XSF Discussion - 2022-09-14

  1. wurstsalat

    Maranda[x], it works! :) https://xmpp.org/software/servers/metronome-im/

  2. emus


  3. Maranda


  4. Trung

    hi, is the gajim.org admin in this room ? I can't connect to gajim.org - website & xmpp.

  5. Menel

    I don't think they can help you.. Because it online

  6. Menel

    So its your connection that has the problem

  7. Trung

    I can connect through tor so I'm guessing maybe I'm on their bl?

  8. mjk

    Trung: IPv6? their website at least has some weird v6-related issue

  9. Trung

    nah I'm ipv4

  10. Guus

    (gajim.org's website works for me too)

  11. Trung

    I think I'm on their bl somehow, hope the admin will check when he see this. I'm at I am not a bot or a nazi. Let me in man LOL

  12. Guus

    I have left a message in their support chat for you.

  13. Trung

    Guus, thank you!

  14. thilo.molitor

    wurstsalat: I updated the doap file to use "monal im", too....I hope that will make the badges to appear now...

  15. lovetox

    Trung, admin looks into the issue, i ping you once we have something

  16. asterix

    Trung, you're unbanned from Gajim's server now