XSF Discussion - 2022-09-04

  1. edhelas

    I'd like to revive https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0080.html maybe

  2. edhelas

    Adding geolocation in Movim would be interesting I think

  3. edhelas

    Maybe add a whitelist on jids that can receive the geolocation (for privacy issues)

  4. flow

    does it need reviving? :)

  5. flow

    wouldn't be the modern approach to publish geolocation via pubsub(/pep) and limit the access to the pubsub node for privacy reasons?

  6. flow

    wouldn't be the modern approach be to publish geolocation via pubsub(/pep) and limit the access to the pubsub node for privacy reasons?

  7. Zash

    Pubsub affiliations?

  8. edhelas

    flow yes, thats my plan for now

  9. singpolyma

    That's already what that spec does?

  10. singpolyma

    Unfortunate that it uses a NiH xmlns, but probably better to use it than go around again

  11. Ellenor Malik

    I'm going to NIH a static site generator

  12. flow

    singpolyma, NiH xmlns?

  13. singpolyma

    flow: instead of using one of the several geo xmlns that exist, it's one made up just for the xep

  14. flow

    singpolyma, are you sure that xep80 does not predate them? :)

  15. flow

    also, I am curious about related art, any pointer to such an alternative geo xmlns?

  16. singpolyma

    I'd have to dig in to form a good opinion again, but https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_Markup_Language comes up in a quick search as an example. Or the related georss stuff

  17. singpolyma

    But good point about what predates what, i didn't check deeply in this case