exit.

  20. Ge0rG

    and Tina Turner sings.

  21. Guus

    I see that your government mandated, Christian indoctrinated holiday has left you very, very well rested, Ge0rG... ;)

  22. MattJ

    Guus: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0437.html was for this and is implemented in Prosody and Converse.js. The goal was being "in" thousands of MUCs, and efficient discovery of which ones have unread activity.

  23. Guus

    MattJ: Yeah, I was reading that one with interest. It might be in a future Openfire release...

  24. Guus

    Mattj: I read XEP-0437 as: "the user MUST have joined a room at least once, before it will be send activity indicators for that room." Is that how it is intended?

  25. Guus

    I'd like to use it to send notifications for all rooms of the service, or a large subset - maybe those where the user is a member.

  26. Guus

    Oh, it's listed in the implementation notes.

  27. jcbrand

    There's also MUC mention notifications: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0452.html

  28. singpolyma

    Hello all, for https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0004.html is there a formed opinion about if it is allow to have <reported/> and <field/> children both inside of <x/> at the same time?

  29. Zash

    That feels like it should be a one XOR the other.

  30. singpolyma

    Zash: I'd prefer if it weren't of course, but I agree that implementations seem to have treated it that way for the most part, but I'm having a hard time seeing from the spec anything one way or the other

  31. Zash


  32. emus

    *The XMPP Newsletter May 2022* https://xmpp.org/2022/06/the-xmpp-newsletter-may-2022/ Fosstodon: https://fosstodon.org/web/@xmpp/108437205142418914 Twitter: https://twitter.com/xmpp/status/1522997494451367937 Mail send via newsletter@xmpp.org --> consider to make a spam exception here

  33. Zash

    What sense does it make to have both single fields and multiple fields at the same time?

  34. singpolyma

    Why would I prefer it not be XOR? Because sometimes I want to report both a table of data and some fields as well. Such as "current account balance" + table of recent transactions

  35. Zash

    Use two separate <x> then?

  36. singpolyma

    Zash: in most places two x are considered alternatives not concatenations

  37. Zash

    Let's just remove <reported> entirely!

  38. singpolyma

    haha. then I need something to replace it with though :P