XSF Discussion - 2022-09-11

  1. Menel

    Colplete sounds like bragging and partial sounds like, only a bit. There should be "the important part you care about" 🙂

  2. Ellenor Malik

    call the step between "Milestone"?

  3. Maranda

    wurstsalat: fetching it from here does work https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maranda/metronome/master/misc/doap.xml or should I send a pull request on the hosted version or host it somewhere else than raw.githubusercontent.com (does the site builder care about MIME?)

  4. Zash

    There's a "doap" field in data/servers.json to fill in

  5. Maranda

    > <Zash> There's a "doap" field in data/servers.json to fill in I know but hosting it on http://raw.githubusercontent.com/ is okay? for sure MIME is wrong from there

  6. Maranda

    That was what the question is about

  7. MattJ

    I think it'll probably be fine

  8. Zash

    Pretty sure others use that domain. The thing I made doesn't care about MIME since it only sees files.

  9. wurstsalat

    Maranda: yes, that url would work fine!

  10. Link Mauve

    Maranda, note though that <implements/> refers to a <Project/>, it must be a direct child and not a sibling of it.

  11. Link Mauve

    Much like in Java, class names start with a Capital and properties are in lowercase.

  12. Maranda

    > <Link Mauve> Maranda, note though that <implements/> refers to a <Project/>, it must be a direct child and not a sibling of it. 🤔🤔

  13. Maranda

    Oh didn't notice I did put 'em outside the Project element that was a mistake, sorted.