XSF Discussion - 2022-12-14

  1. debacle

    Any news about the summit or the lack of? MattJ, will you *be* the summit? :-)

  2. root

    > Any news about the summit or the lack of? > MattJ, will you *be* the summit? :-) Didn't know MattJ was that tall.

  3. moparisthebest

    Nice one

  4. MattJ

    debacle: the FOSDEM room was approved. Ralph said he will be there, I will be there. The summit will happen, but I don't think venue has been arranged yet. There is a board meeting later today.

  5. Seve

    Great 🙌

  6. debacle

    Thanks so much, MattJ! I can wait another day buying my train tickets.

  7. emus

    MattJ: Board Meeting in 2h right?

  8. MattJ


  9. Daniel

    did the meeting take place? are those not public anymore? was/is the time off?

  10. MattJ

    It's a video call, link at https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Board-Meeting-2022-12-14

  11. jonas’

    pro-tip/TIL: don't close the browser you're joining a video conference with ^^'

  12. Ellenor Malik


  13. jonas’

    re editor tooling, I just did this: https://floss.social/@jssfr/109513032749707395

  14. moparisthebest

    XMPP clients should probably do similar things to browsers when displaying unicode domains, do any currently? https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/12/14/idn-is-crazy/

  15. Zash

    What do they do?

  16. moparisthebest

    I don't see anything on modernxmpp about it, but it's not purely UX it can also have security issues, annoying

  17. jonas’

    moparisthebest, FWIW, I learnt the other day that mailman3 can do ARC signing, we probably want that to get the mailing list to work properly with gmail & co.

  18. jonas’

    migration to mailman3 without data loss is possible (did that for my private MLs), just™ needs someone to do it

  19. moparisthebest

    Zash: apparently browsers show the punycode representation if characters from different languages are mixed

  20. jonas’

    that's pretty smart

  21. moparisthebest

    jonas’: nice re: mailman

  22. Daniel

    Conversations has a little bit of Unicode 'protection'

  23. Daniel

    Displaying the odd character in the jid as red

  24. Daniel


  25. Daniel

    For example

  26. moparisthebest

    Yea we have the extra problem of local part, how do you currently determine the character is odd?

  27. Daniel

    It checks what's the most commonly used script in that part of the jid is and displays all other scripts in red

  28. Daniel

    So pure Cyrillic @ pure Latin domain would be fine

  29. Daniel

    But Latin with one Cyrillic @ domain would not be

  30. moparisthebest

    That sounds like a good recommendation to me... Want to write up a XEP ? :)

  31. moparisthebest

    Meanwhile brb registering google.com to host a public XMPP server on

  32. moparisthebest

    Just joking I'm sure all the good google homoglyphs have been registered long ago

  33. Menel

    Seems Google registered it

  34. Zash

    https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr39/ related?

  35. Daniel

    > Meanwhile brb registering google.com to host a public XMPP server on This just looks like ascii to me?

  36. mjk

    that's the joke?

  37. moparisthebest

    I tried to paste the lookalike l but I can't tell if I did it right from here haha

  38. mjk

    > Screenshot_20221214-175801.png that is quite nice! a hidden gem

  39. ralphm

    The general term for all this is Homograph Attacks and there's been a bunch of work on trying to normalize identifiers to prevent this. stpeter did a few presentations on this at previous Summits and he also also authored several IETF speficifications around PRECIS. I cannot point to a single best starting place, but asking Peter is probably a good idea.

  40. moparisthebest

    PRECIS is the thing the federated network can never upgrade to right?

  41. MattJ

    Not practically, unless the XSF starts specifying Unicode versions

  42. Menel

    Why is there even stuff that relly looks the same? Shouldn't Fonds made that one can see the difference?

  43. MattJ

    Ask humans :)

  44. jonas’

    Menel, sometimes letters just look alike in different scripts unfortunately

  45. moparisthebest

    Non-ascii was a mistake

  46. jonas’

    but they're still different letters and need to be distinguished

  47. jonas’

    moparisthebest, says the US-american :P

  48. mjk

    font designers are just inherently lazy, and copy-paste glyphs across scripts on any opportunity /s

  49. jonas’

    font design is arcane wizardry, I don't blame them for anything

  50. mjk

    true, that

  51. jonas’

    except this, someone deserves blame for that: https://www.sansbullshitsans.com/

  52. Zash


  53. moparisthebest

    This is my favorite unicode thing so far https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/5penft/parallelizing_enjarify_in_go_and_rust/dcsgk7n/

  54. mjk installs noto-sans-cherokee-fonts

  55. stpeter

    I've added meeting notes to https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Board-Meeting-2022-12-14 - corrections welcome

  56. stpeter

    (they might be somewhat rough)

  57. debacle

    Nice: > Ralph is working on the location for the Summit

  58. Seve

    Thank you for the notes!

  59. emus

    > when people stop doing stuff, then someone will eventually step up I just want to admit that this is not a good practice in my view. I assumes we just wait until one is soo frustrated that they leave (as it happenes). We want people active and motivate of course. This passive setup is the highway to depress engaged folks.

  60. MattJ

    Ralph immediately followed that with a clarification that he wasn't saying we should sit back and wait. But two people volunteered during the meeting, so there is an example 🙂

  61. emus

    MattJ: Ok, did got that, but yes

  62. emus

    I think my problem still is the seemngly inherent passiveness. I would like to turn thinks into a more active behaviour. I think we still haven't even written based reached out to the organisation that we need support here (well I agree that might not be clear by now I see)

  63. jonas’

    "to the organisation"?

  64. jonas’

    which organisation?

  65. emus

    jonas’: XSF

  66. emus


  67. jonas’

    wasn't my members@ mail enough?

  68. jonas’

    (and the thread that followed)

  69. emus

    jonas’: Yes, and thats fine. But my point is on Board actively adressing (way earlier) and calling for support with some official guidance

  70. MSavoritias (fae,ve)


  71. MSavoritias (fae,ve)

    It shouldnt have come to this

  72. emus

    (I dont want to blame at anyone, just making my point what does not go so well from my limited perspective)

  73. jonas’

    ah, fair

  74. ralphm

    Volunteering is hard. Story time. At my daughter's sports club, I am responsible for creating a schema of people to man the clubhouse bar. This should be done by either players (once per season) or _real_ volunteers, usually parents. Sometimes it is really hard to get the schedule filled in. Players have away games, are coaching another team, and so on. So one day I didn't have anyone. You don't want the bar to be closed. Visiting teams and their supporters want something to drink. What to do? I personally reached out to people, parents, etc. Tried to switch shifts. Couldn't find anyone. So ultimately I announced that the bar _will_ be closed. Put it on the club's Facebook. And sure enough, people realized something needed to be done and I got the schedule filled with people stepping up. Volunteering is hard. People are busy. Have work, family, already do other stuff or have volunteering work for other organizations. Asking people to commit for a role that is more than the 2 hours pouring coffee is a challenge. So yes, we as Board could have done more to address the issues that Jonas raised. But ultimately it is not just Board's responsibility, but the Membership's. I am really happy that we found people to step up again, even though they already have other roles. Because they feel they can't let it slip. And they started stepping up despite Board not picking it up soon enough. Thank you people!

  75. emus

    Even your example might be right, I don't follow it. And running a bar in a club is not the main business of the club. And I still see Boards responsibility to do their best to keep up with the "clubs" main business, at least mobilizing members and creating awareness (actively). Besides, it wouldn't have taken a lot efforts from board too

  76. mjk

    so... are there two types of volunteers? :)) those who step up because they want to, and those who do that because nobody else did

  77. emus

    Yeah, that too

  78. emus

    but lets not get into philosophy here. I ask the relevant folks in the editor chat to organise a separate meeting on the topic, so we can further dicuss what should be done in what way

  79. Kev

    > so... are there two types of volunteers? :)) those who step up because they want to, and those who do that because nobody else did Certainly. I don't have the energy to do what I once did in the XSF, but I'll try to fill in holes temporarily when things need doing.

  80. emus

    but such attitude/structure/organisation in general leads to actions at the very low end of possibilities and motivation

  81. emus

    (I believe/feel)

  82. Kev

    Thanks, I'm sure.

  83. emus

    How you mean? I didn't wanted to get you mad

  84. Kev

    I think, to some extent, in volunteering you get what you can get. I'm not suggesting no-one should aim for better, and trying to grease cogs to make it easy for people to do things is absolutely worthwhile, but it's still just whatever people can find the time/energy/motivation to do.

  85. emus

    yes, but I am trying organise and improve exactly that. And we got a sitation where that engery lead into resignation frustration (and likely before too). To me thats alarming.

  86. ralphm

    This. Maybe this is a flaw in the way I perceive the way, but you can't will organizations is being more active. Particularly if they are volunteer run. Of course one could eventually hire a person to do this work, as we discussed in the meeting, but then the problem becomes figuring out how we can legally best approach that and this _also_ costs a bunch of (volunteer) time. Probably unreasonably so, compared to the actual task. And then finding a person that has affinity and knowledge about our goals and processes. Look, I really _want_ stuff to just happen. But in the end it is about people willing and able to do the work, as Kev nicely put.

  87. ralphm

    This. Maybe this is a flaw in the way I perceive the world, but you can't will organizations is being more active. Particularly if they are volunteer run. Of course one could eventually hire a person to do this work, as we discussed in the meeting, but then the problem becomes figuring out how we can legally best approach that and this _also_ costs a bunch of (volunteer) time. Probably unreasonably so, compared to the actual task. And then finding a person that has affinity and knowledge about our goals and processes. Look, I really _want_ stuff to just happen. But in the end it is about people willing and able to do the work, as Kev nicely put.

  88. ralphm

    This. Maybe this is a flaw in the way I perceive the world, but you can't will organizations into being more active. Particularly if they are volunteer run. Of course one could eventually hire a person to do this work, as we discussed in the meeting, but then the problem becomes figuring out how we can legally best approach that and this _also_ costs a bunch of (volunteer) time. Probably unreasonably so, compared to the actual task. And then finding a person that has affinity and knowledge about our goals and processes. Look, I really _want_ stuff to just happen. But in the end it is about people willing and able to do the work, as Kev nicely put.

  89. emus

    I think we got to the spot of "is the glass half full or half empty" mndset discussion 😄 is fine, I hopr my point was made comprehensible

  90. emus

    Ok, another comment: We never really tried this right? I think this would have been a great chance to tender for a very active approach to the problem

  91. larma

    In the board's meeting notes it says that "Ralph is working on the location for the Summit". Are we talking about the same dates as usual (2 days before fosdem, that is Feb 2-3) or something else here?

  92. ralphm

    I admire your optimism and enthusiasm. I generally try to be, and mostly succeed. But I have a bunch of experience in this area. In many organizations, and particularly at the XSF. And the way it generally works is that some people step up and you want to avoid putting a whole management process around it. If possible Board should *not* be involved in how the Editor role functions. Just that it functions. And if we had had our meeting months before, the outcome would be similar: try and find people that want to step up. As we did today. We don't need a gazillion meetings. Just getting some stuff done. Probably with Jonas' tickets as good strarting point. That's it.

  93. ralphm

    larma: yes

  94. ralphm

    (yes, the Thursday and Friday ahead of FOSDEM, and yes the same location, hopefully)

  95. larma

    Just wanted to reconfirm before booking a hotel room 😉

  96. ralphm

    Good thinking

  97. MattJ

    emus, just a reminder that a couple of years ago we identified a gap in the XSF's communications/social/community management and tried to fill it as a paid position (because the community failed to adequately fill it for a long time), and you were one of the most vocal opponents :)

  98. MattJ

    So yeah, we've tried something like this in the past, and it didn't go great

  99. MattJ

    Mixing money and volunteer work is (and always will be) tricky

  100. MattJ

    I think that, a couple of years later, we made the right choice to not contract that person

  101. MattJ

    If you're happy with the role that you stepped into (with the newsletter, social media, etc.), I know we're happy with the work you've been doing

  102. MattJ

    and all the other people support it of course (all volunteers)

  103. MattJ

    I think having the community pull together like that for something is more healthy than paying someone "external" who has no interest in the XSF or it's mission

  104. ralphm


  105. singpolyma

    I do think small charities with staff are a thing, and *maybe* it is worth the XSF having staff (even if it's just one person) but contracting out any core operation like the newsletter as a piece kind of thing would probably not go well I agree. Building a single piece of software tooling is a bit of a different case, I think, but also I wasn't in the meeting so don't listen to me too much ;)

  106. Kev

    I might try and catch up on the rest of this conversation in the morning. GN folks.

  107. MattJ

    My main point in the meeting was that we have community members with the appropriate knowledge and skills, and I've not heard that money is what's holding them back from assisting us with editor tooling

  108. MattJ

    Good night :)

  109. ralphm


  110. MattJ

    And to the point that we weren't proactive enough, I don't know... maybe we could have been clearer, but I feel like Jonas's post to members@ was pretty clear. I'd like to think everyone on members@ already has a grasp of the situation without someone from Board having to send an email repeating it. And indeed, several people (including myself) have been working on stuff during this time.

  111. emus

    ralphm: I dont now... I just very up to try different. especially if the fiscal hosting is easy to apply. Its an opportunity to guide things and get things done over the hurdle that some tasks are unloved or difficult or time consuming MattJ: yes, but we are damn low on resources, and I dont know how long I can keep this up and no, I am not calling randomly for meetings, I just see it as the only way to cope with it by arranging at all

  112. MattJ

    For the record, the fiscal hosting is largely unrelated to any of this

  113. MattJ

    That's for non-XSF entities (projects, etc.) to be able to have their funds "hosted" by the XSF

  114. emus

    > MattJ: > 2022-12-14 11:06 (GMT+01:00) > I think having the community pull together like that for something is more healthy than paying someone "external" who has no interest in the XSF or it's mission no, i mean pay xsf member to do very certain core task to ensure we run our "business" (same with the infrastructure)

  115. ralphm

    As I said in PM, *money* is not the issue. Having a contracting agreement or even employment brings *legal* responsibilities. Also I don't think we should have our Fiscal Hosting apply to ourselves.

  116. MattJ

    emus, which member would we pay?

  117. emus

    > MattJ: > 2022-12-14 11:16 (GMT+01:00) > That's for non-XSF entities (projects, etc.) to be able to have their funds "hosted" by the XSF but we cannot use it for our own projects?

  118. MattJ

    > but we cannot use it for our own projects? We don't need to, because we already manage our own finances :)

  119. emus

    > MattJ: > 2022-12-14 11:17 (GMT+01:00) > emus, which member would we pay? lets call for it and see if ee find a candidate

  120. MattJ

    emus, even though multiple people already said they would work on what's needed *without* payment? (including myself)

  121. ralphm

    emus: you cannot do all the things. That's why we have more people in the XSF. If we want to be really procedural: it is the Board to set up the framework within which the organization can function. Like work teams and such. And then we have an Executive Director (our "CEO", currently MattJ), who's responsibility it is to keep it running, day to day. But we don't have to be strictly procedural.

  122. emus

    > MattJ: > 2022-12-14 11:10 (GMT+01:00) > My main point in the meeting was that we have community members with the appropriate knowledge and skills, and I've not heard that money is what's holding them back from assisting us with editor tooling > Good night :) I think offering compensation is also a good way of telling dedication and also a general statement of importance Good night

  123. ralphm

    But for sure we don't have to do everything through Board. As MattJ says: stuff is already being done. By people who've been involved in one way or the other for quite a while. What problem are we trying to solve now?

  124. MattJ

    emus, I think I disagree with that. Once you start paying some people, you're alienating others. Especially (as was raised in the meeting) if we limit who we might consider paying to certain groups, e.g. our current members.

  125. MattJ

    Open-source doesn't generally use money as a way ot rewarding dedication, it's just not a thing that's commonly done

  126. emus

    - I want to get away from always only hoping/waiting passively for volunteers - I want to test as an opportunity - I would offer compensation even if they would do it without 🙂 - Prevent people randomly starting on their own solution, which ends up being refused or double work - Reduce frustration All of that because its an incident at our core business. I think its also a symptom for some general problems. btw, I hope no one takes this in a personal bad tone. I am just trying advocating things.

  127. emus

    yeah, maybe we dont need the board but back then we should have right away find someone being named to try to resolve the situation

  128. emus

    *resolve = engage in trying to find a solution

  129. emus

    > MattJ: > 2022-12-14 11:24 (GMT+01:00) > Open-source doesn't generally use money as a way ot rewarding dedication, it's just not a thing that's commonly done Look at LibreOffice (TDF) or KDE e.V.

  130. emus

    they do

  131. emus

    and I think also sucessfully.

  132. singpolyma

    I think the main issue is that a person with no time doesn't get more time when you give them money

  133. emus

    and yes, spending money in a mixed setup is not common and we have our restrictions with it. But I believe everyone in the xsf would agree on especiall this topic. So it could be an exception where we all could agree to and see if that works for us

  134. singpolyma

    So unless the member is already a not fully allocated consultant of some kind, the money doesn't help

  135. ralphm

    So basically what happened is that we got people involved (by themselves) that are respectively on the Infrastructure Team (the guys involved with tooling and our machines) and people already on the Editor Team. That didn't sound very random to me.

  136. emus

    > singpolyma: > 2022-12-14 11:32 (GMT+01:00) > I think the main issue is that a person with no time doesn't get more time when you give them money I really would like to see and test it before being so sure with this.

  137. emus

    Ok I leave it for today. I think my point was clear. Lets again sleep.over it :-)

  138. ralphm

    emus: let me be clear: I am not going to try and find out who to get people hired or contracted if we don't need to. This is a lot of additional work. Yak shaving, maybe even.

  139. ralphm

    emus: let me be clear: I am not going to try and find out how to get people hired or contracted if we don't need to. This is a lot of additional work. Yak shaving, maybe even.

  140. emus

    Yeah, I see that. But if we dont have an Editor in one month nor any automation project in sight I would like to comeback to the topic

  141. emus

    Good night

  142. MattJ

    Good night :)

  143. ralphm

    Sleep well all

  144. moparisthebest

    Or if not enough automation gets done the board could decide it doesn't need done, and we can just, auto publish the latest from GitHub or whatever (no more attic, dig through git history yourself etc)