XSF Discussion - 2022-09-19

  1. mjk

    8x8 max suggests 6 bits to carry the size, but that better be extendable/configurable. perhaps encode the dimensions as text?

  2. mjk

    also, one dimension is enough, the other could be safely assumed to be 8 (or inferred from data)

  3. Zash

    for this use case, just picking a fixed size would be fine

  4. Zash

    just need enough to show a blurry square until the real profile picture has been loaded

  5. mjk

    avatars aren't always square, that's my concern basically. so aspect ratio in some form better be communicated too

  6. mjk

    the data could well be 8x8 fixed, but cropped at display time

  7. edhelas

    I think that regarding all the clients in the wild, square avatars is kind of the nom

  8. edhelas


  9. edhelas

    And if they are not squared they are cropped and displayed as square

  10. mjk

    so just crop a centered square for this verysmall preview?

  11. mjk

    never seen a client cropping non-square received avatars on display, and would consider it a bug

  12. mjk

    (cropping a circle is gray territory :))

  13. Link Mauve

    I expect your bikeshed once I have something to publish, thanks. :)

  14. mjk


  15. Maranda

    > <singpolyma> Should be on the server to slow it down if needed not the client. Though client may also need to throttle to remain performant in some cases I guess You can throttle a queue requests (like ejabberd) but 40k in means 40k out for IQs (and so it dies miserably anyways apparently), add all the rest and... 💥🤷‍♂️

  16. Maranda

    also don't forget that MUCs do several flavours of hacks to route related IQ payloads to the related requesting resources

  17. Maranda

    (for multisession nicks that is)

  18. turnner


  19. turnner

    Please help me on an simple issue!

  20. wgreenhouse

    sounds ominous

  21. turnner

    Which is the best client for PC

  22. wgreenhouse

    turnner: it depends on what your requirements are

  23. turnner

    Security and features

  24. wgreenhouse

    which features?

  25. wgreenhouse

    also, which OS?

  26. turnner

    *nix Just a simple chat feature

  27. wgreenhouse

    what are you using now?

  28. wgreenhouse

    and what don't you like about it?

  29. turnner

    Gajim seems off

  30. wgreenhouse

    Gajim is big and complicated. If you found it unpleasant to use, try Dino

  31. turnner

    What advantages does gajim have over dino

  32. wgreenhouse

    it supports more XEPs, and potentially even more through its plugin system

  33. turnner


  34. wgreenhouse

    XMPP extensions

  35. wgreenhouse

    Dino aims at a smaller set of XEPs rather than some support for everything--similar to the Conversations mobile client

  36. wurstsalat

    > Gajim seems off have you tried Gajim 1.4+ ?

  37. turnner

    Why not just use Gajim

  38. Menel

    You an of course.. Nobody is against gajim. turnner it sounded like *you* wanted to change it. 🙂

  39. Menel

    You can of course.. Nobody is against gajim. turnner, it sounded like *you* wanted to change it. 🙂

  40. edhelas

    Why not try several of them and see which ones fits you the best :) ?

  41. edhelas


  42. kurisu

    How many xmpp clients actually are monetized aside from conversions? It seems to me dino, gajim and all other desktop ones are developed entirely in someone's free time, is that so?

  43. moparisthebest

    kurisu, not all of them, tigase clients, swift (isode), openfire stuff, all enterprise business things

  44. kurisu

    Just installed Stork Im, only private chats showed up for some reason and not group chats. Yikes